For the record...
no rpoof? i question his church on several threads and was branded a racist several times over. ntm my co-workers think im racist if i dont like him and argue the point. honestly look around you. If it's happening, you can link to it. I'm not going to waste my time backing up your baseless claims. ping pong, i get it you love obama thats fine. why do yo ulove him? and i swear to god if i hear change one more itme im going to yell. all his ideas are re-hashes. hes got one of two things going on, hes a patsy for the dems, which is most likely, or hes really just wanting ot be president. no changes will come form him, and ive heard it several times here and on-line, im voting for obama caus eim sick of rich old white men.
I don't love Obama. I have a lot to criticize about him, but when I compare my views to Obama's views and McCain's views, Obama's views are much closer to mine. I would actually prefer to vote Green, but the issues that are going to be dealt with by the next president are so important that I have to vote for someone who actually has a chance. And that isn't to say that I dislike Obama, either. There are a lot of great things about him, but he's very imperfect and while I like him loads more than Kerry, I'm not as OMG excited about him as some people are. It's interesting that instead of replying to my comments, though, you attacked me based on something I never said nor implied. Way to go. i didnt "attack" you. dont be so naive. im stating that alot of people love oabam caus ehes promises change but doesnt deliver on it. his campaign has been the same as everyone before him sinc ethe beginning, thats not change to me. youre not angry mirror unless you think the police are out to get you aids and drugs were spread by the govt to keep the black man down,etc. youre all missing ym point though, im not for or against either of these pukes, theyre both going to continue to run the country into the ground, i just wish wed examine them all more closely. |
For the record...
but why the hell would you vote for the single most powerful man on earth based onr ace alone? That makes NO SENSE.
Pro Life?....
it wasnt considered indeed.
and what about a family with little moeny accidentally having a baby? should we let the kid starve in their care, or worse lead to them killing the child because they arent ready? what about caylee? theyre pretty sure mommy did her in becaus eshe couldnt go to puerto rico with her firends cause she had a kid. thats a greta life of rthe child. (on a side note i hope to all thats good they still find her ok somewhere) honestly, abortion is the best option for alot of people. theres too many humans as it is, so were gonna add more and hope the system can handle them when they go up for adoption. |
For the record...
thats fine if you dont care. really it is! i dont care, but i think too many people lie to themselves and say it doesnt matter. no one is omcpletely honest because if a black guy votes for him cause hes black he looks ignorant, and if a white guy votes for him to appear progressive he does too. on the flip side not voting for him cause hes black is racist. no one is examining the issues against him because as soon as you do its racism. if oyu dont care, im glad and happy youre an evolved person ebyond what our G-parents might have taught us, but IGNORING the fact that hes black and it has an impact on the election is silly. Why is that silly?! because it HAS affected the election! not for you it semes, but millions of angry black young men are voting for him based on his race, not his views. again if it doesnt affect you im proud to call you my country men but if it has examine your own motives. |
For the record...
insanity hon. he was in a muslim school which makes concerns over that legitimate. ive seen nothign but disrespect for mccain even after he swore not to mention obama's church. that was a kind move that obama didnt reciprocate. It's funny how you imply that Obama is secretly a muslim in one paragraph and then talk about the christian church he attended for 20 years in the next. Barack Obama attended a school in Indonesia for four years. It wasn't a "muslim school". It was just a school. Even if it were a muslim school, how would that make him muslim? I was homeschooled by evangelical christian parents who taught me creationism and noah's flood created the grand canyon...and here I am, a staunch atheist. AND if he were a muslim? So what? What's wrong with muslims? While I dislike politicians lying, there are certain lies which are forgiveable. There are 20 non religious people in Congress but only one is openly so. Hearing all of the vile attacks around Obama's supposed muslim identity makes it pretty obvious that Americans think there is a religious test for presidency, and that the only chance a Muslim American has for gaining office is by hiding that part of identity. So, is Barack Obama a muslim? No. But if he were, would I care? No. and he was in the home of a domestic terrorist who admitted blowing up the pentagon several times. we allow this kind of person to run for presidency?
I actually do think he's not telling the whole truth about Ayers. But I actually don't have a problem with Ayers. He caused some property damage in key places to protest the violent slaughter of millions of Vietnamese and tens of thousands of Americans. I guess that goes back to the old trope of "one person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter". all that aside, obama is still leading because as soon as you question his motives or his qualifications your branded racist if your white and nuts if your black. its not even a two lane road, its a one way alley and obama is doing 50 mph down it.
Again, where is this happening? You've provided no proof of this. no rpoof? i question his church on several threads and was branded a racist several times over. ntm my co-workers think im racist if i dont like him and argue the point. honestly look around you. ping pong, i get it you love obama thats fine. why do yo ulove him? and i swear to god if i hear change one more itme im going to yell. all his ideas are re-hashes. hes got one of two things going on, hes a patsy for the dems, which is most likely, or hes really just wanting ot be president. no changes will come form him, and ive heard it several times here and on-line, im voting for obama caus eim sick of rich old white men. so were going to do a rich young black guy? that make sno sense! if you want something opposite that vote based on issues not skin color! |
Pro Life?....
sure ok, as long as your living under my roof i can kill your ass because my rights supersede yours because its my house... as long as your a defenseless baby who is living in my body through no fault of your own and are unable to leave, sorry, my right to comfort supersedes your right to live... hooray for "freedom of choice" Fetus =/= person. Do you know what rape is? lol apparently not. im sure youre intelligent, jasmine. but your argument has no merits atm, a fetus isnt a human, its not sentient, ntm that if YOU were raped and had to look at the child of oyur rapist your whole life i doubt it would be pleasant. now im a dude, i dont have to worry about getting raped unless i go to prison. but its a very real thing and its something that factors into too many lives. |
Pro Life?....
that makes no sense, a babay isnt a person born of thin air, its a good choice or bad circumstances you cant personalize a fetus.
For the record...
on the flip side not voting for him cause hes black is racist. no one is examining the issues against him because as soon as you do its racism. I keep on hearing this, but reality doesn't reflect it. I see attack ads and criticisms of Obama all the time. There are certain criticisms that actually ARE racist (he's a secret MUSLIM!!! where's his birth certificate?? he's going to enslave white people for REVENGEEEE!), and those should be called such, but the only time I hear anything about legitimate criticisms being called racist is from Republicans...I've never actually seen or heard more than a couple of fringe instances of this. insanity hon. he was in a muslim school which makes concerns over that legitimate. ive seen nothign but disrespect for mccain even after he swore not to mention obama's church. that was a kind move that obama didnt reciprocate. and he was in the home of a domestic terrorist who admitted blowing up the pentagon several times. we allow this kind of person to run for presidency? all that aside, obama is still leading because as soon as you question his motives or his qualifications your branded racist if your white and nuts if your black. its not even a two lane road, its a one way alley and obama is doing 50 mph down it. i hate mccain, and obama both. yet i hate obama so i must lvoe mccain. but i hate mccain too? why am i racist? lol. |
Pro Life?....
its more akin to someone robbing you, raping you and forcing you to have the rapists baby.
take away choice and you take away what makes this country great. honestly who has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body? no one. except her and her love. |
For the record...
thats fine if you dont care. really it is! i dont care, but i think too many people lie to themselves and say it doesnt matter. no one is omcpletely honest because if a black guy votes for him cause hes black he looks ignorant, and if a white guy votes for him to appear progressive he does too.
on the flip side not voting for him cause hes black is racist. no one is examining the issues against him because as soon as you do its racism. if oyu dont care, im glad and happy youre an evolved person ebyond what our G-parents might have taught us, but IGNORING the fact that hes black and it has an impact on the election is silly. |
For the record...
Racial politics is working for Obama... He's been using them since he started his carreer... Oh yeh... Forgot that by mentioning that I must be a racist... After all no one must ever question anything attached to the great McBama. We will be no better off under his 'leadership' then we would be under any of the current crop of politicos. government has lead us around by the nose... Result... National id card is allmost here... (cant buy or sell without it)...Patriot act makes it possible for government to place entire sectors of our population under watch...Banks are now complete under thumb of Fed...(they know when you buy n sell and can control it)...Patriot act give pres power to deploy fed troops in an 'emergency' capacity at his descretion... (do you really think this would be in place if Obama was not part of the establishment).(it does not matter which schmuk is elected they are all part of it)...YOU DO THE MATH. Wrong... Obama used race in his first bid for public office. He has used it over and over again throughout his short political career. He mentioned how it would be used against him when he announced his bid for Pres... thus making sure that everyone would be talking about it... He has reminded us over and over that everyone that is not for him is a racist... the man used racial tensions like a comfortable coat... And many,many people bought into it. i agree completely. too amny people try to ignore that ehs black at all. race is a factor for many people. particularly african americans who think whitey is out to get him. maybe whitey is i dont know, im nto whitey, but im certain that his race is playing part of this election. whether we admit it or not. |
free movie websites...
heya! off ot bed, im dying of a headache atm. night!
For the record...
be careful. anything with the combo of "against" and obama is liable to get you run off the boards. whether you like him or not,lol.
anyhow though. good arguments on both sides, and im impressed with everyone's convictions. good night all. pleasant dreams!
I cant live....
sorry got distracted, fights amongst the workers,lol.
i want ot go to iowa to meet one of my friends. lol. |
well thats damned good tempt. im happy for oyu honestly i am. but not every kid can be taught at home. i work 60+ hours a week, when the hell would i teach my kid?
Pro Life?....
i dont love mccain, but no one is saying hes a golden boy. no one is practically bowing down to him. hes really constantly exposed on his issues hes made. hes an idiot too! tdont get me wrong! neither one should be elected! lol. i just wish people would examine obama more closely rather than saying anyone who does is racist.
easy badger. her concerns are genuine. who are you to say whats right for her children? youre NOT. its her right to vote how she wants. i wish i lived in cali just so i COULD vote on this matter.