yup been a very long time I came back to this site still the same as before most of the women are cruel I seen from other sites I wonder if there's any here that at least will talk to u before judgingyou .
Why do women think that way?
I certainly agree with what you said. I rarely ask a man for help as I really would rather do for myself because of the stigma that is attached to receiving help. That being said; when I do accept help; I make it very clear that I won't exchange sex for help. I will pay him money, take him out forlunch; make a home cooked meal, or give him help when he needs it. This doesn't have to be that complicated if one is mature about this. Really folks; we are all adults; lets start acting that way.
I can see we think alike dont wee and yes most dont know how to act as adults some have there head so far up there ars that they cant think wtf there soing have one thing on the brain. |
Why do women think that way?
Granted a lot of us men are or can be PIGS and yes iam not afriaed to admit that i seen a lot of men out there who mentaly abuse women by screwing with there amotions etc pretty dam sick guys get a life.
But also there are women out there who do that same crap so the point is this i help men and women out there i never ask for anything you know why iam not that type to get anything in return now what if a woman offerd sex to me i would refuse iam not gay ok first of all i would look at it as the woman that offer sex to me for helping is like paying a hooker for a good time you realy think that female would find any one desent know she be treated as a whore no affense to any one. Thats what it would be like i hear women b1tc a lot say men such pigs no wonder why i turn gay heres a women who believes in all men wich is judging all not seeing the small amount who dont share that intrest talking about not thinking omfg. There is a few women i helped and i with they would of payed me back with sex lol,hmmm instead i got payed back with nothing at all. Heres the answere it's called a c0ck tease and yes women play the part as well as men works bouth ways.My best advice is if your going to help any one out there better know the facts are you going to risk it SAY WOULD LIKE TO HAVE SEX WTH U THINKING?? A laywer once told me a lot of cases he seen is over rape it could be staged rape etc but people dont think of the risk do they they think ok help this person and maybe get her in the sack or maybe a blow but when a woman turns that guy down i seen this the guy calls that woman every name in the book i realy think that male or female should think befor they act. Iam so glad i never ask for anything in return if a person offerd money or a gift so be it at least i didn't ask or want it. |
Because there are to many out there who believe in this crap as a athiest i believe in facts not fiction proof befor a story book it has to be proven with no doubt .
The point is know one knows and will never know what happen but according to religion it was (A)God created this earth in 6 days 7th day a god rested also created the big bang .My point is this funny how this topic getting how this big bang started how many people have differnt idea's.But Nasa already has discoverd new planets that could substain life so there for we might not be the only planet out there who has life.So we are not alone out there imagine that. Religion plays a big role in this as much it is bull crap thats my opion it seems to teach people that there is a figure out there that created everything but as a lot know that the big bang was not created by this being or figure of ones imagination excuse my spelling over tired lol . |
Big bang lets see according to religion that (a) god created the earth sun etc but yet there is no proof that a god god created anything or it self in that matter so religion is nothing more than a book that tells storys.
theory's of the big bang that explains the early development of the Universe. According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly. This rapid expansion caused the young Universe to cool and resulted in its present continuously expanding state. According to the most recent measurements and observations, this original state existed approximately 13.7 billion years ago, Evidence for the Theory, First of all, we are reasonably certain that the universe had a beginning. Second, galaxies appear to be moving away from us at speeds proportional to their distance. My personal fav (Big Bang Theory - What About (A) God?) discussion of the Big Bang theory would be incomplete without asking the question, what about (A) God? This is because cosmogony (the study of the origin of the universe) is an area where science and theology meet. Creation was a supernatural event. That is, it took place outside of the natural realm. This fact begs the question: is there anything else which exists outside of the natural realm? Specifically, is there a master Architect out there? We know that this universe had a beginning. Was (A) God the "First Cause"?Question today is Does (A) God Exist? Is there any proof? Is there a heaven and a hell or was it created in the human mind? And then acted out to make others believe in it think about it and study it you be amazed. |
Why do women think that way?
Most of the time women have thease bloody idea in there head that "All Men have Sex on there mind but yet a lot cant get over the fact that maybe they have the issue as well.
I helped a lot of people i dont ask for anything back i dont take things for granted and yet some women are way to pig headed to believe that there are men out there who do have the heart to help. So get over it not all men out there think that way. |
Women vs Men
I may have the answere some women want a man for the companionship nothing more some rather want the sex some cheat on there partners do to lack of feelings such as they feel that there not getting enough attention from there partner so they find some one to fill the part.
In all my years of just sitting back and study thease sites i see a lot of men or women want and want and want they want but dont give wtf is that? Then always the same crap all men are pigs all men think with there pricks well i hate to break it to the ladys whas with taking pic of there brest and tight dress etc ?Is that a signe for attention or what? Granted some men are players but women are to my uncle told me as a child not to affend any women but he once said 1 way a woman can control a man heart whats between there legs but see it works bouth ways.Life is what it is we all chooose are own path ."Why do women want love" Let me ask this "why do men want love"?Theres a differce between wanting love and finding love to find love is easy it comes from the heart.To want love is when want to have it by having sex etc So there for true love out there people are way to blind to find it all they have in there mind is money,sex,cars,crap like that they find them selfs never happy and why because love iwas never there to begin with. Maybe nobody knows what they want until it finds them and even that can be temporary.... That depends on the person if a person finds that 1 special person it could be the most wonderful thing on this earth but like any relationship it should be built from the ground up not half azz. |
just wondering
Just wondering like every site i incounted there is nothing there.Meaning no messages no friends no nothing sure people add u as a friend but do they realy want to be your friend?Or is it just another site to see who has the most friends like myspace,twitter,tagged.
I been on this site for some time and have to say this site very booring maybe thats why i been staying off this site lol But to be honest Do it realy make you wonder is this site like some it becomes free for a while then if you want more you have to pay?I rember tagged used to have chat box's and used to offer stuff that changed.plentyoffish i got out left they changed it they dont have any forums.But now if u want more you have to pay but yet it says thease sites are free.See nothings free this is how thease sites get you. Some site you have pay a year or so to become pro whatever happend free lol. I realy dont know if iam making any sense but like many sites i have been on it feels as waste of time and no im not asking for a pitty party. For what it's worth would be nice for once to find a site to have some kind of contacts friends family etc to say hi keep incontact on myspace it became all spam mail and crap that site failed i think my yearbook spam there now. Just figure i ask how others feel are you realy getting anything out of thease sites? |
people repair things all the time
thats what tools and therapists are for...lol Well a therapists is paid to listen not to baby sit solve your issues some of therapists sit there and agree with u to pass time first of all let me ask u this?If any one cant figure out how to work a relationship then why be in one? If a person cheat's and breaks your heart would u think that wont be stuck in the back of your mind wondering why or is it my faught?Some people blame them selfs for there partner cheating on them some go in to a depression and some even try to kill them selfs.But therapists are paid to listen give advice and has the right to contact police etc if they feel your in a domistic home and if there's children involved they contact the local dcf now u have bigger issues dont you. People repair things all the time yes they do but how long to they realy last? Now if a person can repair a human body bring them back from the dead i would turn christain praise god like a mad man lol as we know no man ever came back from the dead . My point is how many times can you try to repair a relationship? It takes to 50 50 i was married when i was 19 bad age i was stupied but in any case my x wife became very controlling demanding my pay checks wanted me to put everything in her account also had the freaking nerve to cheat on me 2 times once with her daughter boy friend and ye at that time i tried my hrdest to repair the marriage i even tried seval therapists none would work even went to one and guess what the wife turn around went behind my back and the therapists and filed a restraining order for what because she had bad issues from her past marriage the judge question here and ask her if i was abusive she said no and he ask why did u waste the courts time .Now can u repair anything? You can not repair whats broken no matter how many times u try just like a cup breaks u use crazy glue how long befor that glue wares off? |
Sucker,itiot,dumb azz,jack azz,stupid,blond moment,Here's your signe.
Here's a great wor for a signe iam a bank or a mastercard |
Well true story when i used to go on aol chat befor it was changed there where many women who where flirty etc some where discoverd to been married and some with boy friends.
And this is what a lot of women can not admit to they always blame the men he hurt me or he cheated or he beat me up etc always the same crap.My old saying is this u cant buy love nor happyness nor can u repair whats been broken. there is forgiveness but that trust that was strong has grew thin what people dont understand is a heart is not the only thing u can damage it's the mind to. So why be with some one who has hurt you regardless if there children involved answere me this would u rather have a child grow up in a heathy way or would u rather the child grow up ina negative way? what if u to cant get along? Dont think for a min that child would not pick things up they learn fast. I have 1 rule if a woman cheats on me i find out her bags will be put on the street corner life way to short.The way i see it why cheat on aperson if you have a person there with u .Dont make any sense at all |
Lets look at the word LOVE how can you love some one if u dont know them or have not took the time to look in to there hearts?Money,Sex material things seem to be importain and let's not forget a lot of people judge u if u r disabled,over weight. Love is a word people take for granted . If u want to know if a woman realy loves you not many women can admit this is put aside money,material things,weight,look's,etc and for once look in to the mans heart and say i do love you with out asking for anything.
Also this works bouth ways men and women alike love is a bond,trust,companionship,friendship in 1 big package take it or leave it i say. Love is when you would give your life to save your partners or family etc.True love has no greed,etc. Now if any woman like to disagree with me thats there issue |
How many Nutmeggers here?
Connecticut aint what it used to be food gone up gas u name lol.
And yes there r many threads that r old not just this one. |
Point to this story is dont blame every man or woman for 1 mistake and dont forget half of the people who on the web aint looking for a relationship infact most do it for attention or to get a high such as mind games etc to many abuse the web also abuse peoples hearts.Brush it off say this DILLIGAF this mean do i look like i give a flip move on this was not ment to be.
Edited by
Wed 06/15/11 01:29 PM
one other thing web aint the only place to meet some one go out to a park or to a movie or to a store u never know who u rn in to
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Point to this story is dont blame every man or woman for 1 mistake and dont forget half of the people who on the web aint looking for a relationship infact most do it for attention or to get a high such as mind games etc to many abuse the web also abuse peoples hearts.Brush it off say this DILLIGAF this mean do i look like i give a flip move on this was not ment to be.
Why Is IT???
Why be in a rush you realy cant force any one to fall in love with you unless your a witch do witch craft lol.
Question, Why is it, the ones you like the most dont seem to care, do u mean men, family, friends? the ones you dont care for are the only ones who try and stay in contact, Here's a answere the ones you cant stand or dont care about it's very easy delete them block them do what ever it takes to make you happy. I have to say i gave up long ago most people are very gready,selfish,only cares about money, material stuff .dont have a brain to learn love to feel love all they have on there tiny brain is sex,money,cars etc.Is dating sites worth it i been on plenty of fish and a few others and all i seen is head games lies and cheaters and scammers or people who aint honest. Off course there others who judge you.Listen to you heart free you mind your azz will follow let it happen the way it suppose to lol. they should call me dr mike insted of dr phill |
The God Hypothesis
Some of us atheists are better then some and i can say that i had my share of debates about religion and when i question where is the proof they sit there for a moment get mad and deffend them selfs.I also have this thing i doont care who believes what but if a person decides to question me or talk religion to me i hope they have plenty of hours we r talking about a debate lol.
Religion has gone to far it's become not just a believe it is used in power, money,control, as i said that 85 old preacher i read had 200 mil people now if this preacher says the worlds comming to a end and says take your life can you realy imagine how many would do it?and this is part of following a man who speaks on his god's word. Acording to the bible jesus came back from the dead now how can any one exsplain that one. When we know when your dead your dead but i believe 5 or is it 7 mins if they cant revive you in time they call it time of death .Let's look and see what the bible says this guy staked to a cross a spear to his side and thorns on his head but yet he comes back from the dead? Or better yet father,son,holy ghost also known as the holy trinity now if a god can be all three then jesus,god,holy ghost 1 in 3 / 3 in 1 planted the seed in to mary now this may sound sick but would a person think this is normal? We r talking about jesus having sex with his own mother with the holy ghost and god but the holy trinity says In most Christian faiths, the union of three divine persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in one God. Also called Trine. Now if any one can try to debate that then you need to read up and understand it. Now as for Holy Communion what do you realy know about it? The Body and Blood of Christ another words when you recieve Communion your not only eating fleah but washing it down with his blood wich is called Cannibalism Now thease are the teachings from christen faith from the bible . I can go on and on and on about this lol. |
The God Hypothesis
Religion it self has a funny way of showing people oh look theres a man in the clouds watching over you.Or this god all forgiven but yet if this god is all forgiven then why did this god give his only son to be staked to a cross for every ones sins when this god could simply forgive every one him self.Now that i may have your attention praying as a child we all taught to pray befor bed may i ask this?Now let's say your on your death bed you have cancer now if you pray is this god going to heal you as u never had it? That would be something every time you get hurt u pray hey god heal me and poof it happens.Another reason that i believe SCIENCE is far greater better computers better tec and better ways to treat cancer,heart attacks,etc
As a athiest i can simply say that if there was such a god to even listen to you pray then where is this god and why dont this god show it self? Religenis funny to END OF ALL LIVING THINGS.This preacher speaks out with 200 mill followers says end of the worlds comming what a joke that was he claime the bible fortold to him it will happen.Now can u imagine how many people quit there jobs locked them selfs away from every one i had a chat with a person in africa this person told me that in his town people had killed them selfs over this. jim jones 1978 900 people died drinking posin belived in god etc.So but a lot blaim the athiest say we slander there god i say how can we slander some one if that some one dont exsist. My best advice is dont believe everything people right in books or in news papers and if you pray to a god and say heal me or money,new car,bring my dead friend family member back to live u realy think it will happen? |
STC (Senior Texting Code).
Since more and more Seniors are texting and tweeting, there appears to be a need for a STC (Senior Texting Code).
ATD: At The Doctor's BFF: Best Friend Fainted BTW: Bring The Wheelchair BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth CBM: Covered By Medicare CUATSC: See You At The Senior Center DWI: Driving While Incontinent FWB: Friend With Beta Blockers FWIW: Forgot Where I Was FYI: Found Your Insulin GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low! GHA: Got Heartburn Again HGBM: Had Good Bowel Movement IMHO: Is My Hearing-Aid On? LMDO: Laughing, My Dentures Out LOL: Living On Lipitor LWO: Lawrence Welk's On OMMR: On My Massage Recliner OMSG: Oh My! Sorry, Gas. ROTFL... CGU: Rolling On The Floor Laughing... And Can't Get Up SGGP: Sorry, Gotta Go Poop TTYL: Talk To You Louder WAITT: Who Am I Talking To? WTFA: Wet The Furniture Again WTP: Where's The Prunes? WWNO: Walker Wheels Need Oil |