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Topic: I just don't get it
Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 07:49 AM
So most of you know I work in a hotel...
I come into work this morning are there are 2 people down for breakfast, a mother and son.
This boy, around age 10 or 11, is a fairly "huskey" boy. He ate 4 danishes, bowl of cereal and 2 huge waffles covered in butter and syrup. These waffles take up the size of a plate. He was eating these waffles like a pizza with his hands. THEN he goes to the vending machine for some candy. Which she gives him money for.
Why would you let your son eat all that crap?
I mean I know I need to lose some weight but I don't eat like that.
It was like one of those talk shows were they have the really obese kids and show what their parents feed them. It was sad... sorry had to vent

cenasgirl91's photo
Fri 03/28/08 07:53 AM
Edited by cenasgirl91 on Fri 03/28/08 07:55 AM
Wow, that is ALOT i wouldnt ever let my future kid do that but atleast hes eating.:smile:

krazykitty323's photo
Fri 03/28/08 07:54 AM
And then years down the road they wonder what happened to their kid. Why are they so fat? Why are they such brats? Some people just weren't meant to be parents

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Fri 03/28/08 07:58 AM
Sometimes people show their love for their kids that way.

I don't get that myself.

Sad though- because it will lead them to many health dangers
in the future. She is setting her son up for future obisity
and poor eatting habits. :cry:

no photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:01 AM
Ahhh poor kid!

erowid1's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:04 AM
some parents! jees!

ledwar41's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:06 AM
....maybe he plays a lot of sports? or planed to climb mt everest later that day?

no photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:06 AM

And then years down the road they wonder what happened to their kid. Why are they so fat? Why are they such brats? Some people just weren't meant to be parents

HMM. a tad harsh...maybe.....
well, maybe the kid will become diabetic, become infertile....and stop his family's contribution to the gene pool.....thus, creating a healthier community in the process

or Not

But they don't call Gluttony a deadly sin with out reason

Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:10 AM

And then years down the road they wonder what happened to their kid. Why are they so fat? Why are they such brats? Some people just weren't meant to be parents

HMM. a tad harsh...maybe.....
well, maybe the kid will become diabetic, become infertile....and stop his family's contribution to the gene pool.....thus, creating a healthier community in the process

or Not

But they don't call Gluttony a deadly sin with out reason

Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:11 AM

Sometimes people show their love for their kids that way.

I don't get that myself.

Sad though- because it will lead them to many health dangers
in the future. She is setting her son up for future obisity
and poor eatting habits. :cry:
I know and I just don't get it. feeding a kid like that is abuse... Why can't u show your love by taking them to the park??

smilingeyes_976's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:13 AM
My kids all have very healthy appetites. Which I am thankful for. But I won't let them go overboard. My oldest does though when he goes to breakfast after church with his grandparents. They let that boy EAT! Although to be fair he has had a massive growth spurt in the last few years. He went from about 5'2 to 6'0 in just under two years. Plus he also works out and has finally put flesh on. Ya used to be able to see every bone. It was disgusting.

Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:16 AM

My kids all have very healthy appetites. Which I am thankful for. But I won't let them go overboard. My oldest does though when he goes to breakfast after church with his grandparents. They let that boy EAT! Although to be fair he has had a massive growth spurt in the last few years. He went from about 5'2 to 6'0 in just under two years. Plus he also works out and has finally put flesh on. Ya used to be able to see every bone. It was disgusting.
your kids seem healthy. kids in growing like that should eat alot but then they work it off.
This kid is already a good 30 pounds overweight and he's only about 10 years old.
I feel bad for him... right now, its not just his choices that are making him this way, it's his parents.

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:16 AM
Jill ~ Here is what I think...

Some parents just don't love their kids enough to tell them "NO". They are concerned with the in the moment, let my child 'like' me right now and don't want to start a battle of wills (as they see it)... and it's so much easier to just give in.

Lazy, selfish, conditional parenting that is more about the parent than the well-being of the child.

krazykitty323's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:17 AM

Jill ~ Here is what I think...

Some parents just don't love their kids enough to tell them "NO". They are concerned with the in the moment, let my child 'like' me right now and don't want to start a battle of wills (as they see it)... and it's so much easier to just give in.

Lazy, selfish, conditional parenting that is more about the parent than the well-being of the child.

So true

whispertoascream's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:18 AM
That's just disgusting. Some parents just do not know boundaries and it is really sad for when that child gets older.

Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:18 AM

Jill ~ Here is what I think...

Some parents just don't love their kids enough to tell them "NO". They are concerned with the in the moment, let my child 'like' me right now and don't want to start a battle of wills (as they see it)... and it's so much easier to just give in.

Lazy, selfish, conditional parenting that is more about the parent than the well-being of the child.
So many parents just can't tell their children NO. It's ridiculous, who is the parent and who is the kid?? You aren't showing love to your children by letting them eat themselves to death. And real parenting... involves LOTS of NO's

here_in_ohio's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:19 AM
i agree most parents just dont care, but then agian the kid could have a medical reason , mines on steriods n stuff which causes him to eat.. hes ten pounds over weight at 4 ..

lilith401's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:20 AM

i agree most parents just dont care, but then agian the kid could have a medical reason , mines on steriods n stuff which causes him to eat.. hes ten pounds over weight at 4 ..

The parent in question was permitting the overindulgence of fattening, unhealthy foods. I don't see that medical issues have anything to do with that.

Jill298's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:21 AM
keep in mind I do have healthy choices on our breakfast... cereal, oatmeal, fresh fruit, yogurt, even sugar free syrups, that kind of stuff. They didn't pick any of that. But even healthy foods need to be in moderation.

here_in_ohio's photo
Fri 03/28/08 08:21 AM
true .. mines fruit obessed

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