Community > Posts By > teckelandtortie
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sorry but the clothes make you look gangster like, the fedora is nice but a suit and tie would have been preferable with it over more dark clothes, lose the photo with the hood and if you keep the one with the cap add a few more with no hat and appear a bit angry, also fill in your profile.
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too many far away photos, need a few headshots, and of course smile.
Pleeeease take Trudeau.....I'll give two Trudeaus for one Trump anyday!
![]() ![]() Trump is the worst, most embarrassing president the USA has ever had. I am so glad I don't live there. Racist, sexist, liar and those are the nice things about him. I've read plenty of opinions from canadians about Trump. Consider this- I've kept my mouth shut about your head dope, Trudeau. I can't vote for yours, you can't vote for mine. (But I'll gladly throw the bags on the bus for any socialist that wants to move to Canada.) He asked for opinions, he didn't say we had to live in the USA. If someone asked for opinions on Trudeau, then go for it. This is my opinion as an outsider and not biased by any particular party preference so it's an honest one. If you don't like it, too bad for you. |
Intimate encounters
intimate encounters sound sneaky like you are cheating or something, even if you aren't.
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I would add another photo or two without a hat on. Also it appears you are looking for casual, you mention dating and activity partner, personally myself and maybe other women avoid those profiles if marriage isn't included, especially when activity partner is listed, sounds too casual and not serious.
S#x on the first date ??
something fun like bowling or a festival where you can get to know each other casually, save movies and dinners once a relationship evolves.
Love Trudeau for Trump any day.
I see your point Bobtail but I can only speak for myself but I find women still want to be swept off their feet. There is nothing too exciting when you get a new msg and a guy just says, "hey here is my number, give me a call" or "what are you doing tonight, want to meet for coffee?" It takes the romance out of it I feel. I still want someone to engage me in some interesting conversation or make me laugh so that I do want to meet at an appropriate time later. These guys that just sent out invites without taking a moment to see if he likes me beyond a profile come across a bit anxious. Just my thoughts.
Hi Nicole, my Grand dad came from Poland, now known as Belarus and I must say you don't look 45, so much younger. You say you want a Native American Man, here in North America that can be interpreted as you want a First Nations Man, previously known as Indians (north american not east indian). So if you are seeking that there are many nice First Nations men around, not sure if on this site, or if you mean you want a genuine American born man, that would not be described as native american.
Southwest where I am....
What's the catch?
So when you say 'buddy' are there any strings attached? Do you expect to share a room? You haven't mentioned what tyoe of travel interests you although based on your other interests it sounds like you are an adventure traveller which many women are too but many not. If you want a female co-traveller please provide more details.
Bobtail I thought men still like a good chase....I don't mean forever but a little flirting and guessing can be fun too.
Thank you Blondey, I agree 100% and probably why I do fall in love so quickly, how can you not when as you say, they offer unconditional love, no judgment, no using, just trusting us to love them and care for them. Dating sites there is always a bit of skepticism, especially since I have met so many scammers here and other site. People taking advantage of the lonely.
Ibaceltic and Duttoneer, sorry for the confusion, as I responded to Crystal just my sense of warped humour but Duttoneer you did get it spot on. Just comparing dog rescue profiles of which I could take home all of them, and then I go here and just little to no enthusiasm. I miss the old style of dating...meeting someone naturally, oh well, still giving it a try.
TY Bobtail, yes I am very careful and can sniff out a scammer a mile away....
Mike I wish I was talented enough to be a musician and yes teckel and tortie would make a cute band name....animal owners may know what teckel and tortie means.
Seamus, lots of 420 users here in Canada since it is legalized. I don't but I do believe in med marijuana, in fact my 90 yr old mom is taking cbd oil for mood.
Catinidaho, yes aren't those video great?