Community > Posts By > texasgentlman
Why does love have to be relative? Why can’t we just say -love!- and mean just that? Don’t compare it to theirs remember it’s just ours. Don’t label it “romantic, unromantic, lust, passion, undying, temporary, static, untruthful, one-sided, unrequited, filler, equal, old, young” or any other adjective Don’t say “it needs work” or it’s at this stage remember it’s just where it is and what it is and who it is? us!love Love is a fragrance It fills the air It leaves you light headed Without a care Your heart will pound Your heart will flutter You speak nary a word You can only mutter Your hands are sweaty Your mouth is dry If love gets much closer You'll surely die When you finaly fall in loves embrace You will know you have found gods true grace. JodieNewby Copyright ©2008 Jodie M Newby |
Iran Condemns McCain for Cigarette Joke Reuters Posted: 2008-07-13 20:46:00 Filed Under: Elections News, John McCain TEHRAN (July 13) - Iran has condemned U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain for joking about killing Iranians with cigarettes and said it showed his "warmongering" foreign policy attitude, media said on Sunday. McCain, who once sang in jest about bombing Iran, on Tuesday reacted to a report of rising U.S. cigarette exports to the Islamic Republic by saying it may be "a way of killing 'em." Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said: "McCain's crude remark on the indiscriminate killing of the Iranian nation not only testifies to his disturbed state of mind, but also to his warmongering approach to foreign policy." In a statement quoted by the website of Iran's state Press TV satellite station, Hosseini added: "We condemn such jokes and believe them to be inappropriate for a U.S. presidential candidate. It is most evident that jokes about genocide will not be tolerated by Iranians or Americans." McCain, known for acerbic comments and for sometimes firing verbally from the hip, was responding to a report that U.S. exports to Iran rose tenfold during President George W. Bush's term in office despite hostility between the two countries. Oh Lord the idiotness is contagious it seems. Bush must have rubbed off on McCain somehow. |
Nothing likes IGNORANCE to fuel stupiditity we work hard to make our homes safe and out communities then our towns and cities our state and our country the we have some one come over here with the entent to destrory everything we stand for which includes your right to and moan when all you offer is LIP SERVICE when our ALL "VOLINTIRE MILITARY" go over seas and willingly defend your right to remain blind complacent ethocentric not to mention plain stupid sitting back in the comfort of you nice safe home enjoying you airconditioning with you cool drink in you hand playing away on you PC ( "personal" computer you guys should get on you knees and thank GOD were not like Nazi Germany if we were all you weak minded would be the first to go it is here in AMERICA where we defend the weak and in ya"lls case the weak minded and take cake of our aging altho we can and hopefuly are working on doing a better job and give every one reguardless of race religion or ethnic back ground the oppertunity to be the best they choose to be. Get off you lazy AZZes and start being part of the solution instead of being part of the problem the the rest of the world would see us more united and would be less tempted to try and devide us for the defeat. complete with typo's bad gramer miss spellings for those who want something else to bit;ch about
cheater's is a good show ! it is a funny a** show to see all of the surprised cheaters staring into the camera running away cheating is something like a spit in the face that shows they have no respect for their partner...there is no circumstance where cheating is acceptable in my book...texasgentlman you said that it could be something wrong in their life at the time?? People put themselves in situations and they must deal with the consequences....alcohol is not an excuse to cheat!! |
Winds of Change
Love, anger hate and shame Makes me want to yell out Some one's to blame When my hand reaches out To point at thee To realize there,s three others Pointing back at me So I go to a mirror What do I see But the guilty party Looking back at me So in prayer my guilt I give to god up above He completely replaced it With his sweet purest love JodieNewby Copyright ©2008 Jodie M Newby |
there are cheaters that cheat for selfish reasons I have found it hard to rehabilitate this type of cheater then there are circumstanceal cheaters that cheat that cheat because they cant deal with the circumstances there the wrong place at the wrong time cheaters with raging harmones and sometimes a little intoxicated who wake up and realize OMG what did I do cheaters.
there is the cheaters that are looking or need attention the vendictive cheaters there is usualy help for this type of cheater if both parties are willing and then more importantly is the definition of cheating any time some one or SOMETHING becomes more important even if only for a shore time can be concidered cheating kinda like brad pasley fishing song. will start with that se what responce we get. |
How do you know if its real?
love is not something you do it is something that happens
rush limbugh
Itis funny how the truth tends to shut them up.
rush limbugh
you guys make fun of him all you want as he takes his hundreds of millions of dollars to the bank.You liberals only wish you could something like that.Your way of fighting back is sniveling,back stabbing and trying to get your bleeding heart liberal congress to pass a bill forceing the media to gice you guys equal time.Instead of earning your time like Rush I never thought I would see the day when we would have to have affirmative action for bleeding heart liberals just so they can have a voice. How pathetic
confusion confusion what do I do my mind wont stop spinning just thinkiong of you do I sit do I lay do I run do I stay will I find out tommorrow or yet maybe today I know the answer is out there some where should I worry about it or not even care I know that worrying will only bring strife so I will just give it to God and go on with my life JodieNewby Copyright ©2008 Jodie M Newby |
Darn AZ people lol
com on az lets wake up
True Love
Love is a fragrance It fills the air It leaves you light headed Without a care Your heart will pound Your heart will flutter You speak nary a word You can only mutter Your hands are sweaty Your mouth is dry If love gets much closer You'll surely die When you finaly fall in loves embrace You will know you have found gods true grace. JodieNewby Copyright ©2008 Jodie M Newby |
True Love
Love is a fragrance It fills the air It leaves you light headed Without a care Your heart will pound Your heart will flutter You speak nary a word You can only mutter Your hands are sweaty Your mouth is dry If love gets much closer You'll surely die When you finaly fall in loves embrace You will know you have found gods true grace. JodieNewby Copyright ©2008 Jodie M Newby |
Theory vs. Belief...
theory without belief fails to exist
"MATCH ANY 3 WORDS" - part 9
nice bold cheer
Theory vs. Belief...
theory requires belief
Do Real Men...
I was working as a rough neck in the oilfields in east texas and I got the whites (underclothes) mixed with a red shirt but it wasnt just my laundry I had two room mated that were also rough necks I thought i was dead before morning but a couple days they tole me there girlfriends loved it I was redeemed
Matchmaking Game - part 118
hi orange
Matchmaking Game - part 118
hello all
Do Real Men...
I have several pink shirts from pastel to hot pink