Community > Posts By > myanimalcracker

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 03:24 PM
Thank you

sara flowerforyou
s1ow :heart: flowerforyou
Sang flowerforyou
J :heart: flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 01:27 PM
Very nice, Jason... :heart: flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 12:53 PM
I have lived a life with you already

though daydreams do not count

more is the pity

for we had a rather jolly time of it

making faces at each other

while others pondered

our sanity

Our hands held fast

while the rocking began

truth spoken in whispers

filled with passionate hopes

solid foundations

built upon strong ground

Oh how the rolling tides did tug

but we cut a rug

and made it into a cheerful dance

of time and memory

wicked cool disagreements

made better with breathless giggles

as I accept

and you accept

and life was gone together

a dream lived deep

while I was asleep

hit the snooze alarm and return dear.

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:07 AM
Thank you

MYheart flowerforyou
1956 flowerforyou
Twin flowerforyou
Harold :heart:
transient flowerforyou
liltazz flowerforyou
pkd flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:05 AM
Very good, J :heart: flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 12:14 AM
Wonderful write, Jason :heart: flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 12:04 AM
There is not one damned thing

in this whole world

quite as lovely as looking

deeply into

that which makes you

and keeps you

so wondrous is this shelter

made from two arms and hands

so amazing in their connection

made from eyes and brows gently furrowed

in meticulous thoughts unending

with something illusive

that I recognize

and embrace

closely to my heart.

You are, quite simply

someone I shall never tire

of kissing with abandon

and leading with sultry air

by the hand

into the bedroom

for a little gentle reminding

of how much you are loved.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:22 PM


um, no.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:34 PM
I like his feet

and this makes a grin

for who but I would notice

and find delight

in such a thing?

I like the sculpting of them

the way the veins peep

and travel

like the river nile.

The way the arch curls

and makes my fingers itch to tickle

cause giggles and playful embraces.

I look at the way they rest, so content upon a table

framed by denim and cleverly smooth

and unassuming

never giving a hint

of the hard business they do

keeping him going

from place to place

dream to dream

until their twin labors are rewarded

with a contented sigh

and a convenient resting place

and freedom from confining socks

to blissfully twitch and settle

ever so happily

on a nearby surface.

his feet reveal


in his very pose.

I like his feet

they encapsulate so much

that is his definition.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:47 PM
Thank you Jason :heart: flowerforyou & iam4u :heart: flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:38 PM
Thank you

Mirror flowerforyou
s1ow flowerforyou
Jason :heart:
kc flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:32 PM
Thank you (((crm flowerforyou, maxxx flowerforyou & MisKim flowerforyou)))

120557 - There's a life lesson that most people pick up on when they're MUCH younger..."if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". Sarcastic and snide comments aren't ever appreciated.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:15 PM
J, you have a wonderful imagination :heart: flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:11 PM
I want cows to give chocolate milk.

I want butterflies to provide real butter.

I want a rubber band to play my favorite song

and Jumping beans to dance with me.

I want the moon to be made of cheese

I want pigs to have ponytails

and love letters to fill the air with pink.

I want the things I think about

to circle in the air

to be seen

to amuse

to make a heart beat lighter

and a smile to form on lips that frown

I want to see the world much brighter

even if it is upside down.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sun 08/24/08 10:20 AM
It starts with a twinkle

a gentle light that beckons in your eye

a silent witness to thoughts

that tempt and tease

and hint at pleasure.

A witty remark is coming,

it revealed itself just then.

Your mouth purses

as if unsure if it can trust

that twinkle

it is wise to your ways

it knows you far too well.

A laugh bursts forth

and the mouth gives a defeated sigh

and smiles, cause it loves to be happy.

Your face changes

like a light switched on

the whole of you

revealed in a flash

that makes watchers gasp

and lean forward

in their seats.

The most amazing part of this

is that I know

that this outer you

is but a small

infinitesimal part

that makes up the whole

of you.

If they only knew

the inner sanctum

the corridors that live

inside your wondrous heart

the glowing center

of your core

that keeps and holds

that infinite spark

that is you.

You amaze me

send me into spirals of awe

at the sweetness that is

the very essence

of who you are.

If they only but knew

what I know.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sat 08/23/08 11:03 PM
:heart: flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:23 PM
Thank you

Jason :heart: flowerforyou
Harold :heart: flowerforyou
Enya flowerforyou
awolf & cinder flowerforyou
kc flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Sat 08/23/08 09:23 PM
Light finger touches that brand him mine.

I lightly dwell, where it is impolite to mention

in mixed company.

Making a man sigh is something sexy

makes a woman feel powerful

in away that she turns about

and makes less selfish

by increasing his pleasure

with saucy licks and tender nips

that travel a body slowly

without need for a passport.

Something about a dreaming man

impossible to resist

especially one who sleeps

so delicately nude

like an unwrapped present.

I let my eyes feast

and adore the lack of calories

for this food is rich

and addicting,

feeling him wake is wicked

for I will know the moment

he knows he is not dreaming.

Joy is in the anticipation

of eyes that spark

and set him aflame

as surely as my touch

makes silky steel.

The power of a giving heart

the peace of sensual overload

the greatness of a love

given freely

returned freely.

How I love to wake you

knowing as I do

that there is much more to enjoy

with the opening of your eyes.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:58 PM
Mumbling incoherently

I smack you in the face

twisting in my sleep

stealing covers.

You attempt,

oh so politely,

to regain your lost position,

but you have lost the battle

your boarders have been breeched

and you are aggravated

and amused,

albeit begrudgingly.

so you pull out that secret weapon

and use it

until giggling my face emerges

rumpled from sleep


knowing I have stolen

every last blanket

you own.

Your fingers curl along my sides

their mission complete

as tickles become touches

and touches become clutches

and giggles become moans of a happiness

just as profound

and deeply felt.

myanimalcracker's photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:23 PM
Nice write, J :heart: flowerforyou :smile: