Community > Posts By > erowid1

erowid1's photo
Sun 03/30/08 02:47 PM

going to starbucks is my plan for tommorrow
wow way to plan!!!

erowid1's photo
Sun 03/30/08 02:45 PM
welcome to the show!!! and i love boston creme pie by the way!! especially with spam!!

erowid1's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:25 AM
i did once , but it was to kick her out!

erowid1's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:04 AM
some parents! jees!

erowid1's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:02 AM
u have a twin my friend!

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 02:22 PM
please tell me someone is holding the elfin leaf!!

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:22 PM
Ignorance is bliss

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:21 PM

I seldom ever touch this type of topic and youll probably never see me touch it again ,however, i had a brief discussion earlier today with a friend of mine who has been trying to convert me for years, i would like to offer up this query to all you guys, the same as i asked him, just to get your opinions or feedback...Would you really follow the rules of christianity if the threat of damnation wasnt hanging over your head?

Well I guess that depends on what you mean by following the rules of christianity? You mean like the 10 commandments? Like thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not covet they neighbors wife, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt honor thy father and mother. That kind of stuff? Because that all seems like common sense that a decent human being would follow anyway regardless of what religion they are or lack of religion.

For example. I am not a Christian, I am even in fact wavering in all my religious beliefs as of late as I try to make sense of it all but just because I am not christian doesn't mean I am running around town murdering people and sleeping with other peoples wives. So would I be in turn following the rules of the religion? I think you need to be a little more specific in what rules you are talking about.

according to the bible a sinner is a sinner, rather you kill someone or are just a drunk, your still damned, so exactly what kind of specifics do you need, its pretty simple

It's not simply as black and white as you are putting it. Everybody sins, Even the most religious church goers sin. Priests and deacons sin, Hell even the pope will slip up once in awhile. If it was as simple as If you sin you will go to hell and be damned for all eternity then there would be no need for heaven at all. Everyone would be saunaing in hell.

Besides according to the bible Jesus turned water to wine, I am thinking they don't rank drinking on their list of unforgiveable sins
let me rephrase this for you, would you follow the straight and narrow if the end result at your death was the same as everyone, sinner or not

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:16 PM

they are waiting for you to answer
i think its more like your not answering quick enouph for them

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:13 PM
I do enjoy a good buzz!

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:12 PM

I seldom ever touch this type of topic and youll probably never see me touch it again ,however, i had a brief discussion earlier today with a friend of mine who has been trying to convert me for years, i would like to offer up this query to all you guys, the same as i asked him, just to get your opinions or feedback...Would you really follow the rules of christianity if the threat of damnation wasnt hanging over your head?

Well I guess that depends on what you mean by following the rules of christianity? You mean like the 10 commandments? Like thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not covet they neighbors wife, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt honor thy father and mother. That kind of stuff? Because that all seems like common sense that a decent human being would follow anyway regardless of what religion they are or lack of religion.

For example. I am not a Christian, I am even in fact wavering in all my religious beliefs as of late as I try to make sense of it all but just because I am not christian doesn't mean I am running around town murdering people and sleeping with other peoples wives. So would I be in turn following the rules of the religion? I think you need to be a little more specific in what rules you are talking about.

specifically he's talking about sodomy i believe......
thank you azrae

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:10 PM

I seldom ever touch this type of topic and youll probably never see me touch it again ,however, i had a brief discussion earlier today with a friend of mine who has been trying to convert me for years, i would like to offer up this query to all you guys, the same as i asked him, just to get your opinions or feedback...Would you really follow the rules of christianity if the threat of damnation wasnt hanging over your head?

Well I guess that depends on what you mean by following the rules of christianity? You mean like the 10 commandments? Like thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not covet they neighbors wife, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt honor thy father and mother. That kind of stuff? Because that all seems like common sense that a decent human being would follow anyway regardless of what religion they are or lack of religion.

For example. I am not a Christian, I am even in fact wavering in all my religious beliefs as of late as I try to make sense of it all but just because I am not christian doesn't mean I am running around town murdering people and sleeping with other peoples wives. So would I be in turn following the rules of the religion? I think you need to be a little more specific in what rules you are talking about.

according to the bible a sinner is a sinner, rather you kill someone or are just a drunk, your still damned, so exactly what kind of specifics do you need, its pretty simple

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:06 PM
I like it with spam

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:06 PM
must be the wrong time of day to be asking such things

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:02 PM

i don't follow them now, i don't see the point here......
nor do i, i guess im asking those that do ive always been curious about that

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:58 PM
I seldom ever touch this type of topic and youll probably never see me touch it again ,however, i had a brief discussion earlier today with a friend of mine who has been trying to convert me for years, i would like to offer up this query to all you guys, the same as i asked him, just to get your opinions or feedback...Would you really follow the rules of christianity if the threat of damnation wasnt hanging over your head?

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:52 PM

erowid1's photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:51 PM
it snowed here monday and now its 75 degrees!!

erowid1's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:39 PM
make sure its in public, feel him out and look for any red flags, and dont do anything you stand a chance of regretting later on your first couple of meetings!bigsmile

erowid1's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:20 PM

P. E.? I had Physical Education. Dodge ball was fun!
drinker hell yes!!

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