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BrandonJItaliano's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:02 PM
Edited by BrandonJItaliano on Fri 05/23/08 01:03 PM
Why is it that we have to destroy? Why is it that we think that FundaMENTAListic ideas work? FundaMENTAL ideas are the enemy to peace and all man-kind!! When we try to enforce 1 view on the entire world who is filled with a many DIFFERENT People and Ideas, its bond to cause Friction. The only way to truely give Peace a chance is to expunge the FundaMENTAL Ideas out of this country and never let them back EVER. This world is far to different for 1 IDEAl to ever work. We need to come to terms with that, and LOVE and RESPECT this world for its many beautifull colors.

Come on people and open your eyes, this "WAR" is an abomination to every thing that this country truely stands for!! This Country was Founded on Relief from Relgious persecution and now WE Persecute? We have never in the entire exsistance of this earth, had the right to Physically enforce our own beliefs on anyone else(That is why the pilgrims fled to this country in the first place, to get away from King George)!!

This goes out to everyone who knows the true meaning of being American.

Get up and Love one another and accept each others differences, and then maybe we can truly give PEACE a chance.

WAR, what is its good for? ABSOULUTLY NOTHING.

What good can come of war other than Death and Destruction? ABSOULTLY NOTHING

Support that canidate who is willing to right the wrong that was forced on this country by a MAD-man and bring our troops home NOW and put an end to what should have never happened in the first place!!

redhead44613's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:02 PM
drinker drinker here here

ThatKurtGuy's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:04 PM
Edited by ThatKurtGuy on Fri 05/23/08 01:04 PM
It's sad when people are misinformed

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:05 PM

Why is it that we have to destroy? Why is it that we think that FundaMENTAListic ideas work? FundaMENTAL ideas are the enemy to peace and all man-kind!! When we try to enforce 1 view on the entire world who is filled with a many DIFFERENT People and Ideas, its bond to cause Friction. The only way to truely give Peace a chance is to expunge the FundaMENTAL Ideas out of this country and never let them back EVER. This world is far to different for 1 IDEAl to ever work. We need to come to terms with that, and LOVE and RESPECT this world for its many beautifull colors.

Come on people and open your eyes, this "WAR" is an abomination to every thing that this country truely stands for!! This Country was Founded on Relief from Relgious persecution and now WE Persecute? We have never in the entire exsistance of this earth, had the right to Physically enforce our own beliefs on anyone else(That is why the pilgrims fled to this country in the first place, to get away from King George)!!

This goes out to everyone who knows the true meaning of being American.

Get up and Love one another and accept each others differences, and then maybe we can truly give PEACE a chance.

WAR, what is its good for? ABSOULUTLY NOTHING.

What good can come of war other than Death and Destruction? ABSOULTLY NOTHING

Support that canidate who is willing to right the wrong that was forced on this country by a MAD-man and bring our troops home NOW and put an end to what should have never happened in the first place!!

I think the Polish people in 1945 may disagree. And the Jews. And the French. And the Belgium people. And English. And the Chinese.

War may be ugly, mean and brutal, but sometimes, to protect freedom, it must occur.

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:06 PM
yes, the world is too large for one idea to work, so I will brush your idea to the side and hold onto my own. Thanks for post

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:09 PM
Also, Jimmy Carter was a man of peace. Under his tenure the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and Angola. And our people were taken hostage for 444 days.

Under Ronald Reagan, who some accused would start WWIII, we defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan, freed Nicaragua, freed Grenada, kept Europe free, and ultimately Ronald Reagan went to Berlin and said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." The wall came down, and people were freed.

Don't be fooled people by Barack Obama's claims.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:10 PM
Everyone is entitled to there own opinion. Thats what makes this country great. To un-civilized and barbaric/neanderthic world, war is apart but not in todays society.

WAR has NO Place!!

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:14 PM

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion. Thats what makes this country great. To un-civilized and barbaric/neanderthic world, war is apart but not in todays society.

WAR has NO Place!!

So if someone broke into your house would you simply lay down and take it in the a$$? Or would you fight back?

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:14 PM

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion.

that we can agree on drinker drinker

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:16 PM
Why were they breaking into my house? Ill bet it was because i had something they didnt! Just goes to the show, that the War on POVERTY, is the most important fight we have on our plates right now!

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:18 PM

Why were they breaking into my house? Ill bet it was because i had something they didnt! Just goes to the show, that the War on POVERTY, is the most important fight we have on our plates right now!
dude, that isn't an american philosophy, that is a communist philosophy. I thought you said; "that's what makes America so great". America is a Republic, not a communist state. Where does your loyalty lie?

ThatKurtGuy's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:18 PM

Why were they breaking into my house? Ill bet it was because i had something they didnt! Just goes to the show, that the War on POVERTY, is the most important fight we have on our plates right now!

You totally disreguarded his question. Secondly, there will ALWAYS be poverty. There is nothing you can do to stop it, it will always be there. You have been watching a little too much CNN my friend

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:19 PM

Also, Jimmy Carter was a man of peace. Under his tenure the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and Angola. And our people were taken hostage for 444 days.

Under Ronald Reagan, who some accused would start WWIII, we defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan, freed Nicaragua, freed Grenada, kept Europe free, and ultimately Ronald Reagan went to Berlin and said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." The wall came down, and people were freed.

Don't be fooled people by Barack Obama's claims.
My god dude that was a great post. It actually made my spirits leap a little. Thank you

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:19 PM

Why were they breaking into my house? Ill bet it was because i had something they didnt! Just goes to the show, that the War on POVERTY, is the most important fight we have on our plates right now!

They were breaking into your house to take something of yours that you earned.

Why don't you take your stuff in your house and set it at the side of the road; give up all your worldly possessions and give it to someone who did nothing to earn it.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:23 PM
Im by far not a communtist. Im more of an Isolationist, i belive we should take care of our own people before we try to police the world with our own out-date fundaMENTAL Idealolgy.

Single_Rob's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:26 PM

Im by far not a communtist. Im more of an Isolationist, i belive we should take care of our own people before we try to police the world with our own out-date fundaMENTAL Idealolgy.
you know even in these crappy times plumenjoyment is still ~5%. If someone wants something the need only be willing to get off their ass and sacrafice to gt it. this country allows the pursuit of happiness, but nowhere is it guaranted, you have to put some effort forth to get it

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:26 PM

Im by far not a communtist. Im more of an Isolationist, i belive we should take care of our own people before we try to police the world with our own out-date fundaMENTAL Idealolgy.

Did you walk to work today? Or did you take some device powered by fossil fuel? Do you use any type of plastic made by fossil fuel? Do you heat your home? Or use AC? Is the electricity you use made from fossil fuel?

Being an isolationist makes you neither a hawk nor a dove, but an ostrich with you head in the sand.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:28 PM
What are these worldly possesions good for? Do you base yourself worth on what you have? My possesions mean very little to me because there is nothing i own, worth mine or anyone elses life

no photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:35 PM

What are these worldly possesions good for? Do you base yourself worth on what you have? My possesions mean very little to me because there is nothing i own, worth mine or anyone elses life

Then the next time it rains or is cold, go live outside.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:39 PM
there are more important things than peace and tranquility my friend...

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