Community > Posts By > Kleisto

Kleisto's photo
Thu 01/10/13 09:07 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 01/10/13 09:10 PM

20 six year olds mowed down in their classroom in under a minute.

I guess I need to repeat that for it to sink all the way in...


None of these bullshyte, save the day crap, lying *** stories tops it.

So because of ONE incident.....the correct answer is to make EVERYONE ELSE responsible for that? Sorry just doesn't work that way hate to tell you.......

and regardless I'd rather have a gun and the chance to protect myself than not......
Its been more then one incident so dont down play it. But getting rid of guns is not the answer. Issuing more permits to carry would help. Otherwise only the bad guys will have guns.

It is has, but the idea is the same, I get so damn sick of these knee jerk or even a handful of people abuse something, and the answer is always BAN it, or regulate it so responsible people have a harder time getting it. It is bass ackwards logic completely........but in a land where common sense isn't so common anymore it's commonplace anymore sadly.

And we conveniently forget, that these incidents only seem to happen in gun free zones......what if ONE person in that school could have stopped this from happening? Suddenly the gun isn't so bad now is it?

Kleisto's photo
Thu 01/10/13 05:47 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 01/10/13 05:49 PM

20 six year olds mowed down in their classroom in under a minute.

I guess I need to repeat that for it to sink all the way in...


None of these bullshyte, save the day crap, lying *** stories tops it.

So because of ONE incident.....the correct answer is to make EVERYONE ELSE responsible for that? Sorry just doesn't work that way hate to tell you.......

and regardless I'd rather have a gun and the chance to protect myself than not......

Kleisto's photo
Thu 01/10/13 05:25 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 01/10/13 05:27 PM

More NRA garbage.

Too many people buy into this bullshyte. Of course that is what they want you to do is buy buy buy that is the bottom line.

Guns don't stop crimes or stop you from even being shot yourself. People have been lead to believe so by those want them to believe so.

So it's ok for you to use a negative gun shooting to push your anti-gun agenda, but when someone else uses a positive incident to do the same, it's bullshyte? Got it........

And nothing NOTHING is foolproof, I don't care what it is. If you really expect that to be the case, you're just being stupid. The answer to problems is to take away things that even have a POTENTIAL of failing or harming?? Jeannie was right, you are so far out of touch with reality it's not even funny.

Kleisto's photo
Thu 01/10/13 02:21 PM
I see what you're doing, you're using this ONE event to push your agenda of anti-gun. You're no better than the mainstream media, for shame.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 01/08/13 04:32 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 01/08/13 04:39 PM

They are preparing to confiscate our guns. First, they want you to register them.

Are the globalist planing to start a civil war?

That is what Alex Jones is saying.


The government doesn't care about your little pea shooters.

It is other Americans like myself who care about those weapons killing children and will be working to make it not happen again.

The government has no threat from the little guns ya' ll falsely use to protect yourselves from the invisible non existant govment boogieman

So is that why they have been so quick to hoard guns for themselves?? Answer that why don't you. What purpose would they have to do that if they have no fear?

When all is said and done, those who think like you do will go down in history as the people who put the final nail in the coffin of what was once a great country, no matter how good intentioned.

slaphead Paranoia much?

There is no proof of what you say....

Why would it even happen?

The great govment can blow you away with a drone strike and whatever stash you have will be of no use to you or the other paranoids you have huddled with you...slaphead

The government cares not about your little guns.

I do.

I care if you lose your mind and kill my grandchildren in their school with the guns you have at home.

So I will fight to make sure that doesn't happen.

And if you have to downsize your weapon, that the government couldn't care anything about, but I do, then so be it. You will have to live so you can't lose your mind and blow away 20 kids at the school down the street in one minute flat.

So you want to live in a state where we legislate based on POTENTIAL crime, not actual it. Do you realize just how subjective that can be?? Not even just talking about guns here, but ANYTHING. Under that way of thinking, you could justify banning or regulating any and everything that could possibly be used for harm. Who's to stop them from taking something that has meaning for you? One day it's guns, the next it may be knives, or baseball bats, or whatever else you could think of that could be used to harm someone. Where do you stop, where is the line drawn?

You cannot legislate that way, it's not fair to make responsible people pay for what irresponsible may do. It's just not. If someone does bad, they and they alone should bear the responsibility, NOT everyone else.

Like I said, it is attitudes like yours that will sound the death knell for this country once and for all.

You really don't have a clue what you are asking for, you are being led like a lamb to its' slaughter. I hope you realize that before it's too late, because once it happens you won't be able to stop it.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 01/08/13 03:50 PM

We had to here in Australia, most of us handed them in.

My brother kept his, he just got a licence and chains his guns in a cabinet and locks his bullets and bolts in a safe as they cannot be stored together.

My Dad didnt want to get a licence so handed his guns in and they paid him for them.

We do not have the right to carry guns, it's illegal, so are any type of gun , even a bb gun is not allowed.

You get used to it, laws change and after a while people accept change.

I grew up with guns, and never had a problem with owning one, but I dont have a problem with needing a licence to own one either as our government was trying to keep us safe.

Yeah but I just watched a piece on the news where armed robberies went up 69%, gun homicides 19%, home invasions 21% and something else dealing with weapon crime went up in Australia since turning in your guns. Politicians can't explain it, but you are "safer?"

Interesting that the news said that as I read an article that overall the shootings were down in Australia. I would be interested in finding this news article.

Even if overall shootings were down, it doesn't mean crime itself wouldn't be, it could very well have gone up in general, even without guns since there no longer would have been an immediate deterrent to trying to harm someone. If that's the case, then any attempt to keep people safer (which really wasn't the goal in the first place even if they said it was), would have failed miserably.

Good point about the crime not necessarily being down. I can only speak for our country that crime overall is down which isn't necessarily related to gun control but the shootings are also down here as well. I don't know if that is a direct result of gun registration but our politicians seem to think so.

I'd have to see the numbers and where they are coming from to form a good opinion on that aspect to this. I wouldn't say the end justified the means though even if this was true.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 01/08/13 03:46 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 01/08/13 03:48 PM

They are preparing to confiscate our guns. First, they want you to register them.

Are the globalist planing to start a civil war?

That is what Alex Jones is saying.


The government doesn't care about your little pea shooters.

It is other Americans like myself who care about those weapons killing children and will be working to make it not happen again.

The government has no threat from the little guns ya' ll falsely use to protect yourselves from the invisible non existant govment boogieman

So is that why they have been so quick to hoard guns for themselves?? Answer that why don't you. What purpose would they have to do that if they have no fear?

When all is said and done, those who think like you do will go down in history as the people who put the final nail in the coffin of what was once a great country, no matter how good intentioned.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 01/08/13 03:37 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Tue 01/08/13 03:37 PM
Oh and as an aside, this passive acceptance of change you allude to navy, is a lot of why governments are able to get away with what they do as far as how they are able to dictate what we can and cannot do as people. People don't stand up in big enough numbers to stop them, they just roll over and go along with it. Then they wonder how things got so bad. Well if they had stood up and said no to the bigger and bigger power grabs, maybe it wouldn't have.

Kleisto's photo
Tue 01/08/13 03:34 PM

We had to here in Australia, most of us handed them in.

My brother kept his, he just got a licence and chains his guns in a cabinet and locks his bullets and bolts in a safe as they cannot be stored together.

My Dad didnt want to get a licence so handed his guns in and they paid him for them.

We do not have the right to carry guns, it's illegal, so are any type of gun , even a bb gun is not allowed.

You get used to it, laws change and after a while people accept change.

I grew up with guns, and never had a problem with owning one, but I dont have a problem with needing a licence to own one either as our government was trying to keep us safe.

Yeah but I just watched a piece on the news where armed robberies went up 69%, gun homicides 19%, home invasions 21% and something else dealing with weapon crime went up in Australia since turning in your guns. Politicians can't explain it, but you are "safer?"

Interesting that the news said that as I read an article that overall the shootings were down in Australia. I would be interested in finding this news article.

Even if overall shootings were down, it doesn't mean crime itself wouldn't be, it could very well have gone up in general, even without guns since there no longer would have been an immediate deterrent to trying to harm someone. If that's the case, then any attempt to keep people safer (which really wasn't the goal in the first place even if they said it was), would have failed miserably.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 01/05/13 09:58 PM
Seeing as I just saw a fight like this tonight in women's mma......the wrestler. She dominated on the ground and it got her a win in the end, the boxer came close though....almost had her at the very end if not for the bell.

Gotta say I might not have seen this coming out of you though msharmony lol. laugh

Kleisto's photo
Wed 01/02/13 02:36 AM

We currently have many pathways to change what we don’t like and they require a huge presence of the population in order to sway opinion and change laws.

This is but one of the many problems that plagues this cannot I repeat CANNOT have freedom if someone else can take that freedom away from you simply because you are on the losing end of a vote. Yet this is exactly what we have in this country now. And when a government gets so big.....that they can control the rights of anyone who may oppose them in this way.......well it's time for them to be taken down.

That is the reason, the REAL reason for the attack on our guns, because they know that so long as we have them, they can still be fought against and without them their desire to take over can be fulfilled without hardly a challenge. It is the last line of defense against their power. We must not give that power away or we will sorely regret it.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 01/02/13 12:00 AM
Don't forget part of all this is throwing our face the fact that Britain still for all intents and purposes rules of the US.......don't think that doesn't have something to do with things like this being covered.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 12/31/12 05:29 PM


Your almighty gov't being so powerful, why should they fear people having "a little pea shooter" as you put it?

That's right.

The plan is what is known as a covert takeover.
Get the people dependent on the government
or dependent on drugs
and take their pea shooters away

Then peacefully lead them away into internment work camps for reeducation.

Or.....outright execution. As I say it's been done before........

Kleisto's photo
Mon 12/31/12 04:33 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 12/31/12 04:34 PM

No giving up neededslaphead

I am not at war with my government. It does pretty much what I ask of it. When it doesn't I work with it to make it do so.

But the second amendment is outdated and irrelevant to this day and age. Fact.

Our government has no issue with citizens being armed because they could obliterate any of them with no problem so fast no one would know what happened. Most military would believe them internal threats so no issues with the military not cooperating. Buhbye little revolution.
Also fact.

Children are being mowed down in their elementary school room because we have too many gun crazies in this country. Those who believe a gun gives them power are gun crazy.

Something needs to be done. Gun hugging won't change that fact.

You leave yourself like a lamb heading to the slaughter with this attitude. Your government cares NOTHING for you.....whether you believe that or not. They care for their own power and control, and not a damn thing more. Wake up.

I am fully aware of the capabilities of my government. It is others who are not, not me. I also know how to fight my government successfully and no guns are required, to believe so is just ignorance.

You do understand though that in MANY past civilizations.....the LAST step to full blown dictatorship was the removal of weapons from its' citizens don't you? We must know our history, otherwise we are doomed to repeat that.

Beyond all that, every citizen deserves the right to defend himself or herself via arms if the need arises. Criminals are gonna have them either way, you can't stop them. To leave the innocent unarmed against them is asking for more crime, and in areas where guns are limited or banned outright you get exactly that. Chicago is a prime example, they've had 500 deaths via shooting in this year alone.....and yet we're safer without the right or a severely limited right at best to bear arms? I think not.

Gun crazy fearmongering fed to you by those who want you to buy their

I am not anti gun, I am anti gun crazy. And gun crazies believe a gun gives them power. They should not have guns.

And again, the only way a little pea shooter is going to protect you from your government is if you blow your own head off before they get you. If you consider that type of thing honorable.

More innocent lives are lost to legally bought weapons then ever should happen. That is state sanctioned murders happening.

Uh no it's not.....look at the facts, the history backs me up, there have been many a great civilization that fell and the last piece keeping them afloat was their guns. Once they were taken away, they were destroyed. You can deny it till the cows come home, but it has happened many times over and if we don't stand up now, it will happen to us,you can count on it.

Also you talk about state sanctioned murders? Our government does the most murdering legally of any other people around. How exactly do they get a pass? They believe a gun gives them power, and in fact use them to bully and to kill no? So they should have them why??

Kleisto's photo
Mon 12/31/12 04:10 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Mon 12/31/12 04:13 PM

No giving up neededslaphead

I am not at war with my government. It does pretty much what I ask of it. When it doesn't I work with it to make it do so.

But the second amendment is outdated and irrelevant to this day and age. Fact.

Our government has no issue with citizens being armed because they could obliterate any of them with no problem so fast no one would know what happened. Most military would believe them internal threats so no issues with the military not cooperating. Buhbye little revolution.
Also fact.

Children are being mowed down in their elementary school room because we have too many gun crazies in this country. Those who believe a gun gives them power are gun crazy.

Something needs to be done. Gun hugging won't change that fact.

You leave yourself like a lamb heading to the slaughter with this attitude. Your government cares NOTHING for you.....whether you believe that or not. They care for their own power and control, and not a damn thing more. Wake up.

I am fully aware of the capabilities of my government. It is others who are not, not me. I also know how to fight my government successfully and no guns are required, to believe so is just ignorance.

You do understand though that in MANY past civilizations.....the LAST step to full blown dictatorship was the removal of weapons from its' citizens don't you? We must know our history, otherwise we are doomed to repeat that.

Beyond all that, every citizen deserves the right to defend himself or herself via arms if the need arises. Criminals are gonna have them either way, you can't stop them. To leave the innocent unarmed against them is asking for more crime, and in areas where guns are limited or banned outright you get exactly that. Chicago is a prime example, they've had 500 deaths via shooting in this year alone.....and yet we're safer without the right or a severely limited right at best to bear arms? I think not.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 12/31/12 03:37 PM

No giving up neededslaphead

I am not at war with my government. It does pretty much what I ask of it. When it doesn't I work with it to make it do so.

But the second amendment is outdated and irrelevant to this day and age. Fact.

Our government has no issue with citizens being armed because they could obliterate any of them with no problem so fast no one would know what happened. Most military would believe them internal threats so no issues with the military not cooperating. Buhbye little revolution.
Also fact.

Children are being mowed down in their elementary school room because we have too many gun crazies in this country. Those who believe a gun gives them power are gun crazy.

Something needs to be done. Gun hugging won't change that fact.

You leave yourself like a lamb heading to the slaughter with this attitude. Your government cares NOTHING for you.....whether you believe that or not. They care for their own power and control, and not a damn thing more. Wake up.

Kleisto's photo
Mon 12/31/12 10:07 AM

The founding fathers were thinking of the way it was in their time. It is too late to fight our government with weapons now. The greatest military complex in the world is no match for a few million pea shooters if you could muster that many for your tiny militia.

The 2nd amendment doesn't even apply nowadays. It was meant for a time when the weapons were the same across the board. Men were fighting men not nuclear weapons.

Reality needs to set in for some Americans living in the past. Hell, they could drone ya and your friends and not even need to lose one military life.

And you can cry about it now all you want but the fact of the matter is that it is too late for a citizen with a gun to fight his government that way.

what would you propose we do exactly then? just roll over and let them have our guns too? the very last thing we have left to defend ourselves with?

Kleisto's photo
Sat 12/29/12 04:08 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Sat 12/29/12 04:11 PM

freedom is a myth when one lives as part of a 'community'

we are a constitutional republic, which means we all must adhere to certain laws and responsibilities,,,

we can really only compare 'freedoms' with other countries, but as a measure in itself, there is no way for a community to have it in any absolute sense,,,

lets remember, although white males were essentially 'free' (with the exception of indentured servants and briefly, slaves), plenty of others in america took much longer to win that same level of 'freedom'

timeline of 'america' (since its founding and not including the period between settling geographically and making it official)

founded 1776
oppression of women legally ended with 19th amendment in 1919
oppression of blacks legally ended with voting rights act in 1965
18 year olds 'free' to have a political voice with 26th amdnement in 1971

so, depending upon how one is going to define 'free' when it comes to life and politics,,, there is no freer time than now for us ALL to go back to

this is the freest we have ALL been in americas history,, although some may feel less free because of the freedoms others have gained,,,

Total BS.....we far LESS free as a whole than we were in the past. Do certain people or sects of our culture have more rights than in the past? Yes I can't argue that, but it doesn't change the fact that we have far less collective rights now than we used to. And as long as people hold the attitude you do, they will get lesser and lesser. People have not one idea what they are in for, nor what they have permitted.

which 'collective' rights do you refer to,, exactly

how do you measure 'more or less' free from one period in america to the next?

its strange that people only recently started holding the attitude you do about their 'freedom' being 'collectively' less, and not so much when the 'collective' involved was a much smaller demograhic of human beings in america

we have gained and lost , and we will continue to,,,that is the history of any country,,,

I have not and would not 'permit' anything that I felt was unfair or unjust or undue(I do hold the believe that 'appreciation' is as important as fear and entitlement and that there should be some EXPECTATIONS to live in a country that is supposedly FREE, to keep it running in an orderly and just manner for the LARGE population it is home to)

Freedom quite simply is having the ability to do anything and I mean ANYTHING involving yourself or the consent of another person with yourself, without someone telling you cannot do it, provided you are not stepping on another's right to do the same in the process. Anything less than that is not freedom at all.

If you seriously think given that, that we are more free today than we were in the past, you don't know what it truly means to be, because with every new law passed, we lose more and more of those personal freedoms in the process, and the government gets more say over what we can or cannot do. That's not perception, that's not rhetoric or opinion, that's fact.

Kleisto's photo
Sat 12/29/12 10:54 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Sat 12/29/12 10:55 AM

Kleisto's photo
Sat 12/29/12 10:54 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Sat 12/29/12 10:55 AM

freedom is a myth when one lives as part of a 'community'

we are a constitutional republic, which means we all must adhere to certain laws and responsibilities,,,

we can really only compare 'freedoms' with other countries, but as a measure in itself, there is no way for a community to have it in any absolute sense,,,

lets remember, although white males were essentially 'free' (with the exception of indentured servants and briefly, slaves), plenty of others in america took much longer to win that same level of 'freedom'

timeline of 'america' (since its founding and not including the period between settling geographically and making it official)

founded 1776
oppression of women legally ended with 19th amendment in 1919
oppression of blacks legally ended with voting rights act in 1965
18 year olds 'free' to have a political voice with 26th amdnement in 1971

so, depending upon how one is going to define 'free' when it comes to life and politics,,, there is no freer time than now for us ALL to go back to

this is the freest we have ALL been in americas history,, although some may feel less free because of the freedoms others have gained,,,

Total BS.....we far LESS free as a whole than we were in the past. Do certain people or sects of our culture have more rights than in the past? Yes I can't argue that, but it doesn't change the fact that we have far less collective rights now than we used to. And as long as people hold the attitude you do, they will get lesser and lesser. People have not one idea what they are in for, nor what they have permitted.