Community > Posts By > Hikerjohn

Hikerjohn's photo
Tue 02/12/13 05:59 PM

@hikerjohn- Well said, but an ill example. I fear fallin because I will get hurt. Fear invokes fight or flight which can save your life. Fear of real things is healthy, fear of imaginary things is not. Fearing a god is one of those unhealthy things.

My example it fine and holds its own regardless of you attempting to redefine it as ill.

And you would probably be more accurate in saying that you respect what falling would do and you take precautions or measures to keep from falling even when you take risks. Unless your consumed by the fear of falling. That's a sign of something unhealthy.

And thats the point of fearing God. Its the same as respecting God,fearing disappointing our father. Choosing to be in obeisance instead of rebellion of him out of love, respect and if necessary fear of the consequences. And by choosing obedience over rebellion, I don't have to fear the rules. Then all fear for me turns into love and respect. In return, God gives me peace.

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/09/13 07:08 PM
The movie Champ was my first real big cry.

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/09/13 05:03 PM
I was just going off your profile.

If you are still searching, I again can only point you to the things I have learned, witnessed and experienced.

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/09/13 04:50 PM
well thats just silly.

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Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/09/13 09:12 AM
Oh wait. I am not mark or Charles. Sorry. . . . .

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/09/13 09:11 AM
How many women cry or bawl in public without a major attempt at not crying in public? Very few. Yet some do it for the attention. thats a different subject.

Not showing strong emotions is normal and maybe even good. If someone said something that made me very angry, should I let it all out?

I don't cry in public or lash out when I am angry because I make others uncomfortable and we feel we look foolish. Including ladies.

But when we (men) are devastated or defeated, we prefer to crawl into the fetal position in private or in the arms of the most trusted woman in our lives. If we don't have a mom or a trusted mate or friend, we cry alone. We don't crawl in the arms of our trusted buddy like a girl can.

And, to be honest, not having a trusted female in our lives maybe the reason we are in the fetal position to begin with.

I need chocolate now. :-(

Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 02/09/13 12:24 AM
Edited by Hikerjohn on Sat 02/09/13 12:28 AM

First As you post in the Religious section, you will get a little more pointed discussion than in the non religious areas. If this is not what you want, you wont get it in the other areas. As a fellow Christian, I felt compelled to reply.

I am sure you will do fine posting on Mingle finding like minded people. And no one is attempting to not accept you. And you are right. As Christians we are to love everyone as God's creation. And I welcome you to this awesome family here at mingle.

But I will put the Christian hat on first for this discussion as you chose to post here.

Our heavenly father calls us to love each other knowing we are all flawed and sinful and no one is without sin. He also calls us to seek to do what is righteous (right) and to grow and learn and seek to be sinless knowing this will only make us less sinful as we mature in our walk with our Father. As we grow and get to know Him more. And we will not truly be sinless until we are with Him. My sins are no less destructive than yours.

He also calls us to hate sin. Hate the sin in ourselves and the sin in others. Not to hate the person or ourselves. Again we are to love the person, and hate the sin. Thats how we come along with another believer in their walk of growth and healing. I am coming along with you as you state you are a believer.

The Lord is also very clear about seeking right relationships and He defines what wholesome thoughts and behavior is and He clearly describes what unnatural relationships are and warns us what happens to us when we chose to continue with those thoughts and behaviors. You and I and the Presbyterian church have no authority to redefine what those things are. Actually its a slap in Gods face. Thats what fills the cup of wrath at our arrogance against our father.

Crystal, we fell out of harmony with God, its us that needs to find harmony with him, not change him to fit what we want. So if being a Christian is truly the higher priority than being a lesbian, then seek Him first. the two ideals are not congruent or compatible. I will suggest to you that you wont find personal harmony or peace trying to make the two ideals fit together. They never will regardless of what church building you walk into.

I hope I have been compassionate on a challenging subject. I truly wish you peace or I wouldn't have posted.

Your brother in Christ.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/08/13 11:24 PM

Sounds to me as if you may be upset by the whole question (i.e. is God real?) If you have already made up your mind, then I wonder what your motivations are for posting. Perhaps you would like to see if others agree with you? Perhaps you wish to persuade someone with your point of view? Nothing wrong with that. But are you genuinely be interested in the question?

I am not upset at all. But thank you for proving my point. By suggesting the concept that I maybe upset establishes the thought that this might be truth. Lol. Some will just take it as truth, some with question it and probably no one will actually ask me to get the truth. And the birth of perceived truth is born.

As an Atheist, I am sure it seems that I am trying to convince someone that God is Real. Even though I tried real hard to state that this was my view and encourage others to seek there own answers. But if your a true Atheist who has come to the conclusion, based on your own seeking, that there are no Gods or creator and we all got here some other way, then for you, the search for any further truth is over.

Therefor my post isn't really for you. Its for those who are not sure one way or the other. and I believe I stated my intention fairly clearly. To encourage others to never stop seeking answers. I still seek them myself. Hence responding to the topic, "Is God real?"

I hope that clears it up. I am open if you have more questions.

Hikerjohn's photo
Thu 02/07/13 10:39 PM
Well I prefer 66 which is the cashew chicken.

Hikerjohn's photo
Thu 02/07/13 10:31 PM

If there was a God, would it really have made man ! possibly the most destructive species in the Universe. Of course, the word of God is always ever changing, simply because it comes out of the mouths of people.


that is actually not true. The foundations of Christianity have not change one ounce. How people keep trying to redefine Christianity changes all the time.

And what came out of the mouths of flawed man over hundreds of years, from fishermen to doctors, became the most congruent source of words ever written including books written by only one person.

Hikerjohn's photo
Thu 02/07/13 10:22 AM
I am sorry. Can someone explain this to me. I love garlic chicken. :-)

Hikerjohn's photo
Wed 02/06/13 05:23 PM
Why are you trying to define fear as bad?

Or are you trying to say you can live without it?

Or that you have matured to the point that you are above it?

Yes those who put 'God fearing' in there profile are looking for people who understand what it means. Clearly many of you don't. Others have attempted to help define what it means so I wont do it again. They did a fine job.

But those who do not have a healthy respect for fear and its purpose are the ones who are controlled by fear.

Its called denial. Its no different than the person who screams out "I don't need help!" when they are in trouble. Truth be told, we all can use help in some areas of our lives.


These are all legitimate feelings. Learn to respect them, accept them and you will learn to no be controlled by them. (But control how you react to them)

As for being God fearing, I would never want to disappoint my Lord. Thats what a healthy fear does. But I do fall short and I know He knows I will. Thats why he already gave out forgiveness for me the moment I ask for it. Thats respect. thats love. That's having a healthy 'fear' of disappointing my Father because I long for his respect of me. And his approval of who I am striving to be. And I remain in Awe and Respect of Him and how perfectly he put his plan in motion in my life.


Hikerjohn's photo
Mon 02/04/13 02:26 PM

All unrighteousness is Sin. God inspired man to write the Scripture for man to follow.

Why would you avoid the question?

Is it righteous to go against the will of God?
Moses directly went against that "law" 3 times according to scripture...

And one of results of Moses sin was that he would not be allowed into the promised land and, at the end of the 40 years in the desert, After Moses and his whole generation passed, the chosen nation entered the promise land.

But like many, his heart was for God which is really what God is looking for. No one on this earth is sinless except one man who was God himself made into man.

msharmony's description is a good one. It has made me more convinced that 'Knowing' a woman really constitutes commitment in Gods eyes. How many of you have 'Known' another and walked away without a permanent connection with that person. (Assuming you were not altered to the point of no memory).

Hikerjohn's photo
Mon 02/04/13 09:45 AM

"What you write takes on a truth of it's own."

See here is where the deception is. Thought and words are not truth. At best they are beliefs.

If I stated something as true with nothing to back it, its a view. My view.

At most it becomes a perceived truth (the world calls it a perceived reality). But its not real or truth that we know for sure. I provided nothing to prove it.

But you can chose to believe that there is no real truth. Thats a choice. It is the thoughts of a adolescent fool but we all chose fooling things all the time.

There is truth and it is search-able. Be wise. Again to argue this is adolescent. Seek it and stop trying to prove there is or isn't truth. Your only distracting yourself from the journey.

Now I will state what I have found to be truth based on proof of testing.

I see the Biblical written word prove itself daily now. The foundations are there. Over and Over and Over. I see lives really change. Not band-aids, Not fakers,(they are there too), but real lives that were beyond messed up finding complete peace and lasting joy even in the world they created. And that includes me.

And I find most of my friends who are still attempting to argue and avoid seeking answers as broken, laking peace and joyless. Having momentary happiness at the most. Usually followed by dread shortly after what ever they did to feel happy at that moment.

I don't need to test if there is a God anymore. I don't need blind faith. I have proof. Every day now. And when my peace is broken, it wasn't anyone else or God that caused it. It was always me who broke it. Choosing to do something harmful to me. Sometimes hidden as something fun or erotic or daring.

I cannot convince you to believe in God. That's actually not my job. I can only encourage you to seek truth and express and witness what I have found to be true. It's your job to do the work.

Hikerjohn's photo
Fri 02/01/13 03:21 PM

Such an interesting thread. So many stating there opinions as facts. When one does this then their own reality is based on there own wants of what is true. This is not the truth but a 'perceived reality'.

But in the end there is truth. 1 + 1 = 2. Sun rays will warm the earth. Clouds will block the sun. And somehow the spark of life started on this earth. All theories aside there is a truth.

You are all right in that faith alone does not prove there is a God. But choosing to not seek truth is foolish. And deciding there isn't a God without seeking truth is foolish. May no-one believe in God just because I do.

So go back and read how many people state this or that as fact when it really is just an opinion. In the end, go seek the answers yourself. They are there. Open your heart to seeking truth not trying to make the facts fit what you want to be the truth.

My faith is not blind. It is based on seeking answers. Testing everything in the pursuit of finding the truth. Watching those who are at peace and those who are not.

It is a waist of time to try and convince anyone who doesn't really want to know the truth.

Good luck. God bless.

Hikerjohn's photo
Mon 01/07/13 05:31 AM

.5 on , .5 off..
But i'm good now.
Posting it repeatedly lets the steam off.
Hi,John,long time...what's up, except for the weight? Lol!

Lol. Well most of the holiday weight is off already. Actually glad to be getting back to the non holiday schedule. When do you go back? I love hearing about you holding your daughters and the joy it brought you. It makes me smile.

Hikerjohn's photo
Sun 01/06/13 05:34 PM

One percent pissed.

Do you feel pissed off or pissed on? Slightly different.


Hikerjohn's photo
Sat 01/05/13 06:22 AM

Lori... It's the new year, time for some good change...start within yourself...goodluck with your lovelife.


It looks like you were looking for validation to decisions you had already contemplated and you got plenty of support.

My advice. Don't move in with a guy you have not known long enough to have already developed a trust with.

If you are truly dating a user, they will run if they figure out they cannot use you. Just know when they run its because of themselves and it is not about you.

Happy new year.

Hikerjohn's photo
Tue 01/01/13 12:29 PM

Hikerjohn's photo
Tue 01/01/13 11:49 AM

To put the question in regards to experience:

A gay couple lived next door to me. One of them told me he had tried with a woman and gotten physically ill doing so.

So if you were able to change one's orientation, it would take years to put their mind at ease, I would think.

Oh yeah, I'm not a doctor, this was just a life experience.

If I may correct you. It is an observation of someone else's life experience as they told it to you.

We don't know the actual details of his failed woman experience. we just know his justification for being gay.

He justified it by saying he tried it the other way and it didn't work.

but he didn't tell you that is wasn't the same experience or fun as when uncle harry used baby oil on him when he was 8. Or maybe it was the drama teacher in Jr high who gave him his first bj and how much easier that was than trying to figure out the complexities of Sally in the park that next summer.

Somewhere along the way, he chose this path.

I think the path was chosen for him as he grew up as a Nazi pretty boy since he was about six. He knows no other way, sadly, and his experiment, whether it was because she was a woman or it was just too different to his brain, failed. That's all I know about his past.

six years old? how terribly sad

what a childhood,,,,

That is rough. Without sounding heartless, I hope, and stepping away from the things in his life that brought tragedy, pain and suffering, it was still choices to make.

We can certainly say we cannot imagine what he went through. Well some can. Actually being abused or beaten down by a spouse, parent, sibling or so called friend, male or female, can have similar affects as being a prisoner of war.

And we can and do remain victims sometimes for a lifetime. It actually becomes a "Choice" to stop being a victim and move on. To abandon blame and choose healing. But healing involves more pain and sometimes remaining a victim is just too easy.

I will only say I speak from some experience. And abandoning the safety of being a victim wasn't easy or painless but it was worth it. The hard part is taking responsibility for the things we did to our own lives to cause us pain. We tend to just add that to the pile of blame we put on others. Once you do, you can be free of it.

But again, its all choices. The only power we really have.

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