Community > Posts By > sybariticguy

sybariticguy's photo
Sun 01/01/17 01:31 PM

what r the advantages and disadvantages if ever u fall inlove to a married man who s 25 years older?????

That is not love. That is infatuation.
This is only an opinion as obviously others have fallen in love with a married person esp when the married person pretends to to be single for a long time and there is no way to know if he is married when living as a single....

The OP didn't say that the married man was pretending to be single or had the same feelings for her.
True but it is one of many situations where there is not a clear awareness of marital status, nor what each person was sharing in the situation just as the wife might have known and not cared. Simple answers to complex issues reflect a lack of understanding and a myopic view of life...

sybariticguy's photo
Sun 01/01/17 12:12 PM

what r the advantages and disadvantages if ever u fall inlove to a married man who s 25 years older?????

That is not love. That is infatuation.
This is only an opinion as obviously others have fallen in love with a married person esp when the married person pretends to to be single for a long time and there is no way to know if he is married when living as a single....

sybariticguy's photo
Sun 01/01/17 03:54 AM
Perception is most peoples reality just as media offers others a simple way to define oneself based on others opinions of what is viable and socially appropriate. The downside, to live as others live is also to possibly not live any aspect of live authentically nor personally. The price for self definition is high, the costs socially can be challenging but a life lived inner directed is a more meaningful way to experience ones world and life...

sybariticguy's photo
Sat 12/31/16 04:08 PM
Years ago I asked a dear friend aged 66 why he dated two women who were only 22 each and his reply was simply " Michael that way when I go to sleep, they will have someone to talk too" I found that humorous...

sybariticguy's photo
Sat 12/31/16 05:20 AM
Edited by sybariticguy on Sat 12/31/16 05:21 AM
Your spelling is atrocious . As for the assertion regarding the existence of god, Opinions Vary... Your personal beliefs are not generalizable to others ..

sybariticguy's photo
Fri 12/30/16 06:17 AM

So I should rate this site for children a lot on here act like children why are some of you offended ?I know what I want in life am sure not going to find it here or any other site .

Wow! Do what you want but the real world is the same....try it sometime
Yes but here there is the safety of anonymity and people are more free to play games, manipulate,and otherwise simply socially masturbate at others expense while hiding behind a screen...

sybariticguy's photo
Thu 12/29/16 03:06 PM
I agree the internet is the least effective way to genuinely meet someone as to many fake profiles, scammers, social masturbators, game players, and a variety of other miscreants. Meeting in person is the most direct and immediate way to actually meet as the internet can keep you tied up for weeks and never ever meet or when do find the person is not as they described and or without needed reciprocal chemistry ( physically, emotionally, spiritually or sexually) The issue that makes meeting in person a challenge is to learn how to acquire the needed social skills to feel comfortable with approaching a new person and introduce oneself.. If this is a difficult issue there are classes on Leisure Learning that teach the needed and necessary social skills to facilitate self introductions as the feedback is immediate, direct and perhaps what is called a great match or at least a positive step in finding a special person. This is equally true for women who by not being assertive themselves reduce the chances of meeting by 50 per cent and learning how to deal with social rejection and corresponding feelings regarding assertiveness and more control over ones life rather than passively waiting for the right gentleman to arrive...

sybariticguy's photo
Thu 12/29/16 03:41 AM
The process of healing is important, but running from pain is inherently normal though not helpful as flight or fight responses do not help one work through the pain and learn the lessons that the experience offers. By seeing the role we play in a relationship that changes ( notice I do not use the word fail as it implies blame and or guilt which serve no purpose nor help one learn the lessons about oneself and another)we can ascertain the motives and fears that inhibit a more genuine person to deal with the pain and anguish that appears in relationships. When we stop blaming others for what happens we open the door to insight and responsibility and may see aspects of ourselves that shed light on how the events that led to the needed dissolution of a relationship. Courage and tenacity together can help one understand the natural sequence of events that relationships offer and how to address them in more helpful and productive ways. Owning ones own emotional reality is the beginning of wisdom as putting the blame elsewhere simply keeps a person stuck in a pattern that is not likely to be helpful nor productive. By owning ones own emotional reality it is possible to see how our own emotions helped shape the outcome of a relationship which changed. With a greater understanding of ones own emotional repertoire we are offered the chance to see ourselves clearly and honestly which can then be transformed to being a more effective person and next partner.

sybariticguy's photo
Wed 12/28/16 07:25 PM

I have no children, By choice and then I date a man who has kids. he asks me to go see his kid in a play. I say no. That is not interesting to me at all. I guess I'm selfish, but at least I'm honest.

Damn...that's cold, are my hero.shades
Actually if the children are quite young it is not healthy for them to get attached to someone who is not going to be around so keeping away from young children is best as they need stable and not revolving door men/women as they cannot handle rejection and disappearing adults in their life...

sybariticguy's photo
Wed 12/28/16 06:47 PM

I have no children, By choice and then I date a man who has kids. he asks me to go see his kid in a play. I say no. That is not interesting to me at all. I guess I'm selfish, but at least I'm honest.
Selfishness is a misnomer as selfishness is a value judgement based on the idea that if you do things for yourself it must be at the expense of others. Ayn Rands book the Virtue Of Selfishness helps clarify how rational self interest would exclude taking advantage of others for personal gain and that respecting oneself is the beginning of wisdom. Hope this helps as putting others before oneself often has horrific consequences just as when a person says " If you love me you will do ..." as if a person loved you they would not ask you to do anything you did not want to do...

sybariticguy's photo
Wed 12/28/16 02:09 PM

interesting regional differences

I have always heard people like Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp referred to as 'pretty boys'

which seemed like it was meant as compliment about attractiveness

but whenever I have heard the phrase 'handsome woman' it seemed more like it was meant to refer more to solid girth than attractiveness,,
I agree as it refers to her presence and that is an attitude based on a particular physical stature and presence... The issue is in trying to reduce men and women to simple dichotomies whereas the range is much more differentiated just as males and females are more sexually diversified than simply straight or gay as 37 per cent of men have had some type homosexual experience but define themselves as straight. Women also have a degree of variance too as sexual orientation is not simply a binary decision....

sybariticguy's photo
Wed 12/28/16 02:05 PM
pretty boys is a designation for men who are extremely attractive and essentially beautiful like brad pitt rather than sean connery who is rugged. Pretty boys can also allude to possibly gay men who act feminine and have soft features too.

sybariticguy's photo
Wed 12/28/16 02:01 PM
" It serves me right for putting all my eggs in one bastard" Dorothy Parker

sybariticguy's photo
Tue 12/27/16 03:43 AM

I had those feeling in my youth...sadly, at my age now, those feelings are just a memory.think

You're 52???
And then men wonder why women turn to younger men... It's not that they want a younger man per say, but at least they still got the fire in them going full blast.
Women in their 40s and 50s are at their sexual peak. If you let the passion within you die out... Kinda logical you'd have a hard time finding a matching partner.
yes often at their sexual peak but unfortunately the majority are obese and unhealthy too ( fortunately there are men who prefer BBW!)

sybariticguy's photo
Tue 12/27/16 03:40 AM
just lucky I guess....

sybariticguy's photo
Mon 12/26/16 05:24 PM
I wondered if you had made contact with the gentleman before all this unnecessary searching...

sybariticguy's photo
Tue 12/20/16 01:40 PM
Amazing that he knew it is my birthday !!!

sybariticguy's photo
Sun 12/18/16 03:56 PM
Your point is well taken but mistaken. If people had the insight and willingness to self evaluate then your comment would be accurate and helpful as is, most have little self awareness nor the willingness to look within to see what role they play in this social milieu. The issue perhaps for you is can you manage to deal with a large group of socially inept people without being pulled into a negative vortex of blame, shame and anger?

sybariticguy's photo
Sun 12/18/16 08:46 AM
This advice is apropos for women who offer the same lack of style, information and substance.....

sybariticguy's photo
Fri 12/16/16 04:20 PM
Is your desire matched with a narrative that is insightful, expressive, open, candid, descriptive and inviting ? Do you post photos that are clear, up close, smiling and inviting,no glasses or hats and not taken at a distance. Then can you sift past the phony women who only post one photo which is sexually revealing and realize this is not a real person for you? Are you willing to address hundreds of women to find the one best suited for you and she with you? If you can agree to all these and not lose faith and you are smart enough to be on more than one dsting site esp one that you must pay ( these have more responsible folks as they are willing to spend a few dollars for a better class of person ( though that is not a guarantee My own experiences are better at *******, and ***** ****** **** as I have met and dated several from these sites and only a couple from mingle2 just my opinion) Hope you are patient wise enough to make needed changes and don't forget to meet others in public, work school and anywhere else you see a potential match Regards

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