Community > Posts By > takeapeeknow

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 05:05 AM
Maybe but it doesnt feel like that. its as tho we have everything a relationship needs apart from the physical aspect. Im not nieve there is obviously a lot of things we have still to find out about each other but we both know we would get on really well. he has told his family about me and what he wants to do

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 04:45 AM
Im from scotland and have been speaking to a guy from england for 6mnths. we talk on the phone everyday and txt constantly, we make each other laugh. we are attracted to each other in every way and want to be together to the point he is looking for work here. he told me he was going to suprise me and get on a train and call me once he had arrived in glasgow and settled into a hotel but his plans had fell through. when he told me yhis my stomach started doin flips and I got really scared and cant understand why as Im not normally like that with people. can anyone shed any light on this, thanx

takeapeeknow's photo
Tue 03/19/13 04:27 AM
She is scared of getting to close. send her a email to let her know u understand and will be there for her as a friend so she feels no preassure to date. once she is comfortable with this then you might be able to build on that after all the best relationships are built on friendship. empathy will come in handy in this situation. best of luck

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