Community > Posts By > AngelMapper

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:50 PM
:P I tend to do that, but only when talking to my girl, i blurr every one else out!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:36 PM
Edited by AngelMapper on Sat 05/03/08 07:37 PM
What does, or who does you'r voice sound like, and what kind of voice attracts you.

Talking ehhh id say I sound kinda like johnny depp, atleast thats what people tell me, when I sing I sound like the lead singer of ramstien.

and my girl has the perfect voice, cute & SMEXXXYYYY

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:32 PM

AngelMapper I would love to see that smile.happy

Gotto acctualy have some thing to smile about first

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:24 PM

If they don't smile much I personally find it a challenge to get them to.

:P MAKE ME SMILE I DARE YOU, LOL jk...:P getting web cam monday so ill show pics of me smiling! :P LOL!!!!!!!!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:20 PM
What if they dont smile much, not so much cause they are not hapy just kinda u completely over look them or find it intising!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:17 PM
if its some one I care for it is "I love you" as I pull her close.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 07:16 PM
So what to you sets a person apart as far as beauty "MALE OR FEMALE" and what exectly catches your eye the most about peoples looks.

"this is not to sound shallow"

I would have to say Eyes and lips, if they have beautiful eyes and sexy lips im set, no not the giant inflatted lips..I kina like small mouths..dnk why.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 06:26 PM
Id have to agree, it was cool but a tad creepy...and I think a bit to bold, people wernt really ready I think to see the truth about prison.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 06:23 PM
I would have to say women, simply because they allways look gorgeous, this means alot of extra they constantly have to fight us men off ><

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 06:10 PM
smokers are treated like crap and yeat the citys and states etc, still make money off of us, if its so bad then lets see how long they like not having that extra money coming!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 04:30 PM
*LIGHTS UP A SMOKE* this is to all those that think there too good to be with a smoker *TAKES A HUGE DRAG* I wouldnt want you around me any ways you snobs *TAKES ANOTHER DRAG* looks like I just dont care for you as much as you dont care for me! *PUTS HIS CIG OUT* if you dont like me simply because I smoke, that makes ua bigger ass hole then me for smoking!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 04:24 PM
Absolutelly nothing, I hate small towns -_-!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 04:20 PM

Irad is my name, looking to find a dame who plays no game, a great guy yes i am, i do not like green eggs or ham :smile:

LOL drinker

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 04:18 PM
its a beautifull poem, its from the heart and thats what counts!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 03:45 PM
wacked off with icy hot, the burn felt sooooo good!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 03:14 PM
^^ thanks !, i feel much better now!

HEHE my buddy steve called me gay about a month ago, so i told him give me a night with his girl and weel see how gay I am!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 02:06 PM
You know ive often wondered why every one I know thinks im gay or secretly gay...even though I have a gf and no desire for a man.... ok the creepy hippy van song was a joke so leave that out of this!

Here is a list of things people consider me gay for!

I trim my hair daily and shave certain parts of my body.
I shave my face daily and use oitnments to prevent break outs.
I allways dress nice and worry about how I look
I allways make sure I smell good
I am extremely sensitive towards others feelings
I love anamils and hate guns
I dont care about trucks but love clothes
I dont like prince but love michel jakcson
I am allways using chap stick to prevent my lips from cracking
I am allways chewing on gum and checkin my breath.

this is just a small list of things I do every day, and many times I have been called gay for these and other things, my question is this.
Why is it considered gay if a guy cares about how he looks, and is allways making sure he is wel grooomed and is a bit sensitive.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 02:00 PM
I just dont say any thing unless people ask, therefore I dont have to lie, and if they dont believe me thats there own thing to think about.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 01:57 PM
Hmm it varys, just depends how much u were in to them.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 05/03/08 11:51 AM
HAPPY B DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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