Community > Posts By > beerchen

beerchen's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:45 AM

:heart: If you felt that someone was falling for YOU on here.
And YOU BOTH have never met.
Because YOU don't want then to be hurt.
Because of the fact that YOU have NEVER really MET face to face.
And if and, or you ever did, THEY might FEEL differently about the OTHER in person?
Would THAT BE "WRONG" to tell THEM "THAT"?

Because I feel like I've hurt someone that I really did want to know better, but wanted THEM to NOT BE hurt by what or where LIFE might trully change their feelings?:heart:

I don't know exactly how it was that you hurt that person. This is just a mode of introduction, what comes after this in the real life is a completely different story.
How many times have i heard" i really like you as a person, but I'm not attracted to you otherwise" ( this is the polite version of those who care to comment).

so, IMO you are being fair by saying up front that in real life, things can be different.

beerchen's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:39 AM
Edited by beerchen on Mon 03/03/08 01:41 AM

I dont understand why so many of you are confused as to what is going on. Her boyfriend is getting robbed by his ex girlfriend and he is frustrated and venting on his current girlfriend. No biggy, couples fight.I will say with confidence that on average most women are money hungry. They often diguise their fetish by using words such as "ambition" or "driven". Lets be real, if women openly admitted what the majority are after then that would only perpetuate the stereotype that women are just as, if not more shallow than men.

Sunshine. That can so go both ways. Not all women need a man with money, cause they make their own, support their kids even without the support of the fathers.
You have no idea how many times i was approached with the hindside that they were going to profit from my income. pfft.
My philosophy: Be able to hold your own.

edit: not all women have more then one child or more then one father for their children.

beerchen's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:32 AM

It's definetley getting old. I think some of you are missing the point... I get it that this behavior is wrong. So what do I do in the meantime? Divorced folks-- how long does it take?

You're not gonna like this answer, but it takes as long as it takes.
Getting a divorce for whatever the reasons are still posesses a time of grieving, whether you want to admit it or not. You have made a loss, that being your marriage.
Maybe instead of going around the problem by trying to start anew quickly, you should deal with it first. You are telling us that forming a romatic relationship hasn't worked out for you this last year. I think you need to find out why that truely is. I can sit here and talk till i'm blue, but it is you in the end how has to do the thinking, the adjusting, the feeling and accepting your loss not only in your heart, but also in your head. ( or the other way around)

Talk to the friends that you can count on not blowing you some bull and will give you some constructive discussion. I'd start there.

beerchen's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:24 AM

I am tired of holding doors open anymore its a waste of time it seems. Women act as if theya re better then you and maybe if you rude and mean they will want to date you. Nice doesnt work trust me!

you are so full of bogus... not holding the door for me is like telling me i'm not worth that kind gesture. And if that little task is to much to ask... then guess what. the rest won't fit either.

ps. I'm really not that mean. lol.

beerchen's photo
Sun 02/17/08 07:17 AM
Now if that's not an excuse then I don't know. laugh

beerchen's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:59 AM
Fort Wayne in the HOUSE!!

um .. yeah, hiflowerforyou