Community > Posts By > takeapeeknow

takeapeeknow's photo
Fri 05/03/13 06:32 AM
Totally agree! it will take a bit of time to move on but u will. everyone at some point has felt that way. be strong and when your over him you will look back and wonder why. keep your chin up chic xx

takeapeeknow's photo
Fri 05/03/13 06:25 AM
Sex is much better when theres love! anyone can have meaningless sex but it takes a special person to love.

takeapeeknow's photo
Sat 04/27/13 08:22 AM
U could also say what type of personality you have and what your looking for in a girl/ woman 8/10 is my ratin

takeapeeknow's photo
Sat 04/27/13 08:19 AM
Nice profile but can a just say without hurting your feelins... take the pics of u with the long hair n afro away u dont suit it! on the upside u look really nice with short hair, more appealing as u have a nice face x

takeapeeknow's photo
Sun 04/14/13 05:18 AM
Edited by takeapeeknow on Sun 04/14/13 05:25 AM
How do u report someone in this. a guy called ******** has msgd me n hes vile and so is his profile.

takeapeeknow's photo
Mon 03/25/13 05:16 PM
When u know for sure and if u think ur other half feels the same and choose ur timming carefully

takeapeeknow's photo
Sun 03/24/13 04:23 AM
You are a handsome guy and im sure it wont take to long for you to find your mrs right

takeapeeknow's photo
Sun 03/24/13 04:21 AM
Hi shaun there is plenty of people on this site who would have found there soulmate if it wasnt for the fact they lived to far away. I myself have got chatting to guys who I know I would get on really well with and have what im looking for but know there is no chance of anything happening because of distance

takeapeeknow's photo
Sun 03/24/13 04:09 AM
A dont think theres too many women out there who want to feel used and worthless!!

takeapeeknow's photo
Sun 03/24/13 03:51 AM
Black magic spells to me is ill wishing or harmfull to others where as white magic is to help benefit others.

takeapeeknow's photo
Sun 03/24/13 03:39 AM
I was going through a stressfull time and my gran came to me in a dream saying very clearly ... you dont need to put up with this! I woke up instantly. Expecting her to be there as it was so real... I couldnt get this out my head for a few days as she had died a couple of yrs before. I also used to have the same dream when I was a child and to this day i still remember everything about it as i used to b scared to go to sleep knowing it was going to happen again.... a man in a black cloak would b hiding behind the sofa, i couldnt see his face as he had a black top hat on which was pulled down to sit on the bridge of his nose, ive woke up and walked into the livingroom and he chases me round the room trying to get me but all of a sudden i stop and grab him and throw him out the window then i wake up. dont know why this always happened.

takeapeeknow's photo
Sat 03/23/13 10:34 AM
Born Nov: can be really nice but can also bite back twice as hard....

takeapeeknow's photo
Wed 03/20/13 06:18 AM
Us women always dream of the perfect guy but in truth to nice can be off putting. yes we like a bit of a challenge so dont be a yes man and dont accomodate her at every oppertunity! I myself had a guy who would av done anything for me at anytime and it was boring. In theory it was nice but I took advantage of this because I knew I could which looking back wasnt nice and he didnt deserve it. u will iether find someone who appreciates all u do for her or bring a bit of the bad boy out in u.

takeapeeknow's photo
Wed 03/20/13 02:02 AM
Hiya a might be wrong but ur profile says u dont want kids and to be honest thheres not very many females out there that doesnt have kids therefore girlss may think u wont b interested in them or there kids so wont take the chance of getting to know you. good luck

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:02 AM
Lol thanks

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 07:01 AM
Yeah he said that when he had decided he was going to suprise me he was scared and excited.

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 06:58 AM
Im more than aware of guys and there false promises and im very realistic about the pros and cons of this situation. suppose im just wondering and hoping like any girl that he could possibly turn out to be the one. I know if it didnt work out we both would have at least found a friend in each other. we have spoke in great detail of what would happen

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 06:52 AM
No hes not asking any of that. hes going to apply for work before he moves so he has a job to come to. he isopen enough about his life. yes we sill talk more than ever since his plan fell through. he was on the phone tome not. long ago.

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 05:23 AM
Thanks its nice to know there are people looking out for us. his plan fell through as he was waiting to recieve payment from a job but it hadnt come through but will defo come to glasgow for the weekend in summer to meet me. I know a lot about his personal life, his kids, his mum. and brothers and sisters

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 05:08 AM
He wouldnt be moving in with me. he would be going to a hotel or b&b until he rents a flat! and no I have never done this sort of thing before

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