Community > Posts By > stardust50

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:36 PM
I have one with a chain on it kind of like those big wallets that has the chain.

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:33 PM

world peace is an illusion

Not in my world because all we ever do is love and I know everyone there.:wink:

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:30 PM
You think the Dancing Bananas are hot wait until you meet the weiner man and the others and yes there are others...............:wink:

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:27 PM
Love heard about it must try it someday.

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 05:26 PM

I was...

I dont smoke..

No bong in my hand...

just blood and sharp things....

Honey you really need to get a new ummmmmm eating raw meat or something hey I will give you my job you would love it.

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 02:46 PM
Fun,laughter,honesty,understanding,to be the only person they see when I walk into a room of beautiful women. Oh yes not to sleep in the wet spot:wink:

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:46 PM

Sex out of the wed lock is a sin....and it is a very nice sin too.....laugh laugh .

Then I will be going to hell.:wink:

Only if you believe you will. There are other places to go. There are worlds that don't have any laws about wedlock at all.

If you do go to hell, just remember you can leave anytime you want. Soul is free.

May the force be with you and may you learn to use it. drinker


That was a joke. I know about heaven been there and back when I had my daughter my heart stop most amazing experience personally I think I am living in hell right now. My Soul is free what keeps me grounded my nine year old daughter.

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:39 PM
Welcome smooched

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:37 PM
Because you throw the towel at her when your deed is done!!!!!!!!!:wink:

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:27 PM

Sex out of the wed lock is a sin....and it is a very nice sin too.....laugh laugh .

Then I will be going to hell.:wink:

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:25 PM
Nope I would go for it and then bring them around my family just to piss them off.

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:23 PM

No they don't!!!! They want to be treated like crap, cheated on, made the last priority in their mans life. As long as he has money, a nice car and a place they can live in they don't care how bad they get treated. Some will even let their man beat them and cheat on them as long as they get the diamond ear rings, nice clothes and have a nice car to drive.

This chick at work knows her husband is cheating with at least two other women and one her best friend and she says as long as she has access to his/their fat bank account she don't care....She has a little boy toy on the side that shows her and once of respect and that is all she needs. well that and a fat bank account.

I have been around awhile and the above is the norm. I mean how much fun is it to talk to their girlfriends about a boring nice guy that treats her with respect, comes home on time and follows all the rule. To women that is not sexy, it's boring and unwanted. They would rather have the bad boy as he is far more of a challenge, full of drama and much more sexy than any nice guy could every be

Now now not all women are in it for the $$$$$$ I personally have my own money could care less if the man has money or not. Nice guy I am sure there are some out there just as there are nice women. Challenge honey getting up in the morning to go to work and support my 9 year old daughter is a challenge. I am a single mom with no help from her father since the day she was born have and will continue to make it on my own I ask for nothing from no man other than maybe campionship,understanding. Drama is for my soaps do not need or want it. Most men get turned off by me being independent and not needing a man to do things for me. But because of a man I had to learn this the hard way. I am after no man's money or the cheating or the half truths.

So you see not all women are that way.

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:07 PM
shame on you my thought on this
if you throw it at me you get to sleep in the
wet spot
if you hand it to me then you still get to sleep in the wet spot.:wink:

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:06 PM
From Tink to you a big smooched

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:15 AM
Does being content include sex?

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:00 AM
I hate laundry it takes me all day I have my a large family that live with me so yes I do laundry every day sometimes 5-6 loads a daysad
I seperate and bleach and iron and hang. I love it when the 4 year old great nephew wanted to help put a red shirt in the whites oh my my his dad was wearing pink underwear.laugh

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:56 AM

Do you think financial statues and the ability to handle money well play a big roll in who you or others choose as a partner?

Absolutely .
Money is happiness .
Money is life .

How sad but true..........I work for a bank so my partner always expected me to handle everything and pull it out my a$$ when we are short. But I guess that is why I never married and I am a single mom now.

stardust50's photo
Sat 07/19/08 03:30 PM
smooched Too cute

stardust50's photo
Sat 07/19/08 03:29 PM
Edited by stardust50 on Sat 07/19/08 03:29 PM

Like being on a dating site

smile2 My thoughts too........

Issues with trust ummmm trusting you or her?

communication does she know your on this dating site?

stardust50's photo
Sat 07/19/08 03:14 PM

Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. It is 10 times more effective than valium!

No wonder I have not slept well in 10 years:smile:

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