Community > Posts By > Gianni18

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Sat 09/07/13 08:51 PM

I was thinking more like most recent, who's online?

Hi there. The real answer to your question is no.... this search has many limitations compared to other dating sites. I know what youre asking... you want to know if there is a way to refine your search to see who is online in combination with all the other advanced search features, like who is online that lives 50 miles away that is looking for friendship, oh and by the way, sort by order of most recently online. No you cant do that on here from what I know (maybe the mod can correct me if Im wrong).

I know its pretty much standard on most dating sites. I myself have wondered why the search is so bad on this site. I guess thats the best they can do while keeping the website free.

Sorry for the brief responses you got. I guess your question wasnt fully understood.

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Fri 03/22/13 03:37 PM
Enable your instant messaging andI'll send you one :)

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Tue 08/07/12 03:01 PM
Montreal Italians do it best. We got Nesta and Di Vaio =)

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Fri 02/25/11 12:15 AM
Everything is relative to everything within the physical (this is just postmodernism), but nothing is relative if there is an absolute against which to compare, but this can only be something that transcends the physical. In other words, if you are an atheist, everything is relative, which in fact makes no sense because the very statement "everything is relative" has no meaning because truth is not absolute, and if you are a theist, then nothing is relative and everything is absolute... which makes sense until you have to somehow prove the existence of God.

So there, problem solved... just decide which category you fall in and end the thread.

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Fri 02/25/11 12:10 AM

so are these forums any good??? pitchfork smokin

No, they are a way of wasting a lot of time. They mostly leave you with a false sense of confidence...

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 12:35 AM
I think it's just you and me Gummi...... whatcha wanna do? :tongue:

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Tue 10/12/10 12:28 AM

*Writes "sheldonism" in "tvtionary".* Glad I got that settled.

Lol what is this, give Johnny a hard time night?

Lucky for you I am going to bed. So it just got a little easier.

lol have a good night Suzanne.

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 12:22 AM

*Writes "sheldonism" in "tvtionary".* Glad I got that settled.

Lol what is this, give Johnny a hard time night?

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Tue 10/12/10 12:20 AM

That's too big a word for this time of night Gianni

Lol Sheldon is the main character... I just like the stuff he says... If I could watch a youtube clip of all his jokes, I'd prefer that over actually watching the show.

My Fave is Johnny Galecki's character forget his name! Damn!

No Idea lol

On a side note... Zack Galafanakis is amazing.

Hold up! YES and NO on that one. I LOVED Zack in Tru Calling. He was sweet, honest, lovable, hugable, and even as old as he was, completely sexy. But what he has become in movies like the hangover, etc. Ummmmm NO! not so much. He's become this drunken fool who returned to total potty humor for the sake of landing a part! I am ashamed of him! lol And FYI 40 year old virgin was way too perv for a date movie too

I never watched 40 yr old virgin... I loved his role in "Dinner for Schmucks".. omg!!! wow!

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 12:15 AM

That's too big a word for this time of night Gianni

Lol Sheldon is the main character... I just like the stuff he says... If I could watch a youtube clip of all his jokes, I'd prefer that over actually watching the show.

My Fave is Johnny Galecki's character forget his name! Damn!

No Idea lol

On a side note... Zack Galafanakis is amazing.

no photo
Tue 10/12/10 12:00 AM

That's too big a word for this time of night Gianni

Lol Sheldon is the main character... I just like the stuff he says... If I could watch a youtube clip of all his jokes, I'd prefer that over actually watching the show.

no photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:51 PM

I've never seen Big Bang Theory due to conflict of interest. In order for me to be online, I can't be in my my tv watching suffers for the most part.

You're not missing much. It has a few funny quips every now and then, but otherwise, it can get on your nerves at times. lol

I just like all the Sheldonisms to be honest...

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Mon 10/11/10 11:40 PM
I aslo love Big Bang Theory.... wow awesome... I'm such a nerd

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Mon 10/11/10 11:26 PM

i can never miss em.
i get anxiety if i do.

Lol, I am like that with House.scared

OMG I love House

no photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:21 PM

Ok so like.... I have to do something with this time... so should I study for my midterms or watch an episode of Seinfeld? (I just thought of it and now I'm in the mood lol)

U can do both. lol place seinfeldian humor into your're remember it better! ;)

No kidding... it's repetitive humor... it should do the trick.

no photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:17 PM
Ok so like.... I have to do something with this time... so should I study for my midterms or watch an episode of Seinfeld? (I just thought of it and now I'm in the mood lol)

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Mon 10/11/10 11:07 PM

yeah im stuffed n just relaxin...thanksgiving here as well heheh

Thanksgiving already, lucky!!!!!

The trick now is find an American to visit during American thanksgiving.... mmm double the stuffing.

Now why did that sound kinky?

Lol why would it sound kinky? I'm just saying I want to eat stuffing again!

LOL it just sounded wrong. Maybe I've been up too long.

Or not long enough =P

perhaps I could be convinced 2 stay up longer? ;)

Uh oh... I sure hope I don't disappoint flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 10/11/10 11:00 PM

yeah im stuffed n just relaxin...thanksgiving here as well heheh

Thanksgiving already, lucky!!!!!

The trick now is find an American to visit during American thanksgiving.... mmm double the stuffing.

Now why did that sound kinky?

Lol why would it sound kinky? I'm just saying I want to eat stuffing again!

LOL it just sounded wrong. Maybe I've been up too long.

Or not long enough =P

no photo
Mon 10/11/10 10:55 PM

yeah im stuffed n just relaxin...thanksgiving here as well heheh

Thanksgiving already, lucky!!!!!

The trick now is find an American to visit during American thanksgiving.... mmm double the stuffing.

Now why did that sound kinky?

Lol why would it sound kinky? I'm just saying I want to eat stuffing again!

no photo
Mon 10/11/10 10:42 PM

yeah im stuffed n just relaxin...thanksgiving here as well heheh

Thanksgiving already, lucky!!!!!

The trick now is find an American to visit during American thanksgiving.... mmm double the stuffing.

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