Community > Posts By > DARVINCE

DARVINCE's photo
Wed 03/05/14 02:53 PM
You can win her heart by gambling your heart.

Question is, can you afford to bet your heart in order to win hers?

Or you can inverse the situation, let her win yours.

The choice's yours.


DARVINCE's photo
Wed 03/05/14 02:47 PM
Edited by DARVINCE on Wed 03/05/14 03:15 PM
Well, relationship can't be long distance anymore. There was a time when long distance Courtship was very prevalent, when women believed in the magic of words. But now it is a thing of the past.

Today Long distance relationship is more of a business than anything else.

DARVINCE's photo
Sun 03/02/14 01:20 PM
I think Sex is supposed to be the offspring of Love...And When That happens, The Relationship Flourishes.

DARVINCE's photo
Sun 03/02/14 12:33 PM
Edited by DARVINCE on Sun 03/02/14 01:11 PM

If Cheating equals Lying...Then I'm with Chris Rock on this one...

Men Tell more Lies Women tell the Biggest Lies.

Men will lie about little things where they were about last night, women will lie about who the father is.

not in my neighborhood of western culture.....noway
Ya, what if the man was out last night makin babies with someone else. both those liars deserve each other. Or what if he was with his 'other family'. Some men have that double life thing. All very exciting for the movies, but not for a relationship.
Yeah Probably, but the Point being a lot of men out there have unknowingly raised kids who were not theirs biologically because their missuses have not told them the truth until the very last moment when those kids are all grown up..All Men's lies cannot match that One. It's a Super Lie!

DARVINCE's photo
Sun 03/02/14 12:10 PM

not in my neighborhood of western culture.....noway
Can't argue with that 1 Hunny...smooched

DARVINCE's photo
Sun 03/02/14 11:16 AM
Here's a cut n paste of my answer to a similar thread to this one;

Wot women really want in their deepest soul is just a slice of Pizzzza, Nothing else...

Meaning you have to figure it out for ur Damn Self, because they're not gonna tell you it in words...But you just have to listen with your eyes. Observation is Key...It's not wot they usually say, but wot they don't. Read between the lines...Their means of expression is through emotions.

Remember they came from Venus, While we are From Mars...So Study Venus...Not Williams, but The PLANET.

DARVINCE's photo
Sun 03/02/14 11:03 AM
Edited by DARVINCE on Sun 03/02/14 11:07 AM
Wot women really want in their deepest soul is just a slice of Pizzzza, Nothing

Meaning you have to figure it out for ur Damn Self, because they're not gonna tell you it in words...But you just have to listen with your eyes. Observation is Key...It's not wot they usually say, but wot they don't. Read between the lines...

Remember they came from Venus, While we are From Mars...So Study Venus...Not Williams, but The PLANET.

DARVINCE's photo
Sat 03/01/14 04:32 PM
If Cheating equals Lying...Then I'm with Chris Rock on this one...

Men Tell more Lies Women tell the Biggest Lies.

Men will lie about little things where they were about last night, women will lie about who the father is.

DARVINCE's photo
Sat 03/01/14 11:13 AM
I think we maybe talking about Facts, Truth, Perception & Reality Here all entangled into one.

If facts can be considered Truths therefore They are Real.

For instance Every Human being feels hungry, we all have heads, hair and so on...These are Facts, Truths, they're not perception, they are a reality.

If it starts raining all over London, it's a fact to everyone even to those who don't live in London, that it is indeed raining. But to some The same Rain maybe a great News, to others it may not be the case for apparently different reasons. That would be their reality based on their perception of the rain.

DARVINCE's photo
Sat 03/01/14 06:27 AM

What do u do when you have an ex boyfriend who is with somebody else and he is keeping you around and don't want u to be happy mean while he is with somebody else and then try's to tell you that if u find someone else he's going to beat them up and answer as to what I should do here????????????????? Please help me here what should I do

That's easy. Leave him. I mean, yeah, you may love him, but it can't feel that great, knowing he loves another. He isn't very confident, so he's trying to keep you both, because it makes him feel good. It makes him feel like a hustler. How does he think he's going to even meet your next guy? How does he know that the next guy you meet, wouldn't be so good at beating him up, that HE'LL be the one crying? Why are you still with him? I'd leave. He can go with as many women as he likes, but who is he to try and stop YOU from having another? He only seems like a true jerk. I wouldn't bother being scared of, or thinking about an idiot like him.
Will Drink 2 Dat drinks

DARVINCE's photo
Sat 03/01/14 05:31 AM

What should I do
Easy, You should find a Boyfriend who can beat him up.

But this is offtopic

DARVINCE's photo
Sat 03/01/14 05:26 AM
Edited by DARVINCE on Sat 03/01/14 05:37 AM

I notice alot of white men don't message me at all, I send them a wink, or a hug or a kiss and I don't get a respond back. At lease send me back a wink or a hug letting me know that u got the message or u are interested or something. I bet if I was white a white woman they would send me a wink or message even if I sent them one or not. I makes me wish that I was white and not black cause nobody wants a black girl not even her own race wants her cause I don't get messages from black men either nobody. In fact my inbox is so dry I don't know what to do with that, I am here to find love and its not easy for me. Is it cause I am fat and ugly please be honest and trueful with me, and I won't get mad or anything?. I just want to know why nobody is messaging me especially white men. I need love too I want to be somebody's wife and girlfriend too. I have feelings too and I can tell that nobody wants to date and marry a black woman :(.
No disrespect Mum but you're on emotional trip right there. My take on this is you get wot you give...

And that's not true that nobody wants a black gurl I'm afraid...

I think the only person rejecting you is you, not White Men, nor Black Men Either...

Or maybe you're just being funny...Aren't you??? ha ha hasmooched

White Dudes, wot do you say??? I'm serious here's a female who has set her eyes on You...For Your Eyes Only, Only for You " Remember that James Bond song Theme again ???

DARVINCE's photo
Sat 03/01/14 04:02 AM
I do not believe in the existance of Aliens. By Aliens I mean the visual images Scientists promote through Hollywood Si-Fi movies & other types of Media.

That's one the main reasons I'm not with Main-Stream Science...It's mostly Smoke & Mirrors

On the contrary I know One Thing...The Universe is Filled with Life...Notice I did write " KNOW " instead of " Believe "

Let's say we were living on Jupiter, then people from Earth would be called Aliens...huh

Life is everywhere...shades

DARVINCE's photo
Sat 03/01/14 03:16 AM
Edited by DARVINCE on Sat 03/01/14 03:18 AM
Who first really came out with the idea of Soul-Mating???smooched

I mean sometimes people wish for something, but are they really ready to embrace it when it shows up???

For instance, wot if your actual soul mate happened to be a dog, a cat or a tree???

Why us Humans are most of the time searching for unobtainable tings???

If we look around there are so many soul females out there...

DARVINCE's photo
Sat 03/01/14 02:20 AM
Edited by DARVINCE on Sat 03/01/14 02:39 AM

This is the last time I'm posting on this thread because it's becoming tedious and I'm feeling the way I did trying to teach kindergarten (no one is listening because they're too distracted by the pretty colors and interesting sounds outdoors).

Humans are divided into races. I don't see anything wrong that with that. It's not bad to say I belong to the black race of people. I'm not ashamed of being black. There is nothing wrong with a white person saying they belong to the white race of people, etc. etc. etc.

There is nothing wrong with someone saying they only date a person of a certain race, whether it's their race or another one. We all have preferences, and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't care how idealistic you are, no one is going to be attracted to everyone just because they belong to the "human race." That is a fact, if it was untrue you'd see more evidence of it in our society.

Most people date their own race, for whatever reason. Again, nothing wrong with that. The only problem I have is when people try to stop someone from interracial dating because they don't approve of it. Who an adult dates is no one's business but theirs and the other person. I think people should mind their own business, but guess what? Most people don't. And most people are concerned about what their fiends and family think, because they value and want to maintain a relationship with them, so they do what it takes to keep the peace.

Unless you're willing to live in complete isolation with your significant other, you're going to have to deal with the opinions of others. Some people can handle that, some people can't. Again, nothing wrong with that and not my business. It just annoys me when people go on and on about how "race shouldn't matter, and we're all the same, blah blah" maybe it shouldn't matter, but it does. It always has (read your history books) and unless something major happens in the world, it always will.

As for everyone having the same looks or whatever, people of African descent usually have broader noses, thicker lips, larger posteriors, differently textured hair, and larger frames, in comparison to people of other eccentricities. When you have children from 2 or more races, these traits tend to change, but on the whole, the former is true. If you don't accept this, trust me, science is your friend.

As I said before, in a perfect society, we'd all base things on personality and whether or not a person is kindhearted, and does charity work, etc, but we don't have a perfect society. Either deal with that or go hide under a rock, the world isn't going to change simply because you want it to.

/drops mic and leaves
First time I post on this Board...

I've read almost every comment on this thread form page 1 to page 24...And I should say the post aboave is REALLY ON POINT...It's the most honest, STRAIGHTFORWARDED Comment...REAL TALK...

I don't wanna be judge-Mental on anybody here, but I do not subscribe to the idea that We're All One Race & Only...Nope...That Bollocks! There are Negroids, Cuacasoids, Orientals...That varity is there to be celebrated.

However, There's such thing as a Human Species...Oh Yeah...We're all People, but with different shades...Don't tell me a White person is no different from a Black person, the difference is very obvious...So why do they call a black 7 white relation-ship Inter-racial then???

Why are kids issued from such unions are Hybrids or mixed????

So Let's cut the b*** C*** about that Human race fantasy...

I find that the majority of Black dudes who only date white females are not comming from a place of genuineness...