Community > Posts By > FroznChild
Lyrical Response Post
flattery will get you everywhere so nice be be with someone who cares unfortunatly i think my rhymer is broken so ill leave you with this little token you seem to be one of lifes greatest treasures and caring for you comes in no lil measures my breath stills for anticipation of your revelations for tonight you have made me feel blessed talking to you makes my heart arrest i hope to rhyme again with you soon when thinking of me just look at the moon ![]() ![]() ![]() and swoon... and swoon, and swoon. |
Lyrical Response Post
You wanted some words that were witty,
and when reading them really sounded pretty... so, fresh out of the gate, for Audrey, I can wait I heard the blue bird sing today, Though the sky was gray and dark. It's song was sweet and lilting, It's voice was strong and stark. And I would not have noticed this, Had I not been in the park. Waiting for you... Been here at least a day or two, Sifting through memories only I know. ...At least I knew them a minute ago. When I was more confident that you would show. But now the blue bird sings above, A bitter sweet song about heart felt love. I wonder who he's thinking of... And as the sweet notes melt away, I think I'll sit another day. And wait for you to come my way. Till the sun goes down one night, And there, on the ground, in the morning light, Is me. Waiting for you. Cause I can wait in heaven too. Wait until God comes to say, I think it's time you were on your way. But I can wait just one more day... For you. |
Lyrical Response Post
ah yes, I too know, how work can make on feel,
and to have to go to it, (especially two jobs) is a rather big deal... so many times a week, it can try to take away the laughter, that in our free times, so often, we are after... but it's beautiful really, to see the real you, and to see your laughter, returned all anew, I'm glad I could make you smile today, like you made me smile, when you came my way... I know from some conversation, that you have a hard life, and that right now you were expecting, to be a loving wife... no need for all this hardship or strife, (and nothing but spreading jam, works with a knife) You're welcome for the words that I say, and I hope that they stick with you throughout your day, so that you make think back on them, and smile when you want... and your life that you are working through, you mind won't constantly haunt... Lol, there is one thing more that I would have to say, although I admit that I haven't seen more then your neck to this day... that this naughty boy likes naughty girls too... (and there's nothing more that I would like) to get to spank you... Either a little longer then you really wanted, or, at least until you're no longer blue. |
Lyrical Response Post
sorry for acting so pathetically morose usually im the jam you put on your toast i try not to be such a whiny frowner these days i seem such a downer so now im going to be a happy fruit tree so you can see what it is to be me and how happy im usually to see just dont pick my fruit early to make into jam cause ill drop a limb down, and youll fall on your can! Ahh, to pick the fruit to early makes a bitter jam, and I'm a better orchardist then that I am... Don't worry so much, about all that strife, you've got so many, good things in your life... and if nothing else, will help you to see, then I'll have to point out, that now you have me... and when ever it is, that you happen to feel down, just come on over, and we'll remove that frown... with conversation, and a few laughs or to... you'll see, that with me, you'll feel as good as new. |
Lyrical Response Post
No worry dear Audrey, no worries at all,
I used to do the same thing, while serving alcohol... and nobody every looked at me, the way I wanted them too... All they left was a dollar in the G-string... what a jew... as for talking tonight, of being depressed, well, I wouldn't suggest that the cure is getting dressed, The nice thing about being there, sitting at home, is that all of those losers, must leave you alone... Now any man, who's worth his salt, would have to straight admit, that what you have, beneath your clothes, they'd most likely like to hit... Well, girl, what can you do? Just look at the neck in the picture of you? You must admit that it leads to imagination... and a body like that... can sometimes lead to degredation. You my dear, tho, don't have to worry about me... treat me as tho, I was a vampire see... I have no eyes for the rest of you... only for what's inside... the blood that runs blue... Ok, I must admit, that you attract me some... and to not admit it, would be sorta dumb, but here, in this rhyming format you see, unless a man has the brains, he can't hit on thee! As for this talk of suicide, what more can I say... Watch your tounge young lady, or you'll get spanked today! Don't think either, that I won't submit you to it... And spank that bottom all night long, till your worthiness you admit! |
Lol... yep... lame... I agree...
Total drivel... what was this guy thinking? |
Lyrical Response Post
Audrey Audrey, you really are sweet,
that fact that you come back and check on me, really is neat... and for your fine words, you know I'll take a seat, for my boredom, your presence, really does beat. Lol, I'm sorry Audrey, that you find everywhere else a bore... sometimes the forums can be such a chore, but I really am glad that it draws you here more, If I didn't get to see your neck, my feelings would grow sore... How is it, that you find the time, to place in your life, a little bit of rhyme? How ever you do it, all I can say, Is that I'm glad that you came back, lol, please don't go away... I realise that sometimes, the poetry doesn't flow, and to mind, a rhyme, can come awfully slow, Put you always seem to put such an effort into it... That when you do post a response, it's the shi*. That being said, I must ask, how are you? Anything fun today did you do? Of all the questions, I could ask, I've only asked a few, Tell me a bit about yourself... who are you really... who? |
Lyrical Response Post
Hey BonnyMiss,
how you doing sis? it's so good to see you drop bye... to bad I must say, that you went on your way, you were here for just a blink of an eye... Somewhere in this rhyme, I have to find, a way to compliment you... on the words that you write... how they shine in the night... The wonderful poetry that you do... I really am blessed, to see you here, and your words on these pages, in my mind they do sear, for I never forget the rhymes of a friend, and my thankfullness for it, never will end. It's people like you, that when you drop by, the words left behind, make my heart sigh... Thank you again, for stopping on in, Please come back in awhile, and do it again! |
It's actually, a very old song...
But a good one... With many different versions... Thanks for posting it. Lol... Original says, A drunkard lay on the bar room floor, drank till he couldn't drink no more... (lol... don't knew who added in a Texas cowboy!) |
Sometime you just have to write some drivel...
Get it out of the way, so you can write some good stuff. Lol... all you poets know what I mean. I said a ha ha ha, a hee hee hee, a ha ha hee ha ha... Bet you can't, say that twice, without twisting your jaw... I said, a hee hee hee, a hoo hoo hoo, a ha ha, hee, hoo hoo... If you knew what I was laughing about, why you'de laugh this much too. I was walking down the road one day, when what did I think I saw... a woman running down the street, with her shirt inside her bra... I pointed out, as she approached, and said, is that a double d? She looked down at her lacy breast, and then she kicked me in the knee... And I said... ah ah ah a, ooh ooh ooh ooh, ah ah, eeh eeh eeh ah, Bet you can't, say that twice, without twisting your jaw... without I said, eeh eeh eeh a, ooh ooh ooh a ah ah a, eeh, ooh ooh, If you knew what I was laughing about, why you'de laugh this much too. ow ow ow, agh, ow ow ow, ugh, ooch ooch ooch ooch ooch... If I saw that girl again, I'd kick her in the cooch... I said, a hee hee hee, a hoo hoo hoo, a ha ha, hee, hoo hoo... If you knew what I was laughing about, why you'de laugh this much too. God forgive me, With Equescent thoughts... FroznChild ![]() |
Lyrical Response Post
SitnGrin SitnGrin, sittin there with a grin on your chin...
what if she huffs, and she puffs to come in? whatcha going to do then? Lol, look at you two... I go away for five minutes, and what do you do? It's obvious to me from what you both said... That you're going to have to be seperated... Now Sitngrin, you go and sitngrin over there... And TxsGal, that corner for you my dear, and don't fuss and holler, no neither of you dare... Me, I'm gonna sit in the middle, and cheer. Ok, now on three, this is what you do... Sitngrin, run and her, and she'll run at you... and who ever gets to the middle first, (and here's from the tricky brother) I'm going to stick my foot out real quick, and trip them into the other! Now you both may be asking... what's in it for me? I get to see a poetry Explosion! at mach three. |
Here Comes Me
Here Comes Me
I'm writing high for the last time tonight ... maybe for a long long time. Although I must admit, that every hit, has helped my meter and rhyme. They've given me words that come from the ether ... words that mean something deep. And at oft times, when the poetry was over, the drugs have helped me to sleep. Helped me to keep my mind straight ... though that saying seems somewhat ironic. But when you smoke your smokes, and you smoke that weed, being sober requires a tonic! I've said so many things when high, that I've sorta grown that frame of mind. My life changed over to a different setting, and now that I'm sober, I seem to find, Someone in me that's been caged in my head, just leaning back and watching the show. Having a laugh and taking a break, letting personality go for the go. But now, that different me knocks at the door, the one that's been waiting so long... He wants the chance to be me for a while, and to hold him back has been sorta wrong. He's just a little more responsible, just a little more refined and cool, He takes the time to think twice, before playing for the crowd, a fool. He's learned a lot from me that way. My many mistakes and my quick to give smile. He comes to the board with a lot more game, and he's bringing a lot of my style. I think as we walk down that hallway ... as I step to the shadows, and he, to the light. That we'll smile at one another, say, "Hey brother, I'll give it, you gave it, one hell of a fight." With Equescent thoughts... FroznChild ![]() |
§|tⁿ☻ FSH, hit me
Couldn't help but make you smile Den...
sometimes I think she stalking us... well... ok... you. But, I can dream. |
§|tⁿ☻ FSH, hit me
I started it? I started It? lol... oh yeah... I started it!
lol... I'm such a failure... I never finish what I |
Lyrical Response Post
Ahh... I see that this thread hasn't managed to die,
and in the return of my absence, I know can see why... so many friends have continued to stop by... To see so many post really does make my heart fly... So how is everyone doing tonight? I really hope everyone is feeling allright, I'm back for a while, sometime to spend with you... what ever shall we talk about? what ever shall we do? Maybe dragons in the closet, without the room to fly? Or a dog who think to go in his dog house, somehow he will die? Maybe about a letter, that was mailed around the world? But had no stamp, and before it got there, into the trash can it was hurled... Maybe a joke or two tonight, should somehow come past our lips, and certainly the laughter, immediatly after, will flow in swells and dips... I do not know, I cannot say, what might transpire tonight... But whatever we do, lets have some fun, and keep the rhyming tight... Thank's for pickin up the slack... Here I hand to you some poetry, go ahead and hand some back. |
Your handles
life tragedy
Lyrical Response Post
i just realized what i did i didn't mean to repeat may i ask for you to forgive you can even kick me with your feet That's ok Michelle, I won't put you through hell, I understand that rhyming may not always be as easy as it seems... especially when your running, got to get the little one off to school... it can be pretty easy to forget the schemes... Glad to have your little one, finally off for the day? perhaps a little bit of morning, to finally in quiet? I bet with the little ones running around, it so often seems like a riot! Ah, but kids can be the wind beneath our feet, and I can tell that you love yours... and if ever looking for lyrical rhyme... children open so many doors! |
Lyrical Response Post
Well have fun taking your little one to the stop,
I'm sure when you get back, that then down you will plop, into your chair... but, I can not promise that I will be there... to respond... Tho I'm really liking our bond... It's just sorta that time of the morning you see, and I know that you would probably agree, that it's been a long night, and it's been lots of fun, and by no means, do I think that this is soon done. I plan to keep this going on for awhile... as with every post posted, (like by others, and you) continues to bring me a smile.... So if I don't make it back, well, no one be shy, you can rhyme during the day, and if you say you can't, then you lie... I encourage everyone to get into the flow... and let yourselves go.... I'll be awfully dissapointed, if when I come back... a few of us "Poets" haven't kept up the slack! Now always remember the name of the game, you can post what you like, as long as it sounds the same... and for those of you who may drop the dime, someone else pick up for them, (yeah, every time) and remind them that sounds the same, means rhyme. Night everyone, (tho it is day) I've had so much fun (I'll be back to play) |
Time Zone
You don't get to choose your time zone. You get to do the math in your head. Lol... Yes Miss |
Lyrical Response Post
Heres my Rhyme... A bit late this time... Don't get pissed... This post I did miss... Its not night... Its day light... Raining outside... Think I'll stay in and hide... Hope today your swell... and feel really well... Teddy ![]() Miss Teddy, Miss Teddy, what can I say... I'm afraid that you fairly impressed me today... when your lovely rhyme suddenly came our way.. I thought for a second, I'd caught a sun ray... I know that from you, so many words means so much, and by placing them here, in my heart you did touch, So blessed I feel that you took the time, to place, in our lives, that wonderful rhyme. |