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Jesusmyall's photo
Mon 05/25/15 06:55 AM
"First thing, there is always room for repentance. Repentance = quit doing that which is in reference to. There will never be an end result of an eternity without God. When judgement comes, the ending results will be the followers of the "beast" will be thrown into the lake of fire along with everyone else that was not written in the book of life, this is known as the second death. Once they are thrown into the lake of fire, they won't be tortured for all eternity, they will cease to exist eg., this is known as the second death."

The above is heresy from the devil....the devil always coins heresies and packages them so well and willing hearts fall into the trap and even magnify them into doctrines that they propagate. I hope no soul gets deceived here. There is no point telling people to follow JESUS if in the long run, there is nothing like eternal separation from God. This doctrine that nobody will be eternally separated from God is satanic and framed up by satan.

There is only one of two places to go- either with the LORD in heaven or with satan in hell. The human soul lives for ever. Jesus told His disciples that HE goes to prepare a place for them...that where HE is they may be also. He also made it clear that those whose names are not found in the Lamb's book of life will be thrown into outer darkness where there will be gnashing of teeth. The Bible also calls it a place of eternal torment.

Heresies are terrible and wicked because they deceive!!!!

Jesusmyall's photo
Mon 05/25/15 06:20 AM
Hello all.

Reading through some of the posts here, I totally agree with sassyEuro2.

I also agree with cowboyGH except for the statement, "They may be attracted to the same gender, but that in itself isn't homosexual. And or what is sinful in homosexuality. It's the actions between the two that may follow".

My reason for disagreeing with that statement is connected to the position of the Bible on fornication/adultery. The Bible says we are already guilty of the sin of fornication/adultery, when we lust in our hearts without doing the physical action. It is the same here!

Don't forget that the Bible calls the body of the believer, the temple of the Holy Spirit. If the heart of a person constantly gets attracted to or craves after what God does not permit, it means something is already critically wrong spiritually.

It is strange that one reads expressly in the Bible, that something is wrong and still turns round to accuse a person of being judgmental simply because the person points out the position of God in the Bible. When God's word says not to do a thing, the condemnation is from God and not from the person showing the scripture verse.

The heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things...the Bible says. That's why our hearts crave to justify what God forbids and to find fault with anyone who tries to show us that God's word already condemns it. This certainly closes the door against repentance. The end-result is an eternity without God.

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 05/20/15 11:07 AM


Can you find anywhere in the Bible that says anyone goes to heaven when they die?

26. John 3:13
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.

Read 2 Corinthians 5.8:
"Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord."

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 05/20/15 10:57 AM
"There will not be anybody suffering in hell, or anywhere else, in the new kingdom.

Revelation 21:4
“ And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away"."


Another deceit from hell. Revelation 21:4 is for the saved.

All men are admonished by the Bible to receive Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVOIR (be born again); so as to escape hell/lake of fire. JESUS said of HIMSELF, "I am the way, the truth and the life". Anyone whose name is not found written in the book of life will spend eternity in hell fire/lake of fire. JESUS consistently warned all men of the doom of all those who reject God's offer of salvation.

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 05/20/15 10:50 AM

Everyone who dies is dead, until resurrected by God. There are two resurrections. The first, those who keep the commandments of God, resurrected immortal, will rule with Christ for 1,000 years. At the end of the 1,000 yrs the rest of the dead are resurrected and will be judged.
Nobody goes to heaven or a hell fire as soon as they die. They are like asleep, until the time of the resurrection.
John 3:13 “No one has ascended to heaven but he who came down from heaven, that is, the son of man who is in heaven”.

#1 Hell = The Grave
#2 Hell = Gehenna = garbage dump outside Jerusalem
#3 Hell = Lake of fire = end time destruction of all who will not keep the commandments of god

Ecclesiastes 9:10
“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest”.
Ecclesiastes 9:5
“ For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten”
Daniel 12:2
“ And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”.
1 corinthians 15;20
“ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming”.
Revelation 20: 6
“ Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years”.
After 1,000 years , the rest of the dead are resurrected and judged according to their works. Those cast into the lake of fire are burned up and nothing is left of them.

Revelation 20:5
“ But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.”
Revelation 20:15
“ And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Mathew 10:28 “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But fear him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell”.
Malachi 4:1
“ For behold the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.”
Malachi 4;3
“ And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of Hosts”

Does the Bible Speak of
Hellfire That Lasts Forever?

Two verses that many assume prove the
wicked are to be eternally tortured in
hellfire are Matthew 25:41 and 25:46. But
do they? Let’s take a closer look.
First, notice the setting to which they refer—
when Jesus “comes in His glory” (verses
31-32). We are told that He separates the
sheep from the goats. The sheep represent the
righteous (verses 34-40). At His return He sets
the sheep at His right hand. The goats in this
instance represent sinners. They are appointed
to assemble on Jesus’ left hand. He then consigns
the goats to “the everlasting fire prepared
for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41).
The word everlasting is translated from the
Greek word aionios. The key to understanding
this verse is knowing what will occur everlastingly.
Does it refer to a fire that tortures without
end, or does it have another meaning?
In Matthew 25:46 Jesus spoke in a single
sentence of everlasting (aionios) punishment
and of life eternal (aionios). Since the righteous
will be given eternal, or everlasting, life,
many theologians believe the punishing of the
wicked must last as long as the life given to the
righteous. But this cannot be reconciled with
the statement that those cast into the lake of
fire perish—they are killed. As explained elsewhere,
they suffer death—the second death
(Revelation 2:11; 20:6, 14; 21:8).
A plain and simple meaning of Matthew
25:46 that fits with the rest of the Bible is
that the wicked are cast into a fire that annihilates
them—renders them forever extinct.
The resulting punishment of being cast into the
aionios fire is a one-time event. It is a permanent
punishment, the results of which will remain
forever—that is, eternal death. It is not ongoing
punishing that continues forever without end.
This is the only explanation that agrees with
the rest of the Scriptures.
An additional point needs to be made regarding
the meaning of aionios. Genesis 19 describes
God’s destruction of two cities, Sodom and
Gomorrah, for their wickedness: “Then the
Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and
Gomorrah” (Genesis 19:24). They were utterly
destroyed—consumed by fire.
In the New Testament, the book of Jude
describes these cities as “suffering the vengeance
of eternal [aionios] fire” (verse 7). Yet
it is obvious that the fires that destroyed Sodom
and Gomorrah are not still burning. In the case
of these cities and in the case of the wicked,
who are consigned to aionios fire, the fire burns
and completely destroys. But the eternal aspect
of the fire is its everlasting effect, not how long
it actually burns.

There will not be anybody suffering in hell, or anywhere else, in the new kingdom.

Revelation 21:4
“ And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away".

#1 Hell = The Grave
#2 Hell = Gehenna = garbage dump outside Jerusalem
#3 Hell = Lake of fire = end time destruction of all who will not keep the commandments of god

Sort of true, again Hell is a temporary holding place. Some were buried in graves, some dumped somewhere else, some in the garbage dump outside of Jerusalem. But the Lake of Fire and the "hell" are two different places, as why the "hell" is thrown into the lake of fire, they are not one in the same thing.

Hell is nothing more then in our language today the word "grave" is used.

Revelation 20:14

14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

The grave is not hell. Hell is not temporary. This is wrong doctrine and a deceit from hell itself!

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 05/20/15 10:48 AM

If god was so successful why is hell even necessary .. Just another form of social control. pitchfork

Hell is merely a temporary holding place.

Jesus went to Hell 3 days eg., was in the grave 3 days. People will be resurrected from Hell for Judgement thus raised from the grave. How in any way is that social control? Everyone will go to Hell at one point or other, unless they/we just so happen to be living when Jesus returns.

No sir!!!!

Hell is not a temporary place! That contradicts very clearly, what the Bible says about hell!

Yes, all men will be judged but once a soul's misses heaven, that soul spends eternity in hell. There are only two places and each of those places is forever!!!!

Oh but it is temporary for it will be thrown into the lake of fire. Hell is the grave, the waiting place for judgement.

Revelations 20
13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

If hell is thrown into the lake of fire, then it does not stop to exist! It means it then has the same and common location as the lake of fire! Anyone who misses out on heaven gets into hell/lake of fire - they are one and the same in terms of where an unsaved soul will spend eternity. There are ONLY two places to go to after physical death: HEAVEN or HELL. Wherever the person's soul lands (heaven or hell), the place becomes the soul's eternal place of abode - this is the second death.

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 05/20/15 10:39 AM

Follow peace with all men and holiness; without which no man can see God

Hhhmmm! Very important in the race to heaven!

Jesusmyall's photo
Wed 05/20/15 10:37 AM
Hi, Kandacy!

Jesusmyall's photo
Tue 05/19/15 11:15 AM

If god was so successful why is hell even necessary .. Just another form of social control. pitchfork

Hell is merely a temporary holding place.

Jesus went to Hell 3 days eg., was in the grave 3 days. People will be resurrected from Hell for Judgement thus raised from the grave. How in any way is that social control? Everyone will go to Hell at one point or other, unless they/we just so happen to be living when Jesus returns.

No sir!!!!

Hell is not a temporary place! That contradicts very clearly, what the Bible says about hell!

Yes, all men will be judged but once a soul's misses heaven, that soul spends eternity in hell. There are only two places and each of those places is forever!!!!

And also, sir, not everyone will go to hell. Only those who reject God's offer of salvation through JESUS CHRIST will go to hell. ( Christian - Bible)

Jesusmyall's photo
Tue 05/19/15 11:09 AM

If god was so successful why is hell even necessary .. Just another form of social control. pitchfork

Hell is merely a temporary holding place.

Jesus went to Hell 3 days eg., was in the grave 3 days. People will be resurrected from Hell for Judgement thus raised from the grave. How in any way is that social control? Everyone will go to Hell at one point or other, unless they/we just so happen to be living when Jesus returns.

No sir!!!!

Hell is not a temporary place! That contradicts very clearly, what the Bible says about hell!

Yes, all men will be judged but once a soul's misses heaven, that soul spends eternity in hell. There are only two places and each of those places is forever!!!!

Jesusmyall's photo
Tue 05/19/15 10:53 AM
Keep hanging in....and hold unto JESUS tighter and tighter every day. He will NOT let you fall if your heart is with HIM. He will help and keep you. Amen!

Jesusmyall's photo
Tue 05/19/15 10:51 AM
"In fact, a Christian isn'��t on the way to the Father; he doesn'��t need that.....You'��re there now; you don'��t need the way anymore" (copied and pasted from post).

A Christian never gets to the point where he/she no longer needs the way - JESUS.

Being born again is one thing and abiding is another. After coming to JESUS, we still always need HIM to endure to the end.

I think it is very important to avoid making certain assumptions as Christians. Some of these assumptions are carefully and neatly packaged by the devil to make us take things for granted and then we unconsciously sink into a state of not being watchful.

The Bible says let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he falls. True, we are to shine as examples, so that others can be drawn to Jesus, but we must be very careful about assumptions that make us take things for granted.

Jesusmyall's photo
Sat 05/16/15 01:49 PM
JESUS IS GOD, LORD, SAVIOUR, REDEEMER. (source: BIBLE - the Christian map through lifeway)

Jesusmyall's photo
Sat 05/16/15 01:45 PM

You seem to be trying to explain God with reference to something that is created....that would become an impossibility tho...
The concept of God in the bible is that he created it all, and you cannot liken him to anything that was created, because that would be idolatry....(im pretty sure cowboygh will try to refute this again by claiming that Jesus is God...)

My best answer is that, there was some sort of divine revelation...
If you notice the general outline of the bible...there is a period wherein God communicated directly or through angels to the patriarchs...levites..then through judges, then kings, then prophets, then jesus.
In many was through prayer, that some kind of revelation and/or instruction was received, but there had also been messages delivered by angels and phenomena/signs that came with these messages...and in other accounts, physical proof was given to no...couldnt have been just consciousness or imagination...

As to scientific explanations behind some spiritual occurrences...i would say that it is possible for spiritual phenomenon to manifest physically. But I doubt science will be able to fully explain it, as science need to have reproducible results to be true...and the best bet that can be done is retrospective speculation based on what we know, not based on the observed/witnessed accounts. And if you notice, even if science can reproduce certain events...the timing of the phenomena with the circumstances by which it happened, along with prophecies of it happening, cannot simply be pure coincidence or luck.

Perhaps it would be best to express your views without picking on individuals for their responses!!!

Jesusmyall's photo
Sat 05/16/15 01:43 PM are saying that science will explain several phenomena in the bible....and because we have advanced understanding as a species, then God doesn't exist...
But the corollary is the argument that God also created the all things with order, and science is just one avenue of explaining such order...

Science proves the existence of God....all the hormones of the human being....the orderliness of life....none of these things can exist by accident!!! They prove the existence of the almighty God!!!

Individual ideologies and theories founded on human assumptions CAN NEVER change the existence of the CREATOR - GOD!!!

Jesusmyall's photo
Sat 05/16/15 10:28 AM
Thread is "Best relationship is with God"

Jesusmyall's photo
Sat 05/16/15 08:48 AM
For me, I have always read the Bible having at the back of my mind, the context of the time each of the books of the Bible was written and the circumstances.

And this drives home to me, the reality and authenticity of everything that the BIBLE says. I find it to be true...accurate...God-inspired and factual; with prophecies that have been fulfilled and still being fulfilled.

I have found the Bible to be indeed the living word of God!!!

Jesusmyall's photo
Sat 05/16/15 08:39 AM
Yes...HIS Kingdom and HIS righteousness too!

The most important thing for every human being to pre-occupy that at the end life's journey, we can enter into God's presence:And so be with HIM forever! Amen!

Jesusmyall's photo
Thu 05/14/15 09:27 AM
One question I have never been able to satisfactorily analyze in my mind is " why are some people content with a life that has no place for God?"

He is our creator (in other words, without HIM, we would not exist or live)...our provider (meaning that without HIM, we can have nothing, including the oxygen that keeps us breathing)...our judge (that means we must stand before HIS Judgment seat and be bound by HIS pronouncements at the end of life).

Why then is it so difficult for humans to seek the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and to live by HIS word/instructions????

Jesusmyall's photo
Thu 05/14/15 07:28 AM

Many people I meet are so busy chasing money and as a result will even go to their graves not knowing what they missed out on by putting money before God. See when your running after money you are blinded to the hazard that is directly in front of you. You can not serve two masters, for you will love one and hate the other. Yes we need money to survive and many have got themselves into debt, but do we pursue money or do we pursue the provider who has promised to help provide for all of our needs according to His riches and glory. No point trying to gain the whole world and in the process losing our eternal souls forever. I hear the saying "better to work wiser than harder", which is the same for those that to decide to make Christ the Center of everything we do, so we chase Him and not money.

Matthew 6:25-34Amplified Bible (AMP)

" 25 Therefore I tell you, stop being [a]perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink; or about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life greater [in quality] than food, and the body [far above and more excellent] than clothing?
26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they?
27 And who of you by worrying andbeing anxious can add one unit of measure (cubit) to his stature or to the span of his life?
28 And why should you be anxious about clothes? Consider the lilies of the field and [c]learn thoroughly how they grow; they neither toil nor spin.
29 Yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his [d]magnificence (excellence, dignity, and grace) was not arrayed like one of these.
30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive andgreen and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith?
31 Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, What are we going to have to eat? or, What are we going to have to drink? or, What are we going to have to wear?
32 For the Gentiles (heathen) wish for and crave and diligently seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you need them all.
33 But seek ([e]aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness ([f]His way of doing and being right), and then all these things [g]taken together will be given you besides.
34 So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own troubles"

Thanks for the reminder!!!

I think there are two main things that often pre-occupy humans at the expense of their souls - 'money' and 'power'. So, maybe as we think about this thread as relates to our pursuit for money vis aviz our pursuit for heaven and for heavenly riches, we may also wish to think over pursuit for power.

For men, some may also wish to add, 'women' as the third (I have heard this from men's mouths)! Sorry, men, this is not from me!