mygenerationbaby's photo
Tue 06/15/10 01:25 AM
Yeah, you just feel like family.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Tue 06/15/10 01:18 AM
I'm old now, and I've seen it all. You can overthink this one. It's really very simple. You don't have to work so hard to make life right together. The key to a longlasting relationship is purely that you just like being together almost all of the time. You won't know it until you already have it. Then one day they up and croak on you, and you have to start all over again.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Tue 06/15/10 12:49 AM

28. Pick her up for the first date in a beat up Chevy pickup so she doesn't have high expectations...if she doesn't mind the truck, then you can take her back to your bedroom at mom and dads.

This is so great. Pick him up in your beat up Chevy and drive him to his beat up VW van and say, let's take you're ride, it's way cooler!

mygenerationbaby's photo
Sun 06/13/10 02:39 AM
Never been legally married, but now I think that if I did, the main reason would be to be able to tell a doctor, "no! don't cut that off!!" noway

mygenerationbaby's photo
Fri 05/21/10 11:22 PM
Original Question, "Is Jesus God?"
No, God is Jesus.
Try not to get the two confused.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Fri 05/21/10 11:03 PM
If you want a real challenge, try reading the AA Blue Book and look up The Twelve Steps. It was written for alcoholics, but the twelve steps will give you a real thrill in human awareness. Here are the basic principles: (you can substitute the word alcohol with other words in #1.)
Twelve Steps
These are the original Twelve Steps as published by Alcoholics Anonymous:[10]

1.We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
2.Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3.Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4.Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5.Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6.Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7.Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8.Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9.Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10.Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11.Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12.Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Fri 05/21/10 10:54 PM
Back in 2004, I saw three huge lights hovering in the night sky near Licking Missouri where I taught at the prison. It was 2 in the morning. I never reported it and just went back to bed. They didn't look connected and they didn't seem to be moving. My old man saw them too. We said "Wow" and that was about it. I do believe there is much out there we have no idea about.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Tue 03/16/10 12:24 AM
How many states do you have warrants in? Do you eat your vegetables? What bird do you want to come back as?

mygenerationbaby's photo
Tue 03/16/10 12:13 AM
Great poem, very intense.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Tue 03/16/10 12:07 AM
I learned TM transcendental meditation when I was 18. Since then I've slipped in and out of consciousness. Really though, thank you for reminding me to meditate. TM people say it's the only way. But you are all correct in finding many ways to meditate. The main thing is not to force yourself to do it. You don't try not to think. You just refocus on a nice sound or word pattern that makes you feel relaxed. I like the brushing an animal idea. Never thought of that as a meditation before. A TM session is 15 minutes. But you can find times to power meditate too. Like before an exam, or an interview.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 03/15/10 11:55 PM
It really doesn't matter. If you enjoy spending time together, take it for what it's worth. Too much analyzing sinks the boat.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 03/15/10 11:50 PM
Tan suede leather pants. I wonder if they make those.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 03/15/10 11:48 PM
Off the wall? Meaning a small remote country. Or from China as in the Great wall, where Humpty Dumpty now lives? It can be a lot of fun talking to people from those far off places where you wouldn't think they'd have internet. But on the other hand, I am ashamed at how bad we are at geography and foreign affairs. Not to mention languages. As for me, I don't believe we are the center of the universe. What if he comes in here and sees that you lambasted him? How would you feel if someone was laughing at your offer to be a friend, for real? Don't sweat it. Just let him be your friend.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 03/15/10 11:36 PM
The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Salmon Rushdie

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 03/15/10 11:28 PM
Edited by mygenerationbaby on Mon 03/15/10 11:31 PM
For what parts I can understand of this, which isn't much, I can only ask questions...Why just two slits? Is it because we only have two eyes? noway And have we smoked so much weed so far? That our comprehension of the universe has been reduced to two little slits?

mygenerationbaby's photo
Mon 03/15/10 11:18 PM
I see what you're saying. To me, a person looks good if they have a good personality. Looks you in the eyes. Listens attentively. Feels comfortable with quietness too. Asks thoughtful questions. Indulges their own perceptions about life. Playful banter. Concern and care for others. Takes time to think things through. Impressions are visually powerful, though. So, like it or not, it is important to dress the way you feel and keep yourself reasonably clean. At first I thought you were talking about what kinds of things interest you. For me it is a love of reading, writing, arts, and good conversation. I must admit,'d never catch me falling in love with a guy who has a lot of tatoos, overdresses, talks negatively, or dons a cowboy hat. It's predjudice, but it just is. We all have them.

mygenerationbaby's photo
Tue 03/09/10 09:25 PM
I was really drawn in by the title of this poem. It's a situation that we can all relate to in many ways. Good One, and Thanks Mr. Butter!!

mygenerationbaby's photo
Wed 02/10/10 11:45 PM
I believe the argument between observable reality and nonobserable reality has collapsed in upon itself. That's Great !!! hahhahaasmooched

The reason is this: It's very hard for people to believe in a reality they cannot either touch, feel, see or sense in some way, and which also cannot easily be perceived through math, science, theory. Much of math and science has proven that realities exist beyond our sensory perceptions. (We know this is true because the operative mathematical formulas applied to various theories conclude the same results over multiple trials, sometimes using scaled down models).

So why not believe there are also realities that are currently out of reach of our mental grasp?

To believe otherwise, would be to say we have thought of everything.

But now that we know the world really is FLAT, we can be sure to fall off the edge. (by going due west from the salt flats of Utah, doing 200mph for a very long time)

mygenerationbaby's photo
Wed 01/27/10 01:38 AM

mygenerationbaby's photo
Wed 01/27/10 01:37 AM
Pretty much everything has been thought of about cutting down on the real cause...your husband...requires too many Bjs

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