Community > Posts By > justinc1431
Michigan Date Activities
or there is a big bike show downtown Muskegon in July if you're into that stuff. Live bands, mostly country, some blues and rock. But Summer Celebration is a blast. Just started to release some of the bands that are playing check it out. |
Just as creative as the way you post the same drivel over and over about our liberties being taken away and lack of a "free' country. It's all relative to the persons perspective. You wish to see all the negative that the government does... I prefer to try to enjoy what I have and be thankful for the country I live in. And really, if you don't like this country there are plenty of other places you can take your matress full of cash to and call home.
If I were to date someone from work they'd have to be in a different department or on a different shift. Work is also way to have time to myself. Far too often people carry their relationships to work with them. I need my "me" time.
Move to Canada...
New Take on Smoking
Michigan Militia anyone???
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Edited by
Thu 04/09/09 12:41 AM
And as I said, you're riding the Katrina wave. If "the big one" happens and half of California falls into the ocean I'm sure that a lot of people would have a hard time getting to their funds... but it's a once in a lifetime event.
Break is over... gotta get back to work so I can make money to deposit in the bank. ![]() |
no i took an actual factual event get over it and deal with it So I should be saving up all my cash incase Michigan is swept away by a 30ft tall wall of water? I think I'm ok... I never said that Katrina never took place... obviously it really happened. I was stating that you took the worse national disaster in the last 500 years and made it a main example of why you shouldn't use banks... doesn't make sense. |
New Take on Smoking
Enjoy your time on the reservation... I'll be out here with everyone else trying to live my life and enjoy all it has to offer without constantly looking over my shoulder for the government clones.
You're just a ray of shunshine aren't you? lol
So how many tsunami's have you taken part of? You're taking the worse case scenario and running wild with it. Of course they couldn't get their money everything in the gulf coast was pretty much destroyed. Do you think they would have been better off if they kept the money stuffed in their mattress so it could have been washed away with the rest of New Orleans? Give me a break... and just in case you're not really clear on how banks work, just because you deposit your money into the local branch down the road, doesn't mean you have to go to that exact same bank to get your money out. |
New Take on Smoking
IMO some of you people are wayyyy to paranoid for your own good. Next thing you know you'll be building a bomb shelter and stocking up on water and canned goods while clad in tinfoil headgear.... good greif.
I'm not going to sit here and debate it all night either. Most people who are posting in this thread aren't going to be swayed either way. But if it means that they stop even one potential threat of terrorism by making everyone take off their shoes and dispose of finger nail clippers... so be it. Get to the airport early and get through the lines.
"against unreasonable searches and seizures"
That's a judgment call. And personally I don't know anyone who travels with over four grand in cash when they go on a trip. That's what debit cards and travelers checks are for. Carrying that much cash is slightly suspicious, especially when it being carried in a random box. Do you carry your savings around in a shoebox? I don't see that happening very often. |
That's also kind of confusing... it's like saying, "I don't drink... but I'll have an occasional beer"
Edited by
Wed 04/08/09 06:38 AM
With the possibility of drug money exchanging hands in an airport they have every right to detain him and ask where the large sum of money came from and what its intended use is. I don't like the way they handled it, but you generally don't see people walking around with a box full of cash in the airport. Next time they should do like every other normal person would do and take it to a bank and deposit it into an account that belonged to the political affiliation he is representing. But yes, they treated him poorly looked very unprofessional.
Post funny pics!!!
I'm probably breaking the rules in some way... but this is great!
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hows every
Be doing better at 7:00 when I can go home. Fricken' hungry right now. Gonna make some eggs, hashbrowns, n' sausage when I get home... mmmmmmm
Girl + Snake = Sexy However... Girl + Girl = Even Sexier Waht about Girl + Girl + Snake? At some point you have to draw the line... I mean it's hard enough for a guy to get attention during some g on g action! Now you want to add a snake... just doesn't seem fair. |
Thanks for all of your suggestions. I've done every single thing that's been reccomended, using the vonage tech support on their website, and rebooted everything a million times. I finally got Vonage to send me a new adapter, but I will have to ship the old on back at my expense... if that makes any sense. If I continue to have problems I'll just drop them and go back to a land line again.
Inmates to get Phones
Damn, they're getting phone calls and I can't even get my Vonage to work...
The Worst Reaction
UUMMMM...THanks. Yep... that one hurts... |