Community > Posts By > glynnda

no photo
Sun 03/03/13 09:26 PM
but anybody trained in CPR, like a fireman, would have training as to how much pressure to apply with their hands. they don't lean on the body.

no photo
Sun 03/14/10 03:09 PM
this president has taken cronyism to a new level in his appointees.

his people win, in the short run, and america loses in the long run due to the power they wield and the changes they make.

no photo
Sun 03/14/10 03:00 PM
runaway spending is at the root of most economic catastrophes.

why can't governments seem to put the brakes on?

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 03:19 PM
too many scandals and too much deal-making has come to light for anyone to be able to place any trust in the government or politicians.

true, it crosses party lines and flows the administrations of many presidents.

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 03:14 PM
fire the controllers.

terrible judgement, as no distraction or extra factors should be necessary for them to deal with in the event of an air catastrophe, which can come out of nowere.

the kids were on there during peak volume hours, also, and with the large number of international pilots for whom english is not their first language.

gotta stop lowering the standards and increasing the permissiveness sometime......

no photo
Sun 03/07/10 03:09 PM
he just seemed to bumble or use poor judgement in so many things he did or spoke out on, almost from the beginning of his administration.

not a natural politician by any stretch and didn't seem to learn as he went.

no photo
Sun 02/21/10 09:50 AM
he should not have said this, but on the other hand, it is false to attribute such a sentiment to republicans in america and ONLY republicans.

no photo
Sun 02/21/10 09:47 AM
it's hard to find an administration with more embarassingly bad appointments and affiliations than the current one, IMO.

no photo
Sun 02/21/10 09:43 AM
i agree that "free bird" is the greatest rock song of all time---and that says a lot, for all the other great songs it edges out. this song has everything and goes everywhere musically----and takes the listener right along with it.

i saw skynyrd live last august and they haven't lost a thing performance-wise, IMO.

i agree that bands should stay out of politics. it's very true that when they take sides politically, they alienate a substantial portion of their fan base.

no photo
Sun 02/14/10 07:31 AM

his changeability after election is typical for most politicians

though, isn't it?

no photo
Sun 02/14/10 07:27 AM

reid is a lame duck and knows it.

he could feel like he has nothing to lose and pull off all kinds of stunts on his way out.

no photo
Sun 02/14/10 07:24 AM

I just heard that the shooter had previously shot her own brother years ago. Somehow the record of that seemed to get lost.

yes........interesting isn't it?

reportedly she had just been denied tenure and was unhappy about that.

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 07:16 PM
isn't it something like only 5% have a glandular disorder which is the cause of their obesity?

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 07:09 PM
best to get to know someone by chatting a little online and on the phone before making a date with them, IMO.

jumping the gun can waste a lot of time with dead-end dating or coffee meetings.

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 07:05 PM
early dates within a relationship should be the expense of the guy. this is his time to impress and "woo" the woman.

dates do not have to be expensive, and some creative thinking can alleviate any budget issues.

as the relationship progresses, sharing expenses is fine.

if it becomes a committed relationship, whoever has the money that week might pay.

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 06:55 PM
only about two years late!

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 06:52 PM
one of their promises on the site was to provide only "beautiful" or very good looking people.

members were voted on by other members or viewers, to join or be retained, weren't they?

no photo
Sat 01/30/10 06:49 PM
this is really typical of obama's behavior.

he promises but can't deliver, or has no pre-planned, workable strategy for carrying out the provisions of the speeches and promises he makes.

no photo
Fri 01/29/10 01:03 PM
if you are reacting to president obama's state of the union address, i must agree that he did not present a smooth or really coherent speech.

no photo
Fri 01/29/10 12:57 PM
edwards showed absolutely no morals or scruples. his ambitions for high political office, though, during all this were supported by his wife and with some apparent knowlege on her part of his affair.

mrs. edwards appears to be self-serving and an enabler of her husband's behavior.

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