Community > Posts By > sgtpepper

sgtpepper's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:25 PM
Edited by sgtpepper on Sun 01/18/09 10:30 PM

any thoughts?

sgtpepper's photo
Tue 01/06/09 12:33 AM

recognize and respect israel's right to exist.

While disregarding them as a proper noun.

sgtpepper's photo
Tue 12/30/08 12:37 AM

..User name (edit: That you are currently using?) I picked mine because its the exact title of one of my favorite books.. And beyond that i love coffee tho i dont drink it everyday.

I am obsessed with the Beatles.

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 12/29/08 05:31 AM

As my philosophy teacher said:

1) no one can prove that God exists...


2) no one can prove God DOES NOT exist....

Its the perfect crime..

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 12/29/08 04:09 AM
Edited by sgtpepper on Mon 12/29/08 04:49 AM

does any 1 here have or ever had depression?

Yea I am a manic depressive and get anxiety sometimes that would probably rip your chest in half... The one thing I don't have though is a bad attitude towards others.. I read what you said to civilian joe and man did your true color come out fast..

You don't give a **** about anybody but yourself.. How do I know this? b/c you give a false representation of yourself to others in order to help perpetuate your career.. If you genuinely cared about people you wouldnt have brushed of Joe b/c he didn't know any better. Your role as a counselor is to relate and help untangle any hardships your "patient" has while being professional at all times.. If you have never been clinically depressed then how can you honestly say you understand how these other people feel? You can't.

Most people who are depressed in fact have nothing wrong with them. The problem is they care to much.. I know this might sound strange to you but think of it this way. The most creative people in this world are typically the most depressed.. It is their fine attention to detail and extreme sensitivity to the world around them that usually pushes their plate off of the table... Want an example?

Like I said at the top of this post.. I am a manic depressive. If it is one thing that hurts me it's knowing that your just shoveling dirt over what may be serious problems for some people. If anything you are more a cause then a solution for some peoples depression, and you do it for a career. Go write a book Mr. Freud/fraud and I hope you can sleep at night. It only proves you aren't human..

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 12/29/08 03:41 AM
Here lies an atheist, all dressed up with nowhere to go-

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 12/29/08 03:18 AM
If somebody loving you or caring for you is what makes you a somebody then I want to be a nobody.. Though they are nice things to have they aren't necessary. You keep being you and **** anybody or anything that is making you feel this way.

I can honestly say I don't love or care about you (how could i? I don't know you and we aren't related) One thng is for sure though I am def talking to SOMEBODY.. (unless you are just a computer program.... In that scenario you are right, you are nobody, BUT thats when you change gears and say you are SOMETHING because its impossible to be nothing.. (I've tried; damn infomercials)

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 12/29/08 03:04 AM
I like to collect people.. At first It was kind of difficult but then I invested in this great clown suit and now I am the life of every party... Or is it im the only one alive at the party?? Oh man hobbies are tough.

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 12/29/08 02:59 AM

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 12/29/08 02:51 AM
Huh,,, I never thought about that.. I usually come on here to see if I can say something in the forums but now Im gonna throw out a ton of maybes and see what happens.

sgtpepper's photo
Tue 09/16/08 12:01 PM
People in Planes

sgtpepper's photo
Thu 09/11/08 12:30 AM
shades Im a part of itshades


sgtpepper's photo
Wed 09/10/08 11:23 PM

sgtpepper's photo
Tue 09/09/08 03:42 PM
Edited by sgtpepper on Tue 09/09/08 03:42 PM
Hey for 21 years old I wouldn't say I am doing that bad.. I DO know enough about you and your posting habits to disregard what you have to say, and I also know enough about catholics to stay away from them...


sgtpepper's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:33 AM
haha. busted.!

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:26 PM

Eljay wrote:
There is a certian group of individuals who feel the need to draw EVERY topic into an attack on Christianity.

Yes, you could call us pissed off atheists. Remember us? Your kind tried to kill us off years ago when our logic challenged the ground your "very" fairy tales where created upon. Don't mind us though, ignorance is bliss.

I am am totally disappointed in the sgtpepper no wonder you band was lonely......arr arr arr

lol. I dont want to change your beliefs. They are your own. I listen to the other side "christian opinion" every day. I have also done more research on my own spirituality than most christians. again your beliefs are you own but remember that understanding is a conscience effort.

As they say... Its always lonely at the top.

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:21 PM

Well yeah. These are just guesses from both perspectives. I think where I was going with this is that the snake itself, if we can at least agree that it was a snake. Maybe it wasn't but we seem to feel it was. The snake was also associated with these Pre-Christian religions. I think we have established that beyond a shadow of a doubt here. So we have both sides. Its also possible that the snake (symbol of Paganism) was twisted and "dethroned" so to speak and associated with pure evil or Satan. Hmmm.spock

Thus opening the doors to christian based influence? This is agreeable to me, but i still can't figure out why we have religion in the first place... (this one will take a lifetime to figure out I feel.)

Well not really. I think (only my opinion) that man has always been fearful of death. Religion and spirituality is a way to ease discomfort and explain the unexplainable. You have to remember to these early people, just about everything would have been mysterious or frightening. The two topping the list would have been death and birth I would imagine. That leads us down the religion path. How does life come into the world? How does it leave. Reincarnation? Rebirth? How? These are the possible sources of these early people's belief systems.

Correct me if I am wrong but prior to christianity, It is my understanding that death was worshiped as it brought life. Like the burning man etc. Where did the fear come from? Conditioning? and by who and when exactly? Those are some questions for the ages.

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:18 PM

Well if we agree it was some kind of snake, perhaps it wasn't but that seems to be the common symbolism depicted today or what we associate it with, here is but one:

The Snake Goddess was one of the Minoan divinities associated closely with the snake cult. She is called also Household Goddess due to her attribute of the snake, which is connected with welfare of the Minoan house. But the snake is also symbol of the underworld deity, so the Snake Goddess is related to chthonic aspects too. Two famous faience Snake Goddesses from Knossos belong to the New-Palace period (about 1600 BCE).

The reason I pulled up this snake/Goddess association specifically is the date. These snakes had been associated with the Goddess for quite some time prior to the advent of Christianity. This was ancient Crete. An advanced and well established culture by all accounts.

This is only one interpretation. You can go in whatever direction you want Tribo. Carry on.

Thats a visual depiction of her.

laugh laugh I'm not going in any direction K,
i was just trying to give you something you'd asked about as well as I'm able :

"I guess if we are moving on here. I would wonder why it was a snake exactly that was the vehicle of this temptation? What is the significance of the serpent? And why did the snake approach Eve and not Adam instead?"

as i say as i looked at it i found what i posted, if i had known you wanted info outside the book then i wouldn't have bothered i can see there is plenty of speculation to go around. so I'll leave it to you and the others to continue in that respect, i can only speak for what the Hebrews or OT and NT say on it i have no other tools to exigis anything else so for me it would be all about taking someone Else's word for what something means and that could be anything. not that they might not be correct, but i have no way of looking into it in depth at the present. sorry

With all due respect, How do you justify your beliefs/information without having some knowledge to compare it to? I am not trying to provoke an argument.. I would just like to know if you wouldn't mind sharing.

laugh i don't justify it past what i have written nor is it my concern whether anyone takes it to heart, i really could care less about where te snake/animal comes from i'm not a christian nor do i give myself title in any respect though others may. if anything i'm a truest no more no less. i try to look for truth and find it if possible, if not i move on. i've been on here long enough and have been in different cults and religions enough to have seen/heard most of whats out there though i donot claim any higher knowledge than others.

That is all I was asking. I was not challenging the validity to your stance...

i can only speak for what the Hebrews or OT and NT say on it i have no other tools to exigis anything else so for me it would be all about taking someone Else's word for what something means and that could be anything.

This being the only reason I asked. No hard feelings. :smile:

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:14 PM
what does his/her belief matter?

sgtpepper's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:11 PM

Well yeah. These are just guesses from both perspectives. I think where I was going with this is that the snake itself, if we can at least agree that it was a snake. Maybe it wasn't but we seem to feel it was. The snake was also associated with these Pre-Christian religions. I think we have established that beyond a shadow of a doubt here. So we have both sides. Its also possible that the snake (symbol of Paganism) was twisted and "dethroned" so to speak and associated with pure evil or Satan. Hmmm.spock

Thus opening the doors to christian based influence? This is agreeable to me, but i still can't figure out why we have religion in the first place... (this one will take a lifetime to figure out I feel.)