Community > Posts By > shoes4rhon

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:52 PM

I'm avoiding this topic......I see trouble and I'm getting out early.....laugh laugh
smart man ,,,

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:48 PM
I try to set my brother up all the time .. it keeps him from hitting on my friends ...

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:47 PM
Well I would have to assume that I gave him keys or he could not get in ... so if he has a key he would be welcome to use it .. and I would think he was ninja stealth like to get past my dog , disable my alarm and navigate thru the dark .. without waking me up ..

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:45 PM

Fica is social security at 12.4% and medicare at 2.9% Disability is a part of these programs. The emplyer pays half and the employees pay half. Self employed people pay both portions. Look into going to an S~Corp shoes then the business will carry 1/2 of your tax burden.
I am single and an S corp would be crazy that means that if I marry the person I marry can take 1/2 of my business .. I am an LLC so that my personal assets and my business are not one in the same like in an S corp ..

My business is an LLC also, for a small business it is def. the best option to protect your assests.... and your azz....
Now of course there are some times that an S corp would be appropriate but I don't think in a single woman's case it would be a good idea ... I did not know that you were self employed it is crazy isn't it ??

ya, I was before, then I went back to the real world, now I am starting another endevor.... I have a partner (kind of) this time too, so it is aggravating... to say the least.

Good luck to you .. I am on my own so it is all one me win lose or draw ...

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:44 PM

I SOOOO care about quality!! I just don't want any RANDOM girl off the street. I have to love her and feel a connection. I am an old fashioned guy with old fashioned standards.....I love myself for that!!!!:smile: :smile: happy and I'll bet there's a lot of guys on here looking for the same love that women are looking for on here.....CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!!!
Oh I know that about you and I love you for that .. you are one in a million babe .. but we were blanketing everyone .. Today for instance marks the 8 weeks to bathing suit weather count down ... I lifted weights did palattes and strenghth training swam and did yoga this will keep up for the next 8 weeks and that is just to look decent in a swim suit .... it is not easy for woman to do this trust me ..
No, it's not easy for women and I know this....sometimes I feel really angry about how you are bars, public, etc....I've seen it and it really upsets me that some men can be downright cruel....not all guys....just a few that I know.....That's why I don't hang with them anymore but, a woman goes through a lot to make herself beautiful and I really admire that.. They don't do it for the guys or the attention (well maybe some do) but, a lot of the time women do it for themselves. And if it's what they want to do to feel better about themselves......I congradulate them and admire them for that......just my opinion....

We also have a lot of pressure on us to do it .. To be Barbie ..

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:43 PM

Fica is social security at 12.4% and medicare at 2.9% Disability is a part of these programs. The emplyer pays half and the employees pay half. Self employed people pay both portions. Look into going to an S~Corp shoes then the business will carry 1/2 of your tax burden.
I am single and an S corp would be crazy that means that if I marry the person I marry can take 1/2 of my business .. I am an LLC so that my personal assets and my business are not one in the same like in an S corp ..

That's not true. If you go to S~Corp it everything is seperated. Your business assets and personal assets have nothing to do with each other. You are an officer instead of an owner and you take distributions and paychecks instead of draws.
You wouldn't even share a bank account with your S~Corp.
My attorney said that an S corp would put my business more in jepardy if i remarried then an LLC would ..

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:42 PM

Fica is social security at 12.4% and medicare at 2.9% Disability is a part of these programs. The emplyer pays half and the employees pay half. Self employed people pay both portions. Look into going to an S~Corp shoes then the business will carry 1/2 of your tax burden.
I am single and an S corp would be crazy that means that if I marry the person I marry can take 1/2 of my business .. I am an LLC so that my personal assets and my business are not one in the same like in an S corp ..

My business is an LLC also, for a small business it is def. the best option to protect your assests.... and your azz....
Now of course there are some times that an S corp would be appropriate but I don't think in a single woman's case it would be a good idea ... I did not know that you were self employed it is crazy isn't it ??

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:38 PM

Oh I know that about you and I love you for that .. you are one in a million babe .. but we were blanketing everyone .. Today for instance marks the 8 weeks to bathing suit weather count down ... I lifted weights did palattes and strenghth training swam and did yoga this will keep up for the next 8 weeks and that is just to look decent in a swim suit .... it is not easy for woman to do this trust me ..

sound like my x that works at hooters,laugh
I dont follow the similarity did your ex work out a lot ??

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:37 PM

I call Bull shi#t

just checked my g/f on it, and I am number 9873 on Shoes list of b/f:cry:
you all really think they are lining up to hold my hair back while I puke ?

Don't know why the others are there, butttttt...I would if you needed me tolove
thanks you are very sweet ..:heart:

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:35 PM

I SOOOO care about quality!! I just don't want any RANDOM girl off the street. I have to love her and feel a connection. I am an old fashioned guy with old fashioned standards.....I love myself for that!!!!:smile: :smile: happy and I'll bet there's a lot of guys on here looking for the same love that women are looking for on here.....CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!!!
Oh I know that about you and I love you for that .. you are one in a million babe .. but we were blanketing everyone .. Today for instance marks the 8 weeks to bathing suit weather count down ... I lifted weights did palattes and strenghth training swam and did yoga this will keep up for the next 8 weeks and that is just to look decent in a swim suit .... it is not easy for woman to do this trust me ..

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:31 PM
Edited by shoes4rhon on Tue 03/04/08 07:32 PM

I call Bull shi#t
HEY!!! Watch your mouth shoes...laugh laugh laugh j/k
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I call BullShi# Again ... Men have it much easier because you all don't care about Quality .. what you think that woman that are sluts get there without the help of a few good men or a hockey team or something ?? I call BULLLLLLLLSSSHHHHHHHHH######TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Yeah and while we are sitting there smiling we have to figure out if you are a ho bag. lyin scum . insincere idiot or a nice guy that just happens to have a penis .. all you want to figure out is if we are wearing panties ..

naaaa the man has to make the approach, come up with some corney line to start a conversation, then try find something in common etc etc

while the women just sit there and smile,
Yeah and while we are sitting there smiling we have to figure out if you are a ho bag. lyin scum . insincere idiot or a nice guy that just happens to have a penis .. all you want to figure out is if we are wearing panties ..

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:30 PM

I call Bull shi#t

just checked my g/f on it, and I am number 9873 on Shoes list of b/f:cry:
you all really think they are lining up to hold my hair back while I puke ?

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:28 PM

I call Bull shi#t
HEY!!! Watch your mouth shoes...laugh laugh laugh j/k
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I call BullShi# Again ... Men have it much easier because you all don't care about Quality .. what you think that woman that are sluts get there without the help of a few good men or a hockey team or something ?? I call BULLLLLLLLSSSHHHHHHHHH######TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:25 PM

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results ..
Didn't Einstein say that?
No silly shoes did
Big difference there!
Yeah I have better hair ..

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:25 PM

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:24 PM
I call Bull shi#t

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:22 PM

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results ..
Didn't Einstein say that?
No silly shoes did

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:19 PM

Fica is social security at 12.4% and medicare at 2.9% Disability is a part of these programs. The emplyer pays half and the employees pay half. Self employed people pay both portions. Look into going to an S~Corp shoes then the business will carry 1/2 of your tax burden.
I am single and an S corp would be crazy that means that if I marry the person I marry can take 1/2 of my business .. I am an LLC so that my personal assets and my business are not one in the same like in an S corp ..

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:17 PM

the guy above that funky music

(Runpenzo) I think that's what it said

barbie girl

pretty fly for a white guy!

Oh man, that's cold........
I'm too sexy

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 03/04/08 07:15 PM
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results ..