Community > Posts By > myanimalcracker

myanimalcracker's photo
Wed 10/15/08 09:01 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart:

myanimalcracker's photo
Wed 10/15/08 07:14 PM
I’m what they call
rapid cycling
what this means is I can shift and change and transcend from
one state of being state of doing state of elation state of denial state of creation
to the next and the next and the next and the next
while you’re still stuck on
I can burn my candle at both
ride my horse into the
leap buildings in a single
hold my feet to the
build palaces with my bare
wrap you around my
rip away your clothes and make
be everything I you they ask
do everything I you they ask
look at you jump into you hold onto you
and fall in love in love in love in love
before you even really wonder-ask-know who I



what I am


a bomb





leaving me





I turn





and the





other than

to lift

my heavy hands

to shield

my eyes

from the


of your



is to


to the desire

to have

no desire.

(another pill)

the monotone voice
that I vaguely recognize
as sanity
speaks slowly now,
with sadness,
when I come back around,

you’ll be long gone.

myanimalcracker's photo
Tue 10/14/08 12:27 PM
Churchill made his dashing

Chaplin made his funny

Lincoln made his historic

and rather gently human.

Washington made his patriotic

and Roy Rogers made his tough

yet gentle.

The Lone Ranger made his stand for goodness

while my papa chose his black,

and was in the end just as good,

though slightly less wholesome.

Then there is old Saint Nick

and how could I forget Captain McFadden?

Never I say! Never!

hats, hats, hats

the topper to a head

the identifier of a soul

the essence of a man who has

an ugly head

and chooses to cover it

with glory!

myanimalcracker's photo
Tue 10/14/08 12:21 AM
i love the curve
of a woman’s belly –
that gentle roundness
arcing just below her
belly-button and ending
just above her mons veneris.

There is something
very intriguing about
that curve - something
secretive, something
wondrous - it
peeks impishly out
and teases;
it is as if she is
trying to conceal
an astounding revelation
that is too overwhelming,
too magnificent, to be
completely concealed –

like, perhaps,
that in her,
in that gentle curve
of her belly,
she holds the orb
of the world,
the whole world,
the whole of
the whole of

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:26 AM
Thank you

Denie flowerforyou
bzmom flowerforyou
Jason :smile:
Art flowerforyou
pkd flowerforyou
Harold :heart: :heart:

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:54 AM
Adulthood unexpectedly
brings me half a mile from the backyard
where my childhood intersected
with August dusk,
where I was content to run in circles,
arms outstretched,
chasing fireflies.

In the decade and some odd years since those evenings,
life has raised her mask and
revealed her face to be
the unexpected,
where even her smile
might be interpreted
as cold or callous.

I slowed a bit as she watched me
always following something,
with fireflies becoming boys and
even breath;
these things I fought for
so different from the simplicity I sought
those summer nights,
in such contrast
with the yellow lights
that guided my young assent.

Occasionally, then, I would catch them,
and cradle them gently in my hands,
but I would never have the heart to seal their fate
inside a mason jar.

Oh, how things have changed.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:52 AM
:heart: :heart: (((Harold))) flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Fri 10/10/08 01:46 AM
There is really no other place
to taste the sweet and sour of America,
to peel her layers back to reveal
the stunning and the ugly
and the middle point
where both beautifully blur.
Downtown sunrise, a blank page
waiting to be scribbled upon
or pressed hard against,
bleeding onto mornings after.
Smells of coffee and tar
mingle to the beeping
of machines operating in reverse.
The sidewalk
is full of cellular chatter
of phantoms unseen
who never utter a word in response.
Tall buildings confident
in their newness, never a downward glance
to the sagging two-story structures below.
Life here is perfect in its contrast,
as if the scene and its occupants
were randomly selected
for a blind experiment
on the psychology of city psychosis
or the sociology of metropolitan mania
that results in statistical significance
where deviation
is standard.

myanimalcracker's photo
Wed 10/08/08 03:07 PM
Thank you, all my wonderful people :heart:

JT flowerforyou
Harold flowerforyou
Angel flowerforyou
pkd flowerforyou
Noden flowerforyou
Mom flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Wed 10/08/08 01:08 AM
(((JT))) flowerforyou :heart:

myanimalcracker's photo
Wed 10/08/08 12:03 AM
Who are my people?

They are subtle whisperers

who do not ask for direction

but lead with knowledge gained

by endless painful lessons.

They are the dirty faces

that have gotten in the mud

beside others who labor,

gaining much from the gift of work.

They are the hand that never wavers

but offers gentle guidance

even for those not clean

or pleasantly perfumed.

They are the glad heart that opens

each day with a song

even as the rainstorm comes

to wash their feet in dirty water.

They are the heart that blossoms

for each new moment appearing

for they somehow are hearing

the beauty in cursed hearts forgotten.

They are the tears that linger

when truth enters an eye

and sets to rights the inner soul

of a forgotten humanity

long given up on

but never forgotten.

My people, my people

you are my hearts firm family.

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 10/06/08 05:51 PM
Thank you

Iam :heart: flowerforyou
Roco (it's nice to see someone's thought process) flowerforyou flowerforyou
Bill flowerforyou flowerforyou
Harold :heart: flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 10/06/08 05:41 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart:

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:15 PM
Some seconds ripple
the quiet surface of an hour.
Power sags and language

leaves. A shirt snags on
a nail, the shock and flail
at the sudden pull, caught,

incomprehensible at first.
The pit is blended with the grass
in the path across the yard,

A step, kneel quick and clutch
an aching ankle. One hand
holds the lemon, the other

the sharpest knife slicing
easy suns. A slip and red
reaches fingertip before the

brain describes the blood.
Lips anticipate the tumbler,
the throat waits. But on the

way the glass becomes
unreachable. For two seconds
fingers hold a ghost moving

toward the mouth, even as
sharp splinters scatter over
tile. A basket full of

clothes is carried down
the stairs. The foot miscounts
and fumbles for the missing

bottom step. The brain wrecks,
muscles clench, waiting for the
fall that doesn’t come.

As hours peak and break we’re
tossed by tiny catastrophes. The
nerve burns, the psyche rattles

faster than the eye sees. What
are these but small reminders? Holes
in the day’s relenting story?

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 10/05/08 07:07 PM
Thank you

Mirror flowerforyou
Mom flowerforyou
Harold flowerforyou
Txs flowerforyou


myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 10/05/08 01:16 PM
Where do writers go
When doors are no longer receiving
Where do a heart aches
When tears are not falling
I keep falling
Yet I refuse to remain on floor
So I stand beyond the falls
Just being a woman who wipes her tears
That keeps standing with a brave smile
So if you think you snatched away my words
Within a voice of a soul I keep reciting
The world would not call me a poet
Still the poetry in me carries on

myanimalcracker's photo
Sat 10/04/08 05:36 PM
We’ve all known a man, or a woman,
that the only thing that springs
from the diving board of their tongue,

is a whine, a complaint, a curse,
a double somersault negative
with a back stabbing twist.

Immediately, you want to grab the words,
like splashed globules of
mangled, water-puzzle-pieces,

and put them back behind their lips.
But, the ears have already been soaked
with a two point two end of dive belly flop.

myanimalcracker's photo
Fri 10/03/08 09:15 PM

wow ~ there are so many beautiful woman on this site... can't imagine how you will be able to narrow it down to 12 slaphead

Here's to all the gorgeous ladies flowers

Agreed! flowers flowers

myanimalcracker's photo
Fri 10/03/08 05:19 PM
I know I personally won't answer IMs from people I've never emailed with before.

myanimalcracker's photo
Fri 10/03/08 04:49 PM
I wear a mask
I act tough (it’s a good defense)
’Cuz I don’t want to get hurt.
If only somebody would see through my mask,
Then they will see that I’m not so tough
Or cruel or cold-hearted.
I need friends
But real friends I have few.
My life is just a façade.
I am a hypocrite
I hide behind my mask,
Behind my defense of being tough
Just because I am a coward.
I am afraid to let you know I’m afraid
- of Life, people, reality –
Of everything.

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