Community > Posts By > rynn1962

rynn1962's photo
Thu 03/07/13 01:33 PM
hope,,,,,out of pandoras box

Battered and broken
Clinging desperatly to life
You are a stubborn one i'll give you that
How you persevere in the face of oppression
I do not comprehend what gives you the strenght to carry on
Others far stronger have resigned themselves
What dream do you have from which to draw your strenght
From a locked box you came
Opened by curiousity
Ridiculed and villified by your brethren
Beaten for the light you bring
That compromises the darkness they seek to have take hold
I will follow you for awhile and see what fate has instore for you

rynn1962's photo
Thu 03/07/13 01:25 PM
those eyes
her eyes like a ray of sun warming me
dance mystically
laughter flits there flecks glinting
her voice caressing my ears like the kiss
of a feather against the wind
she reminds me of a warm spring breeze
bringing the hope of life renewed
the scent of her fills my senses
already staggered by the beauty she possess
how my heart beats wildly with just that smile in her eyes
how deep her beauty soul deep
expressed thru those eyes

rynn1962's photo
Thu 03/07/13 01:19 PM

Ignorance is Knowledge Wasted
achild is born
quick cover his eyes
do not let him see your naked breast
shelter him anxiously
lest he learn too much
knowledge is a tool he must not gain to exist
this world is not ready to deal with the power he wields
leave things alone
do not change our ways
we are content the way we are
why do you wish to change this balance
are you insane
you will ruin us
begone and take your ideas with you
we will stone the child to spare you the anguish
Leave us in peace

rynn1962's photo
Thu 03/07/13 01:13 PM
as a note the purpose of this exercise was to take everthing i wrote being unable to sleep instead without spending lots of time explaining my concept i wish to see how different styles are taken tks in advance for critique both pos and neg tks

You hide inside me a stranger unwelcome unbidden showing up unexpectedly at the worst possible moment. How did you take root in the stony ground of my heart.From what do you gain sustinence that you keep growing.Leave me alone go back from whence you came you ugly sore

rynn1962's photo
Wed 03/06/13 12:31 PM
a smoke a smoke asmoke asmoke odd endz final start
the views expressed are not always what they seem to be

rynn1962's photo
Wed 03/06/13 12:24 PM
And in the same vain
I once thought i knew everthing,and i still do
However i know now i know nothing of the meaning of life
If all i stare at is a wall it becomes everything to me
Add a window and i am blinded by the knowledge of light
who can say where borders end
Who can show me the forest with its trees
Who can describe everthing without knowing what they miss
It will be the death of us this willing blindness
Evan as we fight to remove our blinders
We turn our heads and see what we wish
we turn a blind eye to injustice
Lest we are forced to turn the other cheek
I now know when at night the stars i gaze
I am seeing all of them a universe divided
BY the restriction i place on sight
Blind faith is a knowledge
Of which i despair
Of ever knowing even remotly
And that's knowledge worth keeping

rynn1962's photo
Wed 03/06/13 12:11 PM

The world is full of silent angry people
Despair fills the void
Happiness is overrated
Buy some lose it who cares
Better catch up you're the leader
In this strange race we call life
On second thought slow down a bit
Consider contentment as a vice
The cost is huge the perils real
To go against the grain raises slivers
No one trusts the lone who stand
But who else can say with truth
They sleep quite well at night

rynn1962's photo
Wed 03/06/13 12:04 PM
Lifes Like That
Why do i sit here.Writing waiting.What is it i hope to find.
Do i know for what im searching.Is it a case of running blind.
How can it be i see the end now.
Do i wish i had changed my mind.
Like i could have if i wanted too.
Some curses were meant to remain.
At least i know what i was missing.
I do now know where the truth is stored.
I can imagine picking up all the pieces.
But i whine an say my backbone is gone.
Cant somebody please sweep up those pieces.
And humpty dumpty together my brain.
I have said self-questioning is fairly scary.
Suicide is an end that comes to mind.
But not to question seems just as stupid.
Why stick in the same rut for the rest of time.
Quite possibly my devious mind informs me.
This rut is just like all the others.
So i question myself and steer remotely.
And sit on the fence and wonder why.
This rut i am in is gaining dimensions .
That bring an undertaker clearly to mind.
My balls are aching and clearly complaining.
they want to know why they aint made of brass.
they have taken a vote and then informed me.
They seriously intend to kick my ***.
Why oh why cant i just act normaller.
You know the good little boy who sat still in class.

rynn1962's photo
Mon 03/04/13 01:03 PM

Just curious to hear what some of the craziest scientific theories that people in here have heard of before are.

One of mine would be that out of billions and billions of possible dimensions, universes and planets is that ours is the only one with the ability to sustain life. Possibly just the luck of the draw.
i am unable to resist this topic as i am attemping to get input re running car on "oxyhydrogen i have not seen much valuable input yet so is fairly crazy!!!,,,,,also have theory that memories are "float" ie when we die we lose our electrical charge and wiegh less as a result of losing our electro-magnetic attraction to earth,,,is it such a stretch to believe our minds store our knowledge electricallly and thus add to earths store of "computer storage,,.,.,.you did ask for strange theories/quote]

rynn1962's photo
Mon 03/04/13 12:01 PM

i am familiar with producing h2/o with electricity as a waste of time i took 2 pcs of stainless steel separated them with plastic spacers 1/4 inch apart put them in a PLASTIC peanut butter jar hooked it up to the alternater in my car and ran a hose to a vacumn port did produce h2/o but nowhere near enuff to make difference,...
Why not do the other way. Instead of producing you are going to convert water to electricity.
tk u 4 reply i do not understand convert water to elec i am under the impression that combining hyd an ox in cell will create elec but i do not wish to run elec car my theory depends on adjusting hertz rate to increase production increasing rpm on unfetered ac alternator should work most gen sets need to run at 3640? or so to achieve balance of volt and hertz i think 50 hrtz america 60 -europe auto alt runs at about 3 times speed of engine so up to 15000 rpm again theory as a note since noone has corrected me on my base theory i will assume i am correct vs no one smart enough to know better as a further note i do commend you on your willingness to question history and science vs dismissing the unknown and sticking to what we are told am somewhat surprised by lack of interest in new thinking ???? i cannot see the impossibility of this idea and have asked for critique i suppose maybe i should take to ridicule better oh well will research more facts from library tks again

rynn1962's photo
Sat 03/02/13 10:59 AM

You really need to get a life.
i would love a life where insults dont replace intelligence ..till then feel free to demonstrate your lack of manners and respect i /quote]

rynn1962's photo
Sat 03/02/13 10:54 AM
nope that didnt work either back to looking stupid i guess
plz note i am not claiming to be able to do this
i am only stating that the facts support the theory
i am familiar with producing h2/o with electricity as a waste of time i took 2 pcs of stainless steel separated them with plastic spacers 1/4 inch apart put them in a PLASTIC peanut butter jar hooked it up to the alternater in my car and ran a hose to a vacumn port did produce h2/o but nowhere near enuff to make difference,...the next stupid thing i did was to take a 12 volt battery connect jumper cables and struck an arc in again plastic jar --not much -several small bb sized bubbles,,,,,{trying to make up for lack of punctuation ha ha ha } so next i tried 2-12v batts in series foe 24 volts ahhh much better produced orange sized bubble that stank of sulfer...i did not try 36 volt because i wished to gain knowledge of exponential gain in h2/o production....note also this is dc not ac..i do not have link but is paper?? written describing effect of hertz on h2/o prodution where it is stated that increasing hertz exponentially increases production...ya i know repetitive oh i intend to locate another mid 70's alternator from lincoln with heated windshield option .,,this alt has 120 volt output as well as 12v,,,the man who started this theory online-s1r9a9m9 stated he used an inverter for 120/110 ,,he also ran a switching coil from old aircraft fuel system to separate 120 from ignition coil.there is website somewhere used to be called that has schematic for diode system to replace switching coil.. 8 min left will resume on monday lib closed sunday

rynn1962's photo
Sat 03/02/13 10:33 AM

post a link to what your talking about
do not have enough time to post link ok i dont know how plz google water powered el camino should get to either or also of interest is adam crawford who reportedly was granted patent in scotland for this method k lets see if that works/quote]

rynn1962's photo
Sat 03/02/13 10:29 AM
ok i see now where i messed up havta hit quote or something yup not great at this but insults dont bother me nor do i care much for grammer rules anyway
i do not wish to "crack" water outside of engine
i wish to introduce an unknown amount of water vapour into engine and use an electrical charge to produce enough hydrogen/oxygen to convert remaining water vapour to steam
if i am not "stupid" the normal engine compresses and then ignites a combustible mixture which expands rapidly exerting a force on piston.....note i still type looking at keyboard so spelling is spotty oh well......if anyone can prove me wrong i welcome the new knowledge.....also hydrogen is explosive,,,oxygen improves combustion,,and water expands approx 270 times when converting to vapour.....i again may be stupid but given these few facts i cannot see how the basic premise is unsound if you plz using reason and fact vs ignorance and insults tell me where i am going that i have used up 25 of my 60 mins i am going to try to reply to threads? after that i dont get to see again till monday have a nice weekend

rynn1962's photo
Fri 03/01/13 11:02 AM
well i see there is interest i will be expounding remember folks we usta live in caves and stare at the moon thank you for showing me again why people are so valuable

rynn1962's photo
Fri 03/01/13 11:01 AM

rynn1962's photo
Fri 03/01/13 11:00 AM
no started with S1R9A9M9

rynn1962's photo
Fri 03/01/13 10:59 AM
no no no

rynn1962's photo
Fri 03/01/13 10:58 AM
gee tks

rynn1962's photo
Thu 02/28/13 02:10 PM
Edited by rynn1962 on Thu 02/28/13 02:11 PM
this is not an attempt to raise money or any other cheap stunt i want to know how many people are willing to accept even thinking about something that has been ridicule since probly the early 1900's i have spent many years attempting to work out the pyhsics part and have even attempted to obtain help from professors ubco lol no go there but i refer to it as the internal expansion steam engine or in blunt roflyao terms exploding water vapour as opposed to gas in ordinary car engine ya ya ya i hear it all the time but are you willing to at least read a little about it i will not waste bunch of time pecking at accursed keyboard if all i get is stupid jokes dont mind them but keep in mind water is oxygen and hydrogen and if cracked properly they become browns gas -discovered early 190? real explosive stuff many people say no but how many years ago did we lol at the wrights so if i can get at least a few minds willing to listen and consider will explore theory and practical .note get 1 hr per day puter time at local library so can not proceed very fast also because a little knowledge can be dangerous pls do not muck with elec and water without good deal of thought i have blown up water any one can but blow up is real tks for consider??ted