Community > Posts By > AngelMapper

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:09 PM
If I were one of these 2 things I woulkd do this 1 thing.
If I were gay I would anally love them till the breck of dawn, and if I were a women I would still Anally love them till the breack of dawn!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:05 PM
I know for each person they like to have there partner express love in different ways, so what I am here to ask is 2 qeustions.

1 What tells you you're partner loves you.

2 what does love feel like to you, and how do you express it.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:03 PM
*kicks the damn goat* Yea thats right I kicked the damn goat...right in his nards ...what now?

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:57 PM
There is....I shall soon discover the edentity of the culprit who ares to copy me ! YOU HEAR ME IM COMING FOR YOU...yes it will take some time but I know science will prevail! Your anal cavity shall be mine you poser of the angelmapper!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:52 PM
Yes I can be very mature and insightfull at time and at others random and .... well I gues kinda funny O-o

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:50 PM
Thats the point, My twisted mind often brings forth random things of wich I like to speak about such as Ive posted my shoe size in my profile...why, Im not really sure but it seemed like a good idea at the time

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:47 PM
:'( ok now youve made me mad....THERE SHALL BE NO COOKIES FOR ANY OF YOU FOR 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:45 PM
Creepy O-o LOL Jk I love you to MM

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:45 PM
:'( that makes me wanna call up my father, thank you this truely is touching :). keep up the good work I hope to see more of these from you!

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:43 PM
So am I? LOL just thought I would throw this out there out of boredom LOL.... ohh and if you think Im not I gaurantee you I can bring my boys to the yard then you any day via milkshakes so HAAA

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:41 PM
Misslibra I feel for you honestly, and as a brother libra I can tell you its not easy being the balancer.
as libras we often find ourselves pondering over why, while at the same time trying to figure out how to make it better next time.
So heres my advice to you, you are a smart beautifull women dont let time slip by as I have for the past 3 year's. "wich may not seem like much to some but still the point remains"
Just remember that he obviously wasnt good enough for YOU not the other way around.
and remember were all here for you, whilst we may not be you're prince charming we are you're friends so join us, join the twisted side we have cookies!

AND DENTAL yes forgot that dental see very nice teeth hmm yes indeed...*whispers under breath* - now if we only had eye coverage maybe I could see this damn keyboared in the dark >_<-

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:36 PM
Also if any body would like feel free to email me, im bored as hell!
I hope this doesnt come off creepy :P LOL

P.S. My name is satan I like long walks on the beach and killing baby seals JK allways wanted to say that.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:34 PM
Im 20 :( sadly, Although I am glad im still young it just means Ill be even wiser by the time im 27 finally O-o...ofcourse if Im still posting on here at 27...some thing it truely terribly rong with me ! LOL

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:29 PM
Its funny most people whenh they meet me think im atleast 27 because im quiet and have these points of view O_o.
It often leads to me never being carded!!!!!!!!!!! mahhahahaha

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:19 PM
HEHE thanks O-o its hard for men, heres another philisophical question for you ladys and gents.
This is another thing I have noticed in life
1 when a man breacks up with a women 9 - 10 times his buddys dont really care nor do they even bother to ask him how he feels, he therefor as a male is trained from day one to hide that it might have hurt maybe even have broken his heart.
2 when women are broken up with or break up with the man there friends 9 - 10 times are there for her and help her through it she is therefor trained from day 1 to express her emotions freely and becomes in truth a much stronger person than the x male partner in this way.
Why is it that the world is built in such a way, why can we men not just let it flow without constantly worrying we will be seen as gay or a loser.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:11 PM
I truely hope each and every one of us finds our some on even if its just a friend, ok I feel so gay im crying to god damn bryan adams SCREW HIM AND HIS EVERY THINHG I DO!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR gets angry to counter the sadness! LOL

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 09:04 PM
Not a prob, trust me I allways got odd thoughts in my head, I honestly must say I feel for all of us, the heart ache when we think about it at times can be unbearable, as you just saw I even Yes a man can despair from time to time, I just simply cant understand why I have such a self destructive manor about my self while at the same time I want what I tear myself away from.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 08:59 PM
Good, Maybe I am just feeling a bit down right now I dnk but I hope you guys dont think Its sounds crazy.

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 08:53 PM
Why is it so hard to find some one now days, is it that theres to many people, or is it theres not enough?
Why do I become angry when I see happy couples while at the same time I feel like crying.
Why when I see a couple kiss do I feel this urge to run and hide and become emberassed because I wish it was me "not so much kissing that girl just in general".
Why is it we all come here looking for the one day after day constantly checking our email box when ever we get home from work hoping some will see what inside of us and just want to love us?
Why do we all feel so alone now days, and why are we alone?
Is it our looks, our personallity, events that have happned that have driven us to hide from the arms of another.
Is it the fact we get nearvous when ever we see some one who makes our heart thump, while at the same time being held back by this thought that were not good enough?
Is it only me who feels like this or am I just stupid?

AngelMapper's photo
Sat 04/26/08 08:45 PM just made me cry... :'(