Topic: Shattered glass
Yaya's photo
Sun 06/30/24 06:06 PM
Look into her eyes
What do you see
Do you see her soul
Or shattered glass

So many little pieces
Shattered all around
Help find the pieces
Try to put her back

Glass that turn into stone
Glass that broke her
Glass that made her bleed
Glass that turned into dust

The windows of the soul
What do you see
Do you see the true thing
Or do you see something else

Please pick up the pieces
There’s 1 million pieces everywhere
Just pick one
Please just pick one

Look into her eyes
The tears want to fall
But something is hold her back
All this shattered glass

Looking into the shattered window
Is like looking into a mirror
Broken from every directions
But the middle

The middle of the shattered glass
The eye of the soul
So broken
Many emotions

She looks up
She looks left
She looks right
She looks down at the shattered glass

She picks one glass
Just one at a time
Puts each one in a spot
A designated place

Another shattered glass
A transparent window
Another breath of light
Just one more piece

Now look into her eyes
What do you see
An imperfect window
An imperfect soul

You can see everything
All you need to do is look

JulieABush's photo
Mon 07/01/24 03:26 AM
Nice poem:thumbsup: :wink: .

no photo
Mon 07/01/24 04:56 AM
Look into her eyes
What do you see
Do you see her soul
Or shattered glass

So many little pieces
Shattered all around
Help find the pieces
Try to put her back

Glass that turn into stone
Glass that broke her
Glass that made her bleed
Glass that turned into dust

The windows of the soul
What do you see
Do you see the true thing
Or do you see something else

Please pick up the pieces
There’s 1 million pieces everywhere
Just pick one
Please just pick one

Look into her eyes
The tears want to fall
But something is hold her back
All this shattered glass

Looking into the shattered window
Is like looking into a mirror
Broken from every directions
But the middle

The middle of the shattered glass
The eye of the soul
So broken
Many emotions

She looks up
She looks left
She looks right
She looks down at the shattered glass

She picks one glass
Just one at a time
Puts each one in a spot
A designated place

Another shattered glass
A transparent window
Another breath of light
Just one more piece

Now look into her eyes
What do you see
An imperfect window
An imperfect soul

You can see everything
All you need to do is look

"All you need to do is look"

wow, wonderfully started, proceeded with a flow of glowing emotions from the soul and finally this last line means soo much :tada::clap:

Well written, Yaya :sparkles:
Keep writing :sunflower::sunflower:

Laska Paul 's photo
Mon 07/01/24 09:12 AM
After a long time , I 've read such a good, meaningful and beautifully used allegorical poem .
There are good writers here but unfortunately they have stopped writing Poems . Its so Sad Sad Sad , I don't know WHY WHY WHY ??? Good Luck for next Time.

mig25's photo
Wed 07/10/24 06:02 PM
I like this!!