Community > Posts By > DragonFlyTat

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 07:06 AM

When you are financially stable and can afford one
this is true...if only people would realize how expensive children are...I was so young and in love with my husband and couldn't wait to start a family....boy was I surprised!!!

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 06:25 AM
I need to take some pics of me outside. It never occured to me until I looked at Galendgirl's picture. I will have to do that on the next sunny day. Maybe even some full body shots. It just never occurs to me to take pics of myself.flowerforyou ohwell

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 06:21 AM

so what's the preference guys!?

do you prefer a woman who dresses provocative or classy?

do you like it all hangin out

or demurely covered up?

skin tight or leave it to the imagination?

and don't give me that crap about being able to do both... thats not the question.

I prefer classy and sexy women, show some skin, but do it with class.
This is how my boyfriend views me. Although he saw me in shorts and a tshirt last weekend mowing the grass when he pulled up and I thought he was going to drag me into the back yard and go at it!

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 06:16 AM
Duct tape is a single mothers/womans best friend around the house when something breaks.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 06:10 AM

G'morning everyone!

I am suffering from terrible spring fever this week. I just want to hang outdoors and generally kill time. Work calls, however...

Have a fantastic Thursday!
sister I know how you feel...I just want to be outside in the sunshine (if it would ever shine here) and stay outside and ride the cycle until the sun goes I have it badhappy

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 06:07 AM
I have both. When I have the time to put ribs on I use the charcoal but when I am in a hurry or don't want to heat the house up in the summer I use the gas grill a lot. Actually not a lot because I don't cook to much but my daughter does. lol

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 06:05 AM
I have been on both sides of the boob issue. I had breast reduction surgery and had 8 lbs. taken off. I am now comfortable at a C. That is plenty big enough for me and my boyfriend. I have a daughter who is only 16 and is a DDD already. She is going to be like her mama. I was and F when I had my surgery.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 06:01 AM
Actually just had this discussion last night with my 19 year old daughter. I just buried her father this past July and he didn't have anything planned. We had to do it all. After that was all done I sat down and wrote out everything that I wanted done, the people to contact, the clothes to put on me, the songs to play at the funneral. She will be sole caregiver to her younger sister if anything were to happen to me before she turned 18. I have it all written and in a folder in a safe box. She knows were everything is. I wish my mom would do this for me. I know being 1 of 6 children I will be the one left to do it all. It has been that way all of my life.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:45 AM

Never sell yourself short. Always see the positive and good things in yourself. We all have flaws. As for your brother tell him that is a compliment. Gay men have great taste.flowerforyou

Why thank you very much. That put a smile on my face and a flutter in my heart. I needed that and I appreciate the compliment.flowerforyou
Dragonflytat you are truly a good person. So positive. It is so nice to have you around. Such good advice.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:43 AM
Good morning Patti...I don't consider myself beautiful by any means but alright looking for a 40 year old woman. I will do in a pinch.:wink:

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:39 AM
I just wish my neighbors on both sides of me would mow their darn lawns already. I thought about mowing the front when they weren't home. LOL laugh

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:30 AM
Believe it! I used to mess with him sooo bad. He would laugh for hours. I didn't and don't smoke but he did just about everything and it claimed his life in the end!sad

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:23 AM
Never sell yourself short. Always see the positive and good things in yourself. We all have flaws. As for your brother tell him that is a compliment. Gay men have great taste.flowerforyou

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:20 AM
My husband was so high once that I convinced him that our mini pin dog talked to me in German! He was so messed up.grumble

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:19 AM
Actually yes and how gross. Later I was the chief house cleaner at my house with OCD and was cleaning out drawers one summer and found pictures of them in yucky positions from a polaroid camera. Those images are forever burned in my brain. I never told them I found them, I just put them back and thought I had the sickest parents in the world. I was probably 11 at the time. scared sick

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 05/07/09 05:01 AM
Good morning to all of you great people! I wish it would stay dry today so I can finish mowing my back yard! That is all that I am asking for. It has rained so much here. I wish we would stay in the 70's with sunshine but we have to take the good with the bad. Last night was my last night at my second job (YEAH)! I will have more time to spend with my girls and on me. Sounds selfish but I sooooo need this. Love to all of my friends out there. Sherry

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 05/06/09 10:50 AM

2 wrongs don't make a right.
my motto!

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 05/06/09 10:37 AM
I can't say as I have actually seen this. I have seen one partner more dominant than the other about money and decision making. They both knew that going into the relationship though.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 05/06/09 08:04 AM
Going to go shopping Thursday for my pal and mail it out Friday. Trying to beat the price increase as well.ohwell

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 05/06/09 04:59 AM
Hello and Happy Wednesday to all of you out their in Secret Pal land. It is going to start raining here today. YUCK! It has been pretty nice here lately but not a lot of sunshine. Just wish it would kick it up a notch. However with school still in it would just make me want to be outside even more. Have a great day all.flowerforyou