Community > Posts By > SpicyExcel

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 07:02 PM

The Quran says Jesus came into being the same way as Adam... The Almighty God merely said, 'Be' and they came to be.

Now remember, Jesus was still in the spirit-realm during this event and he continues to live in that realm until his physical birth through a virgin by the name of Mary.

Yes, even the Quran confirms that Mary was untouched by any man.

The physical death that he was about to endure was one that he'd have to endure as any other man and was well known as being very horrible. But, he did so in behalf of his Creators will.

Jesus said, "Do not be fearful of those who can kill the body, but can not kill the Soul."

So, why is it so hard to believe an Angel came to offer encouragement to him?

The first - three sentences' - of you answer is the same as the Cathlic faith. So neither of you disagree upon the creation of Jesus; from how you just explained it.

The next two sentences are also the same as the Cathlic belief.

[My two above reply to your answer there may be very small modist differences between the two faith systems, but not to cause the dislike each share with each other.]

YOUR last sentence condtradics why I asked you the original question.
QUOTE "...So, God needs encouragement to follow-thru? (Lame) ..."


What's not to understand...?

I've expressed the doctrine of the Trinity and the contradictions with it for Th3Dv8 to have to deal with.

Then I've conveyed the understanding of the Muslim community in contrast to the Church's.

Once more, God Almighty who always was and always will be, created Jesus in the spirit-realm before all the rest of creation.

The Almighty merely commanded the Soul, that is Jesus, into existence. (Jesus, Had Existed As A Spirit Before He Was Born From A Woman)

The Almighty merely commanded the Soul, that was Adam, into existence. (Adam Wasn't Born From A Woman)

You've missed the point entirely, Muslims don't believe Jesus is God.

It's the Trinitarian Christians that do.

You need to remember I am on niether side. Personally I believe both sides are correct about things and both sides are wrong. Both sides do share similar views on certain topics.

So your saying Jesus was created before earth and remained in the spirit releam for and indefinite period of time. Jesus was selected from all other spirits that exsited then and now, with this number of spirits never changing.

He was born from a woman both sides agree upon. Both sides agree upon how Mary came to conceive Jesus, by a spirit.

I was not talking about Adam and Adam passed on, because he disobeied God. Both side agree to this also, I believe.

The Christian faith does not believe Jesus is God, but was born (of) God. That is fact. Anyone tells you different is shovelling a line.

Remember I am not against either side in believing what faith system they have chosen to follow.

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 06:18 PM

The Quran says Jesus came into being the same way as Adam... The Almighty God merely said, 'Be' and they came to be.

Now remember, Jesus was still in the spirit-realm during this event and he continues to live in that realm until his physical birth through a virgin by the name of Mary.

Yes, even the Quran confirms that Mary was untouched by any man.

The physical death that he was about to endure was one that he'd have to endure as any other man and was well known as being very horrible. But, he did so in behalf of his Creators will.

Jesus said, "Do not be fearful of those who can kill the body, but can not kill the Soul."

So, why is it so hard to believe an Angel came to offer encouragement to him?

The first - three sentences' - of you answer is the same as the Cathlic faith. So neither of you disagree upon the creation of Jesus; from how you just explained it.

The next two sentences are also the same as the Cathlic belief.

[My two above reply to your answer there may be very small modist differences between the two faith systems, but not to cause the dislike each share with each other.]

YOUR last sentence condtradics why I asked you the original question.
QUOTE "...So, God needs encouragement to follow-thru? (Lame) ..."


SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 06:04 PM

lol, I think there was a mistype.

cant be both employed and unemployed

more on unemployment ( the ratio of those without a job who are counted in the labor force (i.e., unemployed and searching for work) to the total labor force)

vs labor participation (the ratio of Americans counted in the labor force to the total civilian noninstitutional adult population)

Read more:


Maybe they were criminals' paying their taxeslaugh laugh

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 05:56 PM

Wouldn't that depend on the definition of " intimate " ?

Also the definition of love

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 05:49 PM
Edited by SpicyExcel on Thu 01/22/15 05:51 PM

Apparently, in the following verse after 42... An Angel comes to encourage Jesus (Your God)

So, God needs encouragement to follow-thru? (Lame)

A quick question.

If the writings were interpreted correctly, and Jesus is the son of "God", and spoke with God himself, why would Jesus need an angle to encuorage him?

This question is easy to answer.

Firstly, Jesus was first created by the Almighty God in the spirit-realm. He (Jesus) being the first-born (metaphorically) of creation was already very familiar with the Angelic creatures that accompanied him there. But, went Jesus was sent to Earth to be like Mankind, he had to give-up his spiritual form.
Jesus knew it was only a question of time before he'd have to return to the spirit-realm and a physical death would have to precede his return. His having an Angel come and reveal itself was just a brief review of what he'd already been familiar with.

Your answer to my question then make's other arguements (debat) viable in there personal conclusion.

So you believe Jesus came from the heavens, while other's believe he was born on earth (Either one is OK with me.).

You still did not answer, why he needed an angle to encourage him, since he was the son of God or an angle himself of God; if the writings' were interpreted correctly?

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 05:42 PM

Wall Street adviser: Actual unemployment is 37.2%, 'misery index' worst in 40 years

Don't believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true "Misery Index." Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn't being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.

"��The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work," he said. That leaves out a ton more.

Like anyone truthfully believes ANYTHING coming out of the White House these days..... but there are those among us uncaring of the facts regarding this lying admin

How can someone be unemployed if their currently working?

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 05:29 PM

Aye Tim, I was an Altar Boy for years, and endured the full 8 years of Catechism.

So, Nobody better try to tell me what the bloody Holy Trinity is supposed to be. rant

You did not answer my question

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 05:20 PM

Apparently, in the following verse after 42... An Angel comes to encourage Jesus (Your God)

So, God needs encouragement to follow-thru? (Lame)

A quick question.

If the writings were interpreted correctly, and Jesus is the son of "God", and spoke with God himself, why would Jesus need an angle to encuorage him?

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 04:57 PM
Edited by SpicyExcel on Thu 01/22/15 04:58 PM

If I, remember correctly, this happened a while ago also. Noticed it is only us men who are experiencing this problem.

No, I have it showing on mine too. Says next to Match (147 new), but when I click it wants me to pay for premium to see them. I doubt 147 NEW people have clicked like, could be total since I've been a member, for years.

It is annoying to have it on there, wish they would take it off!

yea, they are years old, now way we can clear it out... please delete that number, charles...

It would be nice if they would delete the number referred to as NEW, and show the number since the day of the new system, or none at all!

That number always came and went on mine, except for yesterday and the one that was added today. The issues is with in the writing of the system and they need to find it and correct it.

It may take a couple of day's to fix. I am not an expert, but understand the basic approach in their problem solving. They may have missed something from before, and it is written - in - too happen periodically.

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 04:20 PM

If I, remember correctly, this happened a while ago also. Noticed it is only us men who are experiencing this problem.

No, I have it showing on mine too. Says next to Match (147 new), but when I click it wants me to pay for premium to see them. I doubt 147 NEW people have clicked like, could be total since I've been a member, for years.

It is annoying to have it on there, wish they would take it off!

What will you do with all those men chasing after you? That's a new man nearly ever second day of the year. You may be eating out a lot. laugh

What men? Most of them must have been of an inappropriate age group or country or something for me to choose NO, because I don't have that many in my file as mutual matches. Most were probably obvious scammers.

Anyway, appears I've done really good to have that many interested in me without a photo! hahaha lol

You know the saying! "Don't kick a gift horse in the mouth" Are they to old for you? laugh

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 03:53 PM

If I, remember correctly, this happened a while ago also. Noticed it is only us men who are experiencing this problem.

No, I have it showing on mine too. Says next to Match (147 new), but when I click it wants me to pay for premium to see them. I doubt 147 NEW people have clicked like, could be total since I've been a member, for years.

It is annoying to have it on there, wish they would take it off!

What will you do with all those men chasing after you? That's a new man nearly ever second day of the year. You may be eating out a lot. laugh

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 03:26 PM
Edited by SpicyExcel on Thu 01/22/15 03:28 PM
If I, remember correctly, this happened a while ago also. Noticed it is only us men who are experiencing this problem.

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 03:26 PM
If I, remember correctly, this happened a while ago also.

SpicyExcel's photo
Wed 01/21/15 09:03 PM
Only behind the hidden treeslaugh

SpicyExcel's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:43 PM

SpicyExcel's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:41 PM
Short breaks that turn into extended travel

Eastern Continent or Western Continent

SpicyExcel's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:19 PM
fish head

SpicyExcel's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:19 PM
fish head

SpicyExcel's photo
Wed 01/21/15 08:01 PM
do do do - - - da da da

SpicyExcel's photo
Wed 01/21/15 07:59 PM
Too many case law's to review in mingle2 forum