Community > Posts By > SpicyExcel

SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 01/23/15 08:06 AM

SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 01/23/15 08:05 AM
Accurate calculation

SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 01/23/15 08:03 AM
There saying what

SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 01/23/15 08:01 AM

A week or a month?

SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 01/23/15 07:58 AM

SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 01/23/15 07:14 AM

The tax rate, regulations and restrictions (being dictated by big corp lobbyists to those in congress making them), the economy (mainly manipulated by the FED and the private banking cartel), their QE policies robbing the taxpayer to prop up those corps and banks sitting on the money and not releasing it into the economy due to those regs and qualifications, and the list goes on!

Until congress does its job, honors their oaths, and restores constitutional liberty back to the people, actually allows a free market to dictate prices without manipulation by the FED/bankers/corps and their lobbyists, we will have an economy that only favors the rich.

Corporate welfare and bailouts is merely an incentive to corporations and manufacturers to create scarcity to qualify for those bailouts.

It's not all about lazy, or all about any one thing in particular, it's about manipulation, power and greed .

Politicians and Governments favor the hand that feeds them.

What the people don't realize is that THAT hand can be cut off by the consumer. However, with a 24 hour corporate sponsored media bombardment, the distractions and propaganda instilling fear to get people to give up their power and liberties for a false sense of security, the peoples addiction to those distractions, the influence it has on the voting public to re-elect those creating the problems, misdirecting the blame, and dividing us against ourselves, nothing much is ever going to change.

That's a long winded diatribe, and only my personal opinion, but it didn't happen over night and isn't going to change any faster or without the public facing the facts to begin with..... like any addiction, you have to admit the problem before you can fix it

Your correct, but here's a great example of control over the population and professional staffing.

I need to see a surgen to have surgery. I cannot go back to work until I receive medical release. The systems know I am in the midst of a civil case. This civil case was caused by big business, government and professional employees. My income will run out for medical benefits in a month or so. Then use may investments and savings to live. I will loss on my investments and my retirement plan.

I can get assistance if I sign a waver about the civil proceedings and the government receives there money back. Therefore everything I own, earned, bought, etc. goes back to the government and big business.

The point is I want to have my surgery now to return to work, but I am being made to wait by the medical society, government and big businesses. So they can all profit of my past earnings' which I have already paid taxes on.

Its corruption at its finest.

SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 01/23/15 07:14 AM

The tax rate, regulations and restrictions (being dictated by big corp lobbyists to those in congress making them), the economy (mainly manipulated by the FED and the private banking cartel), their QE policies robbing the taxpayer to prop up those corps and banks sitting on the money and not releasing it into the economy due to those regs and qualifications, and the list goes on!

Until congress does its job, honors their oaths, and restores constitutional liberty back to the people, actually allows a free market to dictate prices without manipulation by the FED/bankers/corps and their lobbyists, we will have an economy that only favors the rich.

Corporate welfare and bailouts is merely an incentive to corporations and manufacturers to create scarcity to qualify for those bailouts.

It's not all about lazy, or all about any one thing in particular, it's about manipulation, power and greed .

Politicians and Governments favor the hand that feeds them.

What the people don't realize is that THAT hand can be cut off by the consumer. However, with a 24 hour corporate sponsored media bombardment, the distractions and propaganda instilling fear to get people to give up their power and liberties for a false sense of security, the peoples addiction to those distractions, the influence it has on the voting public to re-elect those creating the problems, misdirecting the blame, and dividing us against ourselves, nothing much is ever going to change.

That's a long winded diatribe, and only my personal opinion, but it didn't happen over night and isn't going to change any faster or without the public facing the facts to begin with..... like any addiction, you have to admit the problem before you can fix it

Your correct, but here's a great example of control over the population and professional staffing.

I need to see a surgen to have surgery. I cannot go back to work until I receive medical release. The systems know I am in the midst of a civil case. This civil case was caused by big business, government and professional employees. My income will run out for medical benefits in a month or so. Then use may investments and savings to live. I will loss on my investments and my retirement plan.

I can get assistance if I sign a waver about the civil proceedings and the government receives there money back. Therefore everything I own, earned, bought, etc. goes back to the government and big business.

The point is I want to have my surgery now to return to work, but I am being made to wait by the medical society, government and big businesses. So they can all profit of my past earnings' which I have already paid taxes on.

Its corruption at its finest.

SpicyExcel's photo
Fri 01/23/15 06:51 AM
Edited by SpicyExcel on Fri 01/23/15 06:56 AM

Lazy b*****ds, the UK actual employment figures are 26%! Go get a f*****g job, or if any of you lot are qualified Plumbers, get in contact with me and I'LL get you out working with me, ok? :smile: drinker
lol...wish it was that easy...the problem really isn't that people are lazy...I don't know how it is everywhere in this country but my home town is bad...I'm one of the lucky ones with a full time job with benefits...but jobs like mine are far and few here...most places here only hire part time...they say your full time but they keep your hours below 30 to avoid having to provide benefits and some taxes...a lot of businesses shut down that paid well...those people get these smaller jobs that pay less and don't provide hours are encouraged by employers to collect partial unemployment..working two jobs can be difficult for countless reasons and most places here don't provide set hours...they also put you on the schedule for 8 hours but send you home after 4...but you have to be available for set's ridiculous ...sure there are some people that are lazy and getting unemployment ect...but good jobs are scarce in a lot of towns...I could go on with more "excuses" for the unemployed but like to keep my long stories in my screenplay writing hobby... Hope everyone is having a most wonderful day/night...and if ya hate your happy to have one.. Lol..flowerforyou

You are absolutely right. Good jobs are very hard to find. In part because we ( as a country) outsource entire U.S. industries overseas. Just take a look at the textile industry that used to rule the south.. and that is just one example.. manufacturing?.. all done in Asia...Pick up the phone and call your credit card company.. some guy in New Delhi is on the line.
Next in line is the unions.. The had a very important place in history.. they were needed. But what did they do?... they priced themselves right out of jobs. I bring in container into the U.S. all the time.. but not into Labor ruled ports. I bypass them. My customers (you folks) do not want the extra costs that would then need to be added to the products you buy.

All the while our Government saying "don't worry about it.. we have NFTA.. Yeh well. take a look at ANY steamship container vessel LEAVING the U.S. and destine for Asia... 90% of the containers on board are empty... being sent back so they can be put back into rotation. The other 10% have broken or old computers in them.. garbage.. sent to a foreign land to be burned.. pollution the air of countries that don't care about that kind of stuff

Thanks Uncle Sammy!!

You made some great points "Devildog", although the unions and a lot of people doing the labour work and putting their lives at risk, seen management receiving more than a fair salary. The point is niether job can exist if the other does not do there work and you are seeing this now within the job market.

Government and big businesses have programmed people to believe those types of professional jobs are worth more than what the labour force is worth. The problem is, the labour force suffers the majority of medical injurys and health related jobs injuries. Many health related problems are not ever recognized by insurance companies due to the original occurance and the date of discovery of the medical problem. They say the connecting link is missing or the evidence is not great enough to make a conclusion in their relationship.

The rest of the world believes everything in developed countries is better. Msharmony made a great point also about; do or survive. Yes we have social programs to assist individuals when struggling financially. Yes there are many that do take advantage of those programs and is an attractive thought to other countries.

Our laws have greater goverence over the population and businesses to help eliminate some health and safety risks. Many other countries do not have these laws. This is a big factor why many investors' look at foreign markets for development. The profits are larger for them and the same or smaller return for the common peoples investments.

Global population is an issue of debate, but whether it increases or decreases these problems' will still exist. Technology is advancing faster then the aging population is able to keep up with. Many people were brought-up seeing the faults' in society and where life generally leads for the vast majority of people. Working as the common labour force. Education is a business today and evident with the number of jobs available to the number of people with an post secondary education.

It take two people to work, raise a family, and invest for the future. This is another problem. Looking into history a few centuries before the industrial revolution, today's society can find the developement of the problems the world has today.

I am only expressing an opinion, but if we look at wealth back then and its development into today and tomorrow, we can discover pieces to the puzzel. Yes wealth changes through years, but so did laws and laws created larger organizations. I agree laws are required to better society and govern. Laws were created with good intentions - although we know - anything that is created for good also has bad parts that arise out of its development.

The world needs to create one currency to create market stability. To create a constant inflation rate, employment rate, laws, etc. This type of development is years in the future, since the division of people is still to great on many different levels of governce of society. The wealthy people will not want to give up the control over the majority of the population.

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 09:09 PM
Your Current Occupation


SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 09:06 PM
chewy jubes

sweet tooth or maple syrup

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 09:01 PM
Put her back in her playpen, so she could watch Sesame Street

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 08:57 PM

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 08:50 PM
Edited by SpicyExcel on Thu 01/22/15 08:53 PM
her secret to looking youthful

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 08:47 PM

communication or silent treatment

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 08:44 PM
Zebra steaks on the barbeque

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 08:43 PM

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 08:35 PM

shave it

aliens or zombies?


Fashion industry or Movie industry

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 08:24 PM
Edited by SpicyExcel on Thu 01/22/15 08:32 PM

I thought that I was the only one that had this problem? So when can we expect to have it fixed????

We might tweak it a bit, CheerfulFriends, but it's not a bug.

Hi Charles. I noticed doing a search that the number indicated and the number in reality are not correct, nor the number of pages.

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 08:04 PM
What is her secret? Three, five, seven, nine, eleven; rhythm and the last word rhymes, with the first word of next line.

I hope, I am right about her secret

SpicyExcel's photo
Thu 01/22/15 07:50 PM
For what purpose do you want me to read from the New Testiments for.

I am not quoting directly from any book, but generalizing what I have read and understand, from one perspective.

My point is; why does each different belief need to argue, debat, or fight over a personal choice of faith. There are so many parts that many agree upon, and are the best building blocks of finding mutual understanding. This is why I feel the writings' were misinterpreted. Not saying one is at fault, but misinterpreted of an ancient language or different ancient languages.