Community > Posts By > Jamesdei07

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:24 PM

well,, this convo went to hell in a handbasket

no it went to hell in a gas truck with the valves open

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:21 PM
i would so be pressing charges after i kicked the living **** out of him

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:19 PM

are you not aware of the prior threads that hes came in here making?????????????????

no you need to be saving them though

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:17 PM
tina i would be saving these forum pages (evidence)

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:14 PM

ya need me to tie your biotch azz down????

show u what I would do a total sltty psycho azz like yourself

you sound cute when your mad lol

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:04 PM

i was talking about football. true love isnt a game!think

i would so suck at defense. but durn I love to run the ball. or throw the ball

i would so take you down you wouldn't have a chance lol

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:55 PM
middle linebacker

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:54 PM
good stuff im still in love with my ex more than she will ever know and im alright with that but yea good stuff

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:34 PM

A reliable news source of any kind? Don't people understand that youtube or utube, however it is spelled, is a personally produced and ALTERED version of what people want to express?

The few things I have seen from there are funny sometimes and entertaining sometimes and shocking and disgusting sometimes but at no point period should it be considered a reliable news source.

Can someone tell me why some people think it is verifiable fact?

well in my opinion people have become so wrapped up in the whole youtube thing that they actually believe what they are seeing or hearing

I guess that could be. I view the real news channels with some skepticism, always looking for a bias but at least they are suppose to be real news, held to some kind of standard. Utube is peoples personal playthings they put up.

Not that the artistic expression should be downplayed, it is a form of art but not factual news. At least in my opinion.

right i hear ya

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:29 PM

please rate me note, pictures show a 15 pound heavier me and with long hair,which is now a ceaser cut lol not that you needed to know just sayin.:wink:

be honest i can take it good and or bad.

what kind of gun do you own

the ones i own now are a mossberg 590 and a Ak-74 the handgun in the picture is my friends cheap .380 that jams still fun to shoot not extremly accurate though.drinker

right well i have a Colt AR-223. and a sig saur 9mm love guns

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:23 PM

please rate me note, pictures show a 15 pound heavier me and with long hair,which is now a ceaser cut lol not that you needed to know just sayin.:wink:

be honest i can take it good and or bad.

what kind of gun do you own

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:22 PM

A reliable news source of any kind? Don't people understand that youtube or utube, however it is spelled, is a personally produced and ALTERED version of what people want to express?

The few things I have seen from there are funny sometimes and entertaining sometimes and shocking and disgusting sometimes but at no point period should it be considered a reliable news source.

Can someone tell me why some people think it is verifiable fact?

well in my opinion people have become so wrapped up in the whole youtube thing that they actually believe what they are seeing or hearing

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 10:17 PM

on a scale from 1-10, what do ya think.


Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:17 AM

I was on Craigslist and I put an add for my self in the personals. I always got the spam replies until now. This girl Replied to the add and we went to a movie last night. She was so beautiful looking, and she had a great since of humor. We held hands during the movie and kissed after in the car. I can't wait to see her again. She is working all week until the weekends. How soon should I call hear to see hear again. I don't want to sound too needy and I also don't want her to feel like I let her down by not calling.

call tomorrow and tell her what a great time you had and you hope she has a great week...Dont get to sobby or she will run...Be assertive and tell her you would love to see her again and put the ball in her court

i just put a little more detail into it we are men we need details without them we are lost

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:16 AM

I was on Craigslist and I put an add for my self in the personals. I always got the spam replies until now. This girl Replied to the add and we went to a movie last night. She was so beautiful looking, and she had a great since of humor. We held hands during the movie and kissed after in the car. I can't wait to see her again. She is working all week until the weekends. How soon should I call hear to see hear again. I don't want to sound too needy and I also don't want her to feel like I let her down by not calling.

alright dude there is a rule of thumb here a first date wait at least 2 days before you call give her time to think about the situation and that keeps you from looking desperate and when you do call her be confident but not like overbearingly
just tell her you had a good time and would like to do it again sometime and just go from there

ooppps copyright infringement lol sorry

why are you stealing what I just put....laugh

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:15 AM

I don't think that there are really any rules to when your suppose to call, If you like her, you should call her and tell her what a great time you had on your date, and see where the conversation goes from there.

oh yea there are rules if you just met a guy and you gave him your number and he called you like 30 minuets later what would you think

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:13 AM

I was on Craigslist and I put an add for my self in the personals. I always got the spam replies until now. This girl Replied to the add and we went to a movie last night. She was so beautiful looking, and she had a great since of humor. We held hands during the movie and kissed after in the car. I can't wait to see her again. She is working all week until the weekends. How soon should I call hear to see hear again. I don't want to sound too needy and I also don't want her to feel like I let her down by not calling.

alright dude there is a rule of thumb here a first date wait at least 2 days before you call give her time to think about the situation and that keeps you from looking desperate and when you do call her be confident but not like overbearingly
just tell her you had a good time and would like to do it again sometime and just go from there

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:08 AM

I think it takes other people voicing their own discontent for us to begin to voice and act on our own problems sometimes.

Then again, some people are prone to jumping on bandwagons and rallying around someone with a cause. It is easy to begin to see a similar cause in your own life...even when it doesn't exist.

Jealousy can play a role in some cases too. If he/she is not going to put up with that BS, then neither AM I! What they may not stop to realize, before becoming indignant and righteous, is that the person they are taking their inspiration from may be overreacting. oops Or maybe which case please refer back to the first paragraph. :tongue:

mighty good show i like it

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:06 AM

what responsibility do you have in the demise of your marriage?

Im with that so many men think that they are in a pretty decent relationship...........but if you ask the woman she usually has a different story.............I think that men are more laidback and can dismiss things that go on in the relationship but women we, are used to remembering everything good or bad and we dont FORGET............

yea got that little Rolodex in your brain when something goes wrong that thing starts spinning

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 10/27/08 11:04 AM

So my ex-wife (the ice princess as i affectionately refer to her) worked with a woman who was going through a divorce.
IP (ice princess) was best friends with this woman.
So, we are married about 6 months, and my wife starts really treating me like crap, comparing me to this jack ass that her friend was divorcing. I am nothing like the guy, so she would get pissed about very minute details, taking the discussion/fight about them to an unbelievable level of retardedness till i would finally say "f" it, and just stop fighting with her.

So here's my question.
Why did my ex wife let this situation with her friend ruin/dispose of a pretty decent relationship with me??

i have always known this to be true a relationships worst enemy is a woman's best friend because whatever they are going through your stuck right there in it

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