Community > Posts By > wickedcube07

wickedcube07's photo
Tue 07/15/08 10:54 PM
My niece is 19 but she has mental retardation. She came to live with me six months ago and since this time til present, she has done nothing but lie and have unprotected sex with two guys. I had talked to her thousands of times about HIV and desease's but seems that shes not worried about that. She had three boyfriends, the last was three days ago then she goes and tells me last night that she was back with her ex-boyfriend. Well me and my husband had a serious talk with her and told her that she needs to get her GED and not worry about guys that she needs to set goals for herself. Its like taking to a brick wall my niece never listens or take advice that we give to her and Im at the end of my rope. She has met this guy and the 2nd time she went to visti him at his place, she ended up having sex with him and didn't think about using protection. I am ashamed of her because she has no self respect for herself and shes like desperate to have a boyfriend. The line she pulls on me is nobody supports her or cares which is all a pity self feeling and she never stops to think that deseases are out there. She tried to commit suicide over a freaken guy and ended up going into a mental treatment hospital for two days the third day she came home. I just cannot belive anything that comes out of her mouth, she lies about alot of things and its like shes took advantage of me and the fact she doesn't care. She is not responsible to live on her own because she has showed me shes not mature enough and she is like a child in her mind due to her MR. I just don't know what else I can do and need help here. I suggested many times for her to go the group home and she will not go because she thinks that they will keep her because its run by the state but its a place where she needs to be since she will not respect the people she lives with. She has put so much stress on me and doesn't care. I just need some advice here.

wickedcube07's photo
Mon 07/14/08 12:16 AM
My niece came to live with me and our family six months ago. She has mental retardation, 19 and has a mind of a child but to her she see's different. Since she came to live with us, I had nothing but trouble from her. Having a boyfriend, sleeping with him off school grounds at lunch break which she did this twice and worst of all she didn't think about using protection or the fact she could caught a desease or HIV. She had two boyfriends and she had sex with them which the third guy she met, she had visited him the 2nd time after she met him and ended up having sex with him she didn't even know him well. I was very angry at her and to me she doesn't have any respect for herself or decency. She had became suicidal and tried to commit suicide so she went into a adult mental hospital and came home two days laters. Nothing has changed, I tired so many times to talk to her and she never listens. Im at the end of a losing battle and need some help here. She has a counseling appointment but her attitude is negative about life and its like she only cares for guys and nothing else. Like an addiction she has to have one and she has turned out to be like her mother who is a slut and worthless. Any advice would help!

wickedcube07's photo
Thu 07/10/08 12:04 AM
Thanks for the reply and can u tell me about ur past relationship and what happened? U mentioned that u had been in one with someone who is BP. My husband been BP for 15 years or longer, I had been a victim of two of his episodes and the last he was in for treatment was four years ago. He has stayed on his medication, psychriatrist appointments which Im proud he has made it this far. Im not in love with him the past two years and it seems that the candle burned out long time ago. He doesn't care for me like he use to and why we are still together I question myself this alot but then I had came to love his kids like my own and I had kept myself here for their sake not my own and I know its not right.Its hard to just walk out on the kids even though they are old enough to understand. I also have a niece who lives with us and shes 19, which she has mental retardation. She is in treatment now after trying to committ suicide so right now leaving is not an option until she is better.

wickedcube07's photo
Wed 07/09/08 11:50 PM
I am 46 stay at home wife, I have two stepkids ages 14 & 17 and I have no kids of my own. I been married for five years, and the past four years our relationship has been meaningless, theres no hugs, kiss or intimacy at all. My husband is bi-polar and we spend less time with each other and here is my situation. Two years ago I had met a nice, wonderful guy which we became friends at first and time passed and we developed a close relationship even though we are not in the same country we keep communication strong by emails, phone calls and letters. He is aware of my situation and I been totally open to him about everything and he loves me dearly. We have built a strong relationship for two years now and I had found love far away and I feel that what I have with this person I had desired for a long time that my husband never sees me for who I am anymore. I had told myself that one day I will find someone to love and who would make me feel special and alive again. I am with a man who only gives attention to his children and to me, I know soon I will leave and divorce so that I can be with the one person I truly love.