Community > Posts By > AngelMapper

AngelMapper's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:21 AM
OMFG DUDE....WOW i cant stop laughing!

I feel really sorry for who ever this was that had this happen to them, and that cat should be ...well I dnk but it needs some thing done!

AngelMapper's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:16 AM

Here I'll give it a shot. I'm leaving off the name though.

XXXX, you know we've never talked and except for that message you sent me once after I begged you. Sure we don't know anything about one another but hey let's face it. We need to live life for today.
So XXXX, will you marry me?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

AngelMapper's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:11 AM
-_- dude its 1 am here...gimme a break..... I havnt slept in over 30 some odd yea

AngelMapper's photo
Mon 05/05/08 01:06 AM
Edited by AngelMapper on Mon 05/05/08 01:12 AM
What to you is the ultimate way to propose to and/or be proposed to ! serious answers please :)

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 10:54 PM
Im here

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 10:50 PM
to bad i got 56k, it wont load for us people with dial up :(

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 10:18 PM
Edited by AngelMapper on Sun 05/04/08 10:18 PM
Lets all rent a bus and go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 10:09 PM
No, but thats kinda a cool tip for say a romantic thing to do with ur partner...i gotto try that!

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:43 PM
I seriously dont get it noway drinker , then again im probbaly to tired to be reading much less typing!

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:51 PM
\_/ \_/ a double shot for u mate, the best of luck.. heres to new begginings!!!!!!!!!

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:50 PM
Uhhh ill take a shot at it, I would guess it means describe how about you would come up with the different levels of organization and the thought going into it O_o?

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:49 PM
no breasts for me thank you, ill take a shot though, infact make it a double vodka, with cherrys in it!

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:39 PM
Hmmm Ill see if I can find him.

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:38 PM
^^ kinda has a intament touch to it! I love it! :heart: :heart: flowerforyou

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:35 PM

No1s here laugh

GOOD to see you finally away from work!

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:33 PM
Hmm I guess thats allways been my problem wich churches, I believe in god and all, but I dont like how they try to mold u to there points of view.

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:31 PM
Angel, here...and his other side Dave here as well...wich one u want...ones really evil the others soft and cuddly devil devil

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:24 PM
Question, in this theoriticle situation, can she feel and just not walk, or is the sayed person paralyzed?

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:21 PM
I would go through with it, for 3 reasons...1 they may have been just worried about u judging them for being in a chair,

2 if some one was talkign about her, wether any thing happned between me and her, I would beat the son of a b, thats just plain rude and maybe he aughto spend the rest of his life in a chair!

3 I try to make it work if I liked them, and itd be the perfect settup, sence sex would probbaly be out of question!

AngelMapper's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:17 PM

post pics that show who you are...doing something you like to do, a photo of your car(if that's something that makes you proud)....

Thats a good idea, wish I had my web cam allready so i coudl take pics of me eating cheetos out of my boxers!

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