Community > Posts By > CleanBathroom

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/09/09 09:16 AM

The only way you, personally, can assure me of this is...
if you were standing in the pentagon's parking lot on that day!!!!!

Were you????

Where is flight 77? then....did it land? or is it still flying 7.5 years later?????

Please, you tell me. I assure you it didn't hit the Pentagon. The pure and simple fact is planes don't disintigrate! The engines are 6 tons of titanium steel alloy and there were 2 of them. Ever play "rock, hammer, scissors"? I think titanium beats concrete.... at least the last time I checked.

I was not, therefore I have questions with no answers.

One simple fact, 2 6 ton titanium engines don't "disappear" as those at the Pentagon seem to have done. It would have been very simple to release photos of them as proof, why haven't they?

No matter how bad an airplane crash has ever been, the engines always remain nearly completely intact aside form the housings encasing them. There would be NO mistaking them, they are HUGE! They have blown up and remained intact. There were a LOT of firsts and miracles on 9/11. It seems God or Allah was on Al Quedas side that day if they did it, destroying completely all the evidence.

The Pentagon doesn't typically hand out photos of its structure; nor did it have anything to "prove" by releasing photos. Only de facto conspiracists have made this an issue.

What, in your opinion, would be the purpose of such a cover-up?

And where are the pics of the WTC planes' engines? I haven't seen them either. Does that mean those attacks didn't happen as well? Was the building rigged?

Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad actually running this country and we don't know it? Is Osama the Postmaster General?

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/09/09 08:49 AM

If there was no plane, I would assume the people whose loved ones never came home would wanna' know where they are by now. Human beings had tickets for that flight, "phantom" as it may be to some, and never arrived at their destination.

That's all the proof I need to realize the flight existed.

You have seen interviews with these families who lost loved ones in the flight that supposedly hit the Pentagon? I haven't. There were thousands heard from at Ground Zero who lost loved ones. Why no big stir from the "airline families"?

Yes, I have. I saw a lady interviewed on CNN the day after whose husband had called her from Flight 77 to inform her of the impending doom just prior to impact. Plus, there is video of the crash on several sites ... CNN included.

That said, just for levity, let me offer these points of reference for your consideration:

Bill Clinton couldn't get a BJ without being busted.

Mr. Cheney couldn't shoot his lawyer buddy - on private property - without getting exposed.

Gov Rod of Illinois couldn't sell Obama's Senate seat without being indicted.

The Speaker of the House in Florida couldn't sneak an airplane hangar for his buddy into the budget at the last minute (despite that he was the only one to see the final budget before signing it over to the Governor) without being caught red-handed.

Britney Spears can't go sans underwear without showing up on TMZ.

All these things - in addition to ever-increasing media attention/scrutiny of government, cell phone cameras, the internet and satellite imagery in a high tech society - can be uncovered for you and I; yet, you honestly believe the conspiracy to end all conspiracies can be folded up neatly and pulled off before the entire world without a hitch?

And not a solitary soul as part of the thousands upon thousands who would need to be privy to the plot has slipped up, misstepped or misspoken?


Brittney, Rod, the speaker of the house in Fl..... can they make you and your family disappear without a trace, lock you up in prison without due process, torture you and get away with it, declare 2 wars dispite a world of protest?

I don't think so

Cheney can and did all those things.

Yet we knew about it all now didn't we?

SO, even if the gov't pulled it off, we'd know about this more elaborate scheme, no?

Has your building been checked for radon lately? drinks (I'm kidding partner ... but your theory is pretty far-fetched.)

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/09/09 08:42 AM

Where is flight 77? then....did it land? or is it still flying 7.5 years later?????

I certainly hope there was scheduled meal service or some of the passengers may be grumpy by now. laugh

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/09/09 08:31 AM
Edited by CleanBathroom on Tue 06/09/09 08:34 AM

If there was no plane, I would assume the people whose loved ones never came home would wanna' know where they are by now. Human beings had tickets for that flight, "phantom" as it may be to some, and never arrived at their destination.

That's all the proof I need to realize the flight existed.

You have seen interviews with these families who lost loved ones in the flight that supposedly hit the Pentagon? I haven't. There were thousands heard from at Ground Zero who lost loved ones. Why no big stir from the "airline families"?

Yes, I have. I saw a lady interviewed on CNN the day after whose husband had called her from Flight 77 to inform her of the impending doom just prior to impact. Plus, there is video of the crash on several sites ... CNN included.

That said, just for levity, let me offer these points of reference for your consideration:

Bill Clinton couldn't get a BJ without being busted.

Mr. Cheney couldn't shoot his lawyer buddy - on private property - without getting exposed.

Gov Rod of Illinois couldn't sell Obama's Senate seat without being indicted.

The Speaker of the House in Florida couldn't sneak an airplane hangar for his buddy into the budget at the last minute (despite that he was the only one to see the final budget before signing it over to the Governor) without being caught red-handed.

Britney Spears can't go sans underwear without showing up on TMZ.

All these things - in addition to ever-increasing media attention/scrutiny of government, cell phone cameras, the internet and satellite imagery in a high tech society - can be uncovered for you and I; yet, you honestly believe the conspiracy to end all conspiracies can be folded up neatly and pulled off before the entire world without a hitch?

And not a solitary soul as part of the thousands upon thousands who would need to be privy to the plot has slipped up, misstepped or misspoken?


CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/09/09 04:42 AM
If there was no plane, I would assume the people whose loved ones never came home would wanna' know where they are by now. Human beings had tickets for that flight, "phantom" as it may be to some, and never arrived at their destination.

That's all the proof I need to realize the flight existed.

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/09/09 03:00 AM
One-night stands are the best way to peek into a person's soul and discover if you think they are the "ONE."

I highly suggest them.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 06/03/09 11:41 PM
Edited by CleanBathroom on Wed 06/03/09 11:52 PM
I believe Cheney was the primary influence in Bush Admin policy. I don't think GWB was a bad guy; nor did he seek to make mistakes or act selfishly. I believe Cheney did.

Censorship of documents never seen before?
Energy execs making civil policy?

He even groused that Kerry, Carter and others (like or hate 'em) were "un-American" and dangerous when they criticized Bush Admin policy. Yet, now, he stands before us and does PRECISELY the same thing.

He needs to just go away. Never before has a man been more of a rallying cry for the growth of rank and file terrorists. Someone is learning to use an UZI right now with his vacuous policy and pompous face on a poster hanging in the room.

Anyone notice that the Bush family and Cheney DESPISE each other now? They didn't even talk for the last 90 days of Bush's term.

Even if you are a fan of GWB - and I admire his moxie and effort for sure - you need not give "Backseat ****" (as they called him in the Ford administration) a pass for being the WORST frontman in American politics of all time.

His approval rating was around 8% when he left.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:47 PM

i have been here a while off and on, and idk if i will ever find the "one" meanwhile all my close friends from school and such are already married and having their families, and here i sit working my a^^ off just to survive sometimes, it really is amazing that i am still alive

Marriage is overrated.


CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:46 PM

I really don't know what to do. I've not met anyone off here yet, or hardly talk to anyone worth keeping a conversation with and I havn't made any friends really so I'm not even sure why I am still on here even though it's bee less than two weeks or so, I don't remember. lol

Has anyone had sucess on this thing?

Stay in here and talk ... lots. You'll be fine. Worst case scenario, you make lots of friends who will put you up when you travel. Maybe you even make job contacts. You'll laugh a lot for sure. It's been fun for me thus far in myriad ways.

And, also, I've met people from here. It works. It's just not the MAIN reason to be here I think.

Well, I don't travel much, but hey... there's a reason to start! I've got on another site as well, but the 'fish' isn't biting there either. HAHA. This ocean is too big. These forums might be my next favorite place.

The only way to lose is to quit, so keep at it. We need new peeps to keep things from getting stale.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:36 PM

I really don't know what to do. I've not met anyone off here yet, or hardly talk to anyone worth keeping a conversation with and I havn't made any friends really so I'm not even sure why I am still on here even though it's bee less than two weeks or so, I don't remember. lol

Has anyone had sucess on this thing?

Stay in here and talk ... lots. You'll be fine. Worst case scenario, you make lots of friends who will put you up when you travel. Maybe you even make job contacts. You'll laugh a lot for sure. It's been fun for me thus far in myriad ways.

And, also, I've met people from here. It works. It's just not the MAIN reason to be here I think.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 06/03/09 02:30 PM

It's not that I wanna' stay. It's that I can't seem to leave.

Relationships aren't even a factor anymore. This isn't a dating site for those who hang around more than three months and chat in this forum. That's the window to realize this is NOT a dating site.

It's way easier to find love and sex by simply walking outside anyway. If you find someone HERE, it's probably just a byproduct of the fact that you spend your free time here instead of in a club, etc.
LARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

HEY Kimmie Love! Hope you are kickin' it "olde school." flowerforyou

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 06/03/09 01:14 PM
It's not that I wanna' stay. It's that I can't seem to leave.

Relationships aren't even a factor anymore. This isn't a dating site for those who hang around more than three months and chat in this forum. That's the window to realize this is NOT a dating site.

It's way easier to find love and sex by simply walking outside anyway. If you find someone HERE, it's probably just a byproduct of the fact that you spend your free time here instead of in a club, etc.

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:45 PM


I - I

Have become

convertibally numb!


Sorry ... Did I spell it wrong Suzy Q?

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:41 PM

I - I

Have become

convertibally numb!

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:38 PM
April 9, 1974.

I had just turned six ... six days earlier.

AHHH .. what times.

I think I had a Fudgie the Whale Cake from Carvel that year. And a pinata filled with lemon squares.

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:32 PM
Condolences and God speed on recovery bro' for you, your mom and others

drinker I hope life was good and fulfilling to him while he wandered amongst us. drinker flowerforyou

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:24 PM

I'm fair to partly cloudy .... thanks

Hope you are peachy!

lol im 20 wks not just starting to look like one!laugh

I knew Pats was lying when he went on "vacation" to Grand Rapids! laugh

That's awesome though ... congrats. Can I knit you some booties with the Motley Crue emblem on each ankle?

Aww Damn Grand Rapids..not that far from me lol...thank you CB..and sure you can..wait a can knit? hahaha

No but my grandmother is a huge Tommy Lee fan. She loved him in that straight-to-video movie he made with Pamela.

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:22 PM
I feel that way about this site.

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:20 PM

I'm fair to partly cloudy .... thanks

Hope you are peachy!

lol im 20 wks not just starting to look like one!laugh

I knew Pats was lying when he went on "vacation" to Grand Rapids! laugh

That's awesome though ... congrats. Can I knit you some booties with the Motley Crue emblem on each ankle?

CleanBathroom's photo
Tue 06/02/09 05:18 PM

lol thanks and wow eveyone answered me already
cool lol
but the problem is that i dont exacly know myself
but im hoping that a girl could help me along the way.

I've found that touching myself in front of a mirror helps me to trully know me. :tongue:

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