Community > Posts By > Single_Rob

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:21 PM

Makes me wonder about the kids in homes of smokers. The people we love all around us.
Before you jump my butt; I am also a smoker. Trying hard to cut it waaaay back. My dogs are showing signs of asthma. And have had the flu too many times.

I dont smoke in my house, that is just nasty. If a person has children they should not do it either. It shouldn't have to be a law, it should be common sense

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:19 PM

Also, Jimmy Carter was a man of peace. Under his tenure the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and Angola. And our people were taken hostage for 444 days.

Under Ronald Reagan, who some accused would start WWIII, we defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan, freed Nicaragua, freed Grenada, kept Europe free, and ultimately Ronald Reagan went to Berlin and said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." The wall came down, and people were freed.

Don't be fooled people by Barack Obama's claims.
My god dude that was a great post. It actually made my spirits leap a little. Thank you

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:18 PM

Why were they breaking into my house? Ill bet it was because i had something they didnt! Just goes to the show, that the War on POVERTY, is the most important fight we have on our plates right now!
dude, that isn't an american philosophy, that is a communist philosophy. I thought you said; "that's what makes America so great". America is a Republic, not a communist state. Where does your loyalty lie?

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:15 PM
Hmmm, maybe I should celbrate by getting laid

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:14 PM

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion.

that we can agree on drinker drinker

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:13 PM

put this pic up you get a lot of viewslaugh laugh
yeah, my bath pic works great for that as well lol

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:10 PM

booblish todaylaugh laugh

I love boobs.
yeah, where is water? He is a missing a thread tailor made for him

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:09 PM

if she thought it was rude..than that's what matters since she was on the other side of it
that is an arrogant view. Only one person out of the two gets a say on what is rude? Lol, no ****ing wonder this country is in the toilet

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:08 PM
I have a pair of shorts like that, but they dip in like a saucer

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:07 PM

i don't think you can blame rudeness on the sex of a person....rudeness is just rudeness

Sorry for your loss! flowerforyou
and everyone has their own idea of rudeness is

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:06 PM
yes, the world is too large for one idea to work, so I will brush your idea to the side and hold onto my own. Thanks for post

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:01 PM

Exactly. What most people are forgetting to take into account is the teachers in question have the inalienable right to not be involved with the water balloons ina ny way. If the kids had not involved the teachers, there would have been no problem. remember people have the right to not be involved just as much as they have the right to be involved. It may seem childish and unreasonable to you that the teacher got upset about getting wet. To me it is reasonable. For example, I personally have some major problems with my back and neck, and anything sudden that makes me jump or jerk in surprise tends to hurt like hell due to it. This includes getting hit with cold water. So yes, the teachers did have the right to be upset about getting hit with the water balloons.

If I saw you walking down the street, I'd throw a water balloon at you just for the hell of it!laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:00 PM
no two people ever see one thing the same way. I doubt he was trying to be cruel, he was probably just trying to show you the risk in case you decided to get another kitty. Sorry for your bad news

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 12:54 PM
How about this;
Always let her win
Don't complain about how much she spends
Don't ask her where she's been
Do not buy anything high dollar without asking first
Do not expect to go anywhere on your own first without begging for 4 hours, and agreeing to take her shoppin

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 12:51 PM

i just got back from chasing some illegal immigrants off the lot at home depot, but I am back to party now drinker drinker
Are we all invited? drinker drinker bigsmile
please let's get down like James Brown. You coming to Orlando?

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 12:34 PM
if you aren't living on the edge you are taking up too much room, right?

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 12:33 PM
i just got back from chasing some illegal immigrants off the lot at home depot, but I am back to party now drinker drinker

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 12:31 PM

I would; aren't we all in danger.

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 11:33 AM

the rest of you people claim to want to teach responsibility, but I think you are just jealous. Jealous of a kid being a kid, and forgetting that their childhood essentially ends with graduation. They have plenty of time to go work meaningless

what the kids did was wrong. they attacked their teachers without thought to who they were doing it to or for the consequences of their actions..this has nothing to do with "kids will be kids", if they had done it to each other and a teacher didnt like it then I'd agree with the statement above. You teach responsibility by holding people accountable for their actions. These kids broke the rules now they have to pay the price. Its just that simple...
wow, I thought I was a harsh person. I threw bisuits on police cars, as well as moon pies as they passed by. I used to take musical greeting cards apart and hide the internals in a teachers desk so it would aggravate them all day. I put shaving cream under the door handles of their cars, vaselined doorknobs, vaselined toilet seats, put pingpong balls in the toilets, itching powder in the toilet paper, and put plastic wrap over the toilet, and under the toilet seat. Yes, I deserved the firing squad for my "disresepct" as a child. Worse that ever happened to me was a paddling from the principal. You guys strive to make people grow up too fast, and take a period of time away from them that they will never be able to relive. I cannot believe you guys are so harsh about childhood mishchief that doesnt create any bodily harm

As you saiud the worst you ever got ws a paddling formt he principle. Teachers are no longer allowed to do that. and in many states parents are not allowed to do that either. So, now what is left as punishment? YOu have agreed you were punished, jjust that your punishment isnt allowed now. So what punishment SHOULD they have gotten in your mind?
you crack me up. If you would have read what I wrote i think I explained it already

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 12:53 AM
towards the back in the center