Community > Posts By > paul40

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Mon 07/07/08 09:35 AM

My cousin, who I won't say who he is or what he does, knows people who saw the plane heading right at the Pentagon. There are videos of it as well, most no one will see for many many years to come (if ever).

So not only do you have an imaginary friend, you have an imaginary cousin too ...

Well, I know people, who know people, who were at the bank today, who saw people actually getting money!

Does this count too?

Bush killed 5000 people on 9/11, and a lot of you are letting him get away with it.

sad ohwell

Do you expect anything better from a bunch of robots following the media and the Administration ?.

They feed me with oil and fruit loops like you.

You spread Zionist agenda and propaganda day after day . You are not after the truth as you know none .

I only say what my handlers tell me. Damn, you got me paul40, who won't divulge his photo. Now I can't send it to Homeland Security to go pick you up and throw you into a FEMA prison camp after weeks of torture.

America is a joke in the world when it comes to foreign policy and bulling and that is all thanks to the neo cons , the Hawks and the Zionists who control the Administration .

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Mon 07/07/08 09:26 AM

My cousin, who I won't say who he is or what he does, knows people who saw the plane heading right at the Pentagon. There are videos of it as well, most no one will see for many many years to come (if ever).

So not only do you have an imaginary friend, you have an imaginary cousin too ...

Well, I know people, who know people, who were at the bank today, who saw people actually getting money!

Does this count too?

Bush killed 5000 people on 9/11, and a lot of you are letting him get away with it.

sad ohwell

Do you expect anything better from a bunch of robots following the media and the Administration ?.

They feed me with oil and fruit loops like you.

You spread Zionist agenda and propaganda day after day . You are not after the truth as you know none .

no photo
Mon 07/07/08 09:26 AM

My cousin, who I won't say who he is or what he does, knows people who saw the plane heading right at the Pentagon. There are videos of it as well, most no one will see for many many years to come (if ever).

So not only do you have an imaginary friend, you have an imaginary cousin too ...

Well, I know people, who know people, who were at the bank today, who saw people actually getting money!

Does this count too?

Bush killed 5000 people on 9/11, and a lot of you are letting him get away with it.

sad ohwell

Do you expect anything better from a bunch of robots following the media and the Administration ?.

They feed me with oil and fruit loops like you.

You spread Zionist agenda and propaganda day after day . You are not after the truth as you know none .

no photo
Mon 07/07/08 09:22 AM

My cousin, who I won't say who he is or what he does, knows people who saw the plane heading right at the Pentagon. There are videos of it as well, most no one will see for many many years to come (if ever).

So not only do you have an imaginary friend, you have an imaginary cousin too ...

Well, I know people, who know people, who were at the bank today, who saw people actually getting money!

Does this count too?

Bush killed 5000 people on 9/11, and a lot of you are letting him get away with it.

sad ohwell

Do you expect anything better from a bunch of robots following the media and the Administration ?.

no photo
Mon 07/07/08 09:18 AM

BONJOUR A TOUSflowerforyou flowerforyou

Good morning all .

no photo
Mon 07/07/08 09:18 AM

BONJOUR A TOUSflowerforyou flowerforyou

Good morning all .

no photo
Mon 07/07/08 09:16 AM

I could not find it .
How do you get it step by step ?.
Thanks .

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:28 PM

All eyes will open and all ears will hear.........

get off your your horse and read deb, dont die in ignorance please, your wrong yet you dont know why, and if your stubborn and won't put "new belief" aside to learn of this then you will. Your all waiting on or for a time that will not come.flowerforyou

well what exactly is going to happen?

I am going to find a nice lady on JSH >
laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 12:25 PM

Can't We just Kill all the Protesters:wink:

scared scared scared scared scared

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 10:21 AM
Canadian soldiers who returned from Afghanistan took a part in Quebec City celebrating 400 years since the French came there . Angry protesters were calling the Canadian soldiers " terrorists "
and as a result it was an ugly scene .
Canadians in the huge majority are against both wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan.
I guess when you kill innocent people you are a terrorist in the eyes of the protesting people .
The CBC ( Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ) and other news media had some coverage of this incident .

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 10:21 AM
Edited by paul40 on Fri 07/04/08 10:24 AM
Double Post , please ignore this page .

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 06:57 AM
Edited by paul40 on Fri 07/04/08 06:58 AM

Why is this radical?

Its a system of law that is used by muslims all over the world.

A bit of a sensationalist line and not a great deal of thought, I think.

Yeah, it is used in some of the most undemocratic states in the world. You think it should be used in the western legal system?

In Sharia Law it says all Non-Muslims must pay a tax for goodness sake.

How is that not thought enough? I won't even go deeper, well should I add dress codes, rituals, and customs and behaviors ruled by this law as well?

That is not radical to you?

No I dont think it should be used in the British legal system. But then that is what the power of the vote is for.

I do have a small idea about Sharia law by the way. I live in Egypt.

... so, no it is not radical to me. It is the norm here.

It wont happen in the UK legally, but that doesnt stop it from happening already.

They even have Islamic mortgages in the UK. It is haram to make money from lending, so he mortgages are very low interest and exceptionally good value.

Just got to be a Muslim.

I have noticed that " starsailor2851" is not interested in religion or politics from a logic point of views . he keeps on attacking Muslims , Islam and Arabs for a certain Zionist propaganda and he is getting away with it .
Well the good news is that his audience is nearly nil .

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 06:47 AM

GOD TV has a Battle for Brittain initiative going on & is asking Americans to pray for Revival in GB... they are going door to door.

... and getting the door slammed in their face.

Anyone with a north american accent is seen as a mormon.

mormons are as popular as jehovah's witnesses, door-to-door salesman and a case of piles!

all of them are a pain in the arse!

Who trusts a door to door preacher ?. Is he there for money , power , control , or all these reasons and more ?.
scared scared scared .

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 06:34 AM
Good morning people .
It is nice and warm.
Enjoy .
flowerforyou drinker waving waving .

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 06:30 AM

Will finish clean up today.
Gathering, very few have said they will come.
I will be here, for those that show.
Guess gas & life are making people stay home.

Enjoy it my friend .
I am so far and busy otherwise I will be there .
Life is short so the best way to enjoy it is to have family and friends around .
flowers drinks drinks waving waving .

no photo
Fri 07/04/08 06:24 AM
You really made some ladies smiling here .

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 12:46 PM

nice to meet you ,,,everyone!

Nice to meet you and welcome .
Have fun and be happy here .

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 12:46 PM

nice to meet you ,,,everyone!

Nice to meet you and welcome .
Have fun and be happy here .

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 12:43 PM

i luv to shoot the breeze and chat but the best is when you are just with someone special and not talking.

Weird and strange are three words to describe this situation .

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 01:03 PM
Maybe the person does not like alcohol or maybe the person had a drinking problem and now just does not wish to meet those who drink or maybe..
..............many other factors . Who knows ?.
flowers flowers drinks drinks waving .

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