Community > Posts By > Cheryline22

Cheryline22's photo
Wed 02/27/13 08:18 PM

Is it considered weird if i say i love science but i hate math? In fact they have something in common. I love injection too.

I'm good at both science and math,but never an art person

Cheryline22's photo
Wed 02/27/13 08:17 PM

I like to put hot sauce on my mac and cheese
I’ve put hot sauce on a slice of bread and eaten it. :tongue:

i used to eat just the hot sauce


Cheryline22's photo
Tue 02/19/13 07:43 AM

Am very smart when it comes to academy,I aced every subject effortlessly,I sing and dance well,good at sport,was crowned multi-talented in school
But people say I have no common sense,I always ask questions tht are Duhhh..and I dnt hv sense of direction,I even got lost in the university's toilet,and I can't show you how to get to my house,cz I still cant figure it out

You sound like the opposite of me. I was not good at getting high grades in school unless it was in hands on classes like art and lab. Sports were never my thing but I could find my way around many places. In college two of the build was connected and people would get lost in them and I never understood why sense both buildings had different layout and interior design. Still I was good at reading maps and even drawing them. They may be because I enjoyed art and science lab, both requires attention to detail.

I sujest we team up. You be the brains and I the navigator. :tongue:

It sounds right to my alley..
Am good at science(theory) but poor at lab work

Cheryline22's photo
Tue 02/19/13 06:53 AM
Am very smart when it comes to academy,I aced every subject effortlessly,I sing and dance well,good at sport,was crowned multi-talented in school
But people say I have no common sense,I always ask questions tht are Duhhh..and I dnt hv sense of direction,I even got lost in the university's toilet,and I can't show you how to get to my house,cz I still cant figure it out

Cheryline22's photo
Tue 02/19/13 06:51 AM
Am very smart when it comes to academy,I aced every subject effortlessly,I sing and dance well,good at sport,was crowned multi-talented in school
But people say I have no common sense,I always ask questions tht are Duhhh..and I dnt hv sense of direction,I even got lost in the university's toilet,and I can't show you how to get to my house,cz I still cant figure it out

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 08:08 PM

Funny this topic should come up at this time as two ex-boyfriends in the last 3 weeks are trying to get back together with me. I don't believe in second chances when it comes to a relationship. Once we are broken up; its done. I don't buy the crap that they have changed either.

Hi 5 navygirl,I am with you

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 08:02 PM

my ex cheated on me for about 8months before i found out,it was the hardest time for me
i hv to admit i was busy working everyday from 10am to 10pm,no off days
but that doesnt mean you have the green card to cheat..
so my question is would you find someone else if he or she neglected you for some time? or you would work things out with him or her?

Cheryline22, I do not condone your ex-boyfriend's decision to string you along while he dated someone else. He should have formally broken off his relationship with you before moving on to another girlfriend.

He didn't want to call it off when I confronted with him

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 08:00 PM

Working every day? 12 hours a day? No days off?

I am not sure how you could expect anyone to stay in that relationship.....if you could even call it that.

I wasn't tht tied up when we started dating,it was after a few months I became workaholic due to financial straits in my family

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 07:55 PM

my ex cheated on me for about 8months before i found out,it was the hardest time for me
i hv to admit i was busy working everyday from 10am to 10pm,no off days
but that doesnt mean you have the green card to cheat..
so my question is would you find someone else if he or she neglected you for some time? or you would work things out with him or her?

I would try to work it out. It's not that you are neglecting this person for your own selfish reasons; it is your job and no matter how much you care for someone else; you need to have your job to survive. No matter how much you care for this person; they aren't paying your bills; you are. To me; it sounds like this guy was a cheater and just used your job situation as an excuse to cheat.

I thought as much as that

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:52 PM
Edited by Cheryline22 on Sun 02/17/13 06:53 PM
my ex cheated on me for about 8months before i found out,it was the hardest time for me
i hv to admit i was busy working everyday from 10am to 10pm,no off days
but that doesnt mean you have the green card to cheat..
so my question is would you find someone else if he or she neglected you for some time? or you would work things out with him or her?

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:23 PM

God is as real as you want him to be. I see all the miracles of the universe and I ask "How can there not be a God?"


Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:19 PM

well,it is hard for me to explain and express my feelings
i'll make a sour or sulky face,but i wont tell you why am upset unless you keep pestering me why
Many people do have trust issues. I am one of those people. When something is upsetting or worrying me, I want to talk about it but not sure who to open up to. And I'll admit that I fear bringing rejected or hurt.

same here :(
This here just reminded me of the movie "The Breakfast Club". Have you seen that movie?

nope,wat about it?

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:17 PM

I am a highly selective eater. Although most people would call it "picky." I was ridiculed about it as a child. This caused me to simply avoid eating with people that I thought would pick on me about it. But, I never changes mt eating habits because most of the things people eat I simply find disgusting. I eat no fruits or vegetables at all. Mostly I eat breads and bacon. No other meat. I drink milk and sodas with very little actual water. I like things to be salty or sweet.

This has been a cause of friction in my personal relationships. Many women enjoy experiencing different cultures through their food and dining out in general. I'm just not interested. I will not put anything new or different in my mouth, EVER. I also prefer doing my own cooking to dining out.

Women also nag me about it. They say it's "unhealthy." Well, I'm healthier than anyone else I know of my age. I'm only about 10 pounds over weight and I don't have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I don't take any medications regularly.

As I've matured, I've learned that "weirdness" is an advantage. It's these little eccentricities that make us all unique. Perfect is dull.

i respect tht
for myself i dont hv favorite food but i have a long list of food i dislike

one more weirdness about me,i cant take soft drinks(anything carbonated),it makes me uncomfortable

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:06 PM

I'm an huge anime fan and like to cosplay.

this is normal in Japan,and probably most asian countries
There, yes. I live in small farm town where most are into sports, hunting, and drinking.

then why are you so 'extraordinary'?
Not sure about that but I lived here for 30 years and I've been asked where am I from. That I don't sound like others from my area.

your spirit is always with us-asian

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:04 PM

well,it is hard for me to explain and express my feelings
i'll make a sour or sulky face,but i wont tell you why am upset unless you keep pestering me why

You have to be careful, some guys may dig a pouty look. Melissa Lee of CNBC has such a pout as a point of reference.

am fearless and reckless,i always challenge and fight with men..
wanna change it though

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:02 PM

well,it is hard for me to explain and express my feelings
i'll make a sour or sulky face,but i wont tell you why am upset unless you keep pestering me why
Many people do have trust issues. I am one of those people. When something is upsetting or worrying me, I want to talk about it but not sure who to open up to. And I'll admit that I fear bringing rejected or hurt.

same here :(

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 06:00 PM

I'm an huge anime fan and like to cosplay.

this is normal in Japan,and probably most asian countries
There, yes. I live in small farm town where most are into sports, hunting, and drinking.

then why are you so 'extraordinary'?

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 05:59 PM

Respect begets respect....Besides,once she's faithful,she's got all my respects...

you need to show youre faithful in the first place

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 05:48 PM
hey ya,count me in!!!

Cheryline22's photo
Sun 02/17/13 05:32 PM

hat makes you weird?share with me ;)

I'm Melmacian. Enough said. :tongue:

you are weird among your species tht you know our language and interact well with us ie homo sapien