Community > Posts By > 7Kate7

7Kate7's photo
Sun 03/30/08 11:15 AM
Poor girl, she sits alone
Our travels together on hold
She stopped for me one last time
Just barely, halfway over the line
Glad she did though, busy intersection
Now we're both stuck and so I'm b*tchin
No ones open today to mend my broken girl
So I'm stuck begging for rides like a tool

Yeah its silly, but its been a while since I've written much in the silly department and I'm letting out steam.

7Kate7's photo
Wed 03/26/08 02:11 PM
Fantastic write, I love it!

7Kate7's photo
Tue 03/25/08 05:21 PM
Very nice.

7Kate7's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:27 PM
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm happy to say that I think this forum may be breaking down my year long writer's block. (Finger's crossed)

7Kate7's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:23 PM
Give madness wings that she may fly away
And trouble your soul no more
She is vulture searching for the dead
Pulling away the damaged and destructive
That it may be made anew
And used as fodder for another day
Watch her flight with awe, not fear
And know

We all have heard the soft whisper of her wings
We all go a little mad sometimes
On our way to a new, mayber better view

7Kate7's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:13 PM
Good evening Wyatt, glad you're here
May this night find you relaxing with a beer
in your hand and pleasant thoughts in your head
Let's see who else posts rather than retire to bed

7Kate7's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:10 PM
Nice poem Txs. You're right far too many are ignorant and apathetic towards the emotions of others. And its always saddening to see when someone is hurt by such callousness. Thankfully, there are people around who care to remind others that there is genuine concern out there as well.

7Kate7's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:04 PM
This thread's still alive, oh happy day!
Its great to see so many came out to play
The posts have slowed, true enough
But there are still a few writers who are up to snuff

7Kate7's photo
Fri 03/21/08 08:09 AM
Nice write Rayvin. Not much good writing on my part but I've at least got some interesting fragments down. Nowhere near a poem yet but at least a start.

7Kate7's photo
Wed 03/19/08 07:01 PM
Yeah, it was drivel. But man, even your drivel has its own interesting spark. Plus, it takes guts to post anything anywhere and special guts to post drivel.

7Kate7's photo
Wed 03/19/08 06:57 PM
Let's see what my muse brings me tonight
If she comes at all
She's fickle at times, comes and goes on a whim
The epitomy of a free spirit
If I put down words long enough, hard enough
Maybe I'll manage to call her
My muse does not summon, that's too controlling a word
And I don't think she's coming tonight
Its been so long since I wrote anything good
I wonder if she and inspiration (her mate) have deserted me
Left me alone, stranded with the dull
Abandoned with those doomed to lukewarm drudgery
All I can do is hope its a quest
Some bizarre test to refind lost talent
Reclaim a once freely given gift
But then again, uphill fights are nothing new to me....

7Kate7's photo
Tue 03/18/08 05:44 PM
A tease I may be at times, very true
But how could I find it in my heart to tease you?
I'm flattered with the reply and the compliment both
But I've just got to tell you the truth
I'm on a public computer tonight, oh the shame
And its kicking me off in 3 minutes, how lame
I'll try to return when I get home
But if my connection will work, I just don't know

7Kate7's photo
Tue 03/18/08 05:37 PM
Day was hectic at work 'tis true
But that's always the story with Tues
Running back and forth full speed
There's always an animal in need
Nails to trim, puppies to vaccinate
And never forget owners to educate
I love my work, feel I'm fulfilling my fate
But when the days done, I'm tired, and rest is great

7Kate7's photo
Tue 03/18/08 05:32 PM
Late comer to this thread, just got off work
Caught my interest so I thought to take a look
A most interesting way for people to converse
Though its pretty fun, and the new rarely hurts
I prefer slant rhyme to rhyming direct
Hope it meets the requirements my friends

7Kate7's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:45 AM
Awesome! Set that one to some music (I'm thinking old time blues) and you've got a great song.

7Kate7's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:42 AM
Nice write.

7Kate7's photo
Sun 03/16/08 08:35 AM
Great write.

7Kate7's photo
Sat 03/15/08 07:33 PM
Good write!

7Kate7's photo
Sat 03/15/08 08:58 AM
I stood by the table
Alongside the chips and dip
Between them and the pop
Watching the others dance
And quietly swaying to the music
He's swaying across from me
Black hair wisping across deep blue eyes
I stop swaying and try desperately not to stare
But he keeps striding firmly across the room
Coming towards me like we're magnetized
Our eyes meet and I shyly look away
"Excuse me" he murmurs
"Yes?" I question
"You're blocking the chips"

7Kate7's photo
Thu 03/13/08 09:01 PM
Fantastic FroznChild. I love it.