I can not claim personal aquaintence but every day I read about people who are. Once, my sister lost her son from a gun accident and she became what they call psychotic only because of grief. Now it is 7 years later and she just graduated cum laude for computer programming.
Globe Trotter
I am fortunate enough to have been able to visit most of the USA. But I have not ever been able to travel across the ocean. I so much want to visit Africa. I know I will...someday...actually that is one of my ultimate goals.
I am here because I am lonely, and have had 3 glasses of wine. chardonnay
a pick me up
I think a definate DO is to smile and give a longer than usual eye contact. You do not even have to say anything clever or brilliant but the eyes...the eye to eye.
Ever Wonder
I am sorry and I don't mean to be rude but that is the stupidest question I have ever heard,. If it is the stupidest question you have ever heard then yes..it is the stupidest question you have ever heard! When people don't have the capacity to entertain a deep question it's natural to write it off as stupid.... You are absolutely right. Yet, if you are on the deep end and I, over here on the shallow... shouldnt you have the depth and natural grace not to embarrass me for my ignorance. |
Best places to meet people.
Dark alleys. I must chuckle. I once met a homeless man on the dark inner ways of Birmingham, alabalma. He was needy and I handed him over a half eaten meal of sushi. He told me that I was a saint. I smiled at him and at that moment, when our eyes locked, I knew that if I were also I bum, I would want him to father my bum child. Instead I walked on. |
Best places to meet people.
I think the best place is at social parties. Those who you are friends with are likely to have friends that you will also like. That or opening events of things you are interersted in, such as galleries, movies, rodeos, etc. I have met my ex girlfriend on a party . Suddenly all of her friends became hostile against me, like I was taking away some sort of a prize. Ever since then, about a group of 18-20 people won't even talk to me anymore, even though I'm not dating her anymore. WTF? hmmm. One incident does not define all of existence. Wrong gal? with wrong friends? You were not meant for that element. right? |
Ever Wonder
I am sorry and I don't mean to be rude but that is the stupidest question I have ever heard,.
Odd sayings...
There are tons of sayings I adore but as far as "odd", that is to say, those I don't understand at all, this has to be the topper...
Like coyotes on carcass, you tear me up. What does that even mean? |
Best places to meet people.
I think the best place is at social parties. Those who you are friends with are likely to have friends that you will also like.
That or opening events of things you are interersted in, such as galleries, movies, rodeos, etc. |
I do!!
I admire men who wear a suit of vague anonymity. |
let,s talk
Oh and I left here, I am not here anymore.
let,s talk
You need to put a picture of yourself in your profile.
Aw does it really matter if he threw up blood?
There are even grosser things than blood ya know. Once I threw up... vomit. Grosserer than blood I can tell you that much. |
Have You Ever Been....
Yeah. It was utterly forgettable. I forgot what I went to, even, or for whom. Millard Fillmore, it was Millard Fillmore...remember? |
this is one of those deal breaking areas for me.
I am tallish for a girl..5'9" Unless he is dazzling beyond belief I am not going to date yet another man shorter than me. Oddly enough, I have not met many men interested in me who are taller. I am not asking for leaps taller but a few inches would be nice. Nobody shorter than 5'10 for me. And do not call me shallow...just call me godzilla. |
Have you wondered
I ask myself the same question often.
I am sure of this...not having a man does not classify you as being alone. I am positive that women fill their life with the wrong person, so they can say they are not alone. Infact, people make a living spending time with the wrong person/people. But no, I do not think you or I or anyone is put on this planet to be alone. Some of us however, know not to force that fit for convenience. |
how many girls
I want to know how many girls are christian because Jesus is hot. Or simple do you think he's hot? Is he ugly? How do you view him? and for the guys...what if jesus were a girl that looked like Alyssa Milano, would you join the religion? and then answer that same question again if the girl looked like Rosie O'Donell ? I am not sure there is an accurate depiction of Jesus. According to the new testament he is jewish. I do not think he resembles the girl from "whos the boss" I do not think people like him because he is hot. I think they like him cause he has the ability to cast you into everlasting hell for asking this blasphemist question. And as he cast you downward he would say "Yo Angela" just for you. |
can the....
world ever realize what it has done? why are you wearing that silly man suit? |
smart men