Community > Posts By > moman65672

moman65672's photo
Thu 03/27/08 06:20 AM
Edited by moman65672 on Thu 03/27/08 06:22 AM
Are you a neat freak or a pack-rat? Its good to know his about another peson before getting to serious.The two dont mix good togeather.

Im a neat freak.....part from being in the military and part from DNA.I always say you can judge a persons life from how clean their car/house is.

edited for sp error:wink: I do that a lot

moman65672's photo
Thu 03/27/08 06:08 AM

Personally, I don't want to grow old alone. I want someone to do it with on the old rocking chair!

some how in my kinky mind I have some weird images of that rocking chair and what it means.:wink: laugh

moman65672's photo
Thu 03/27/08 06:04 AM

I like being single.

somehow I knew you would say that. :wink: brokenheart flowerforyou

moman65672's photo
Thu 03/27/08 05:56 AM

figure this one out!!!laugh

c m i u c hi

call me if you can ...hi

moman65672's photo
Wed 03/26/08 06:53 PM

AWW! I was being pretty silly!

silly is good it shows you have a good sense of humor. :wink:

moman65672's photo
Wed 03/26/08 12:03 PM

may be I just desire a companion

if I have to pull him in off the street

Maybe you can try a pet that seems to work for me they make good friends.:wink:

With all the nice guys here at JSH you have to look else where ? sad :wink: happy

moman65672's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:54 AM

As a single person....I would have to say....I still want a mate to grow old with. Someone to share life with.:wink:

You shouldnt have changed your 1st post it was ok.I especially like the part about the friends.I was going to comment on that.

moman65672's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:20 AM
How do you feel about being single?

When is a divorced person considered single not divorced? according to the irs your either married or single.

Is being single really a choice or the failure of not finding a realationship?

Im thinking the longer I stay divorced the more likely I will never live with another person so that makes me single. At first its hard to adjust to but the longer into it I see the advanages. One is called freedom. No fighting is good too. Being able to come and go as you please.I think you have to be ok with yourself to enjoy being single. Having a pet helps too. we still have that need to care for someone.I have one spoiled dog too. My girlfriend was really jealious of my dog.I always told her if I could find a woman as happy to see me as my dog was when I came home I would marry her. One time when I can home my girlfriend was on the floor on all fours waging her tail some how it wasnt the same.laugh Mans best friend will always be his dog they cant talk back.:wink:

moman65672's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:40 AM

and who said I had problems, anyway? I just said I couldn't afford to retire. I don't consider that a problem at 50.

you didnt say you had a problem it was me thinking life would be better if you didnt have to work all the time. now if you like working then its not a problem but for me it sure would be. One mans problem isnt another womans problem. hey Im on your side here dont take everything I say as a attack. I retired at 43 thats what lead to divorce try living 24/7 with your mate.

you are probably right about that. Why did you retire so young? I didn't even graduate from college until I was 40. So I am still building my career.

Life would be better if I didn't have to work all the time, though. Because the company I worked for was acquired in 2005, I worked for over 2 years at a much reduced salary. I am a single mom; my daughter needed things; had medical problems, surgery; a hospital stay; all kinds of stuff happened. I finally have a job that pays what I need but I also have more debt than I would like because of those two bad years. So I work the second job to try to pay it down. And graduate school - well, I got a job with a company that will pay for it, so it is stupid not to take advantage of it. The classes are $2,300 each, and I need 10. So that is why I am in school.

retired young for medical problem but that doesnt mean Im dead laugh the fed goverment has good retirement plans much better than SS. I could still have worked but what was the point I had enough money to live on. your starting your career when I was ending mine.

I dont want to bring up any bad issues here but what happened to the dad? I stayed married when I should have got divorced just to make sure my kids where taken care of.

Her dad was clearly not as devoted as you. He abandoned us when she was 4 and threatened to shoot me if I tried to make him pay child support. Finally when she was 7 I got my courage up and sued him for support. He pays a pittance towards her upkeep, and rarely makes an effort to see her. When he left us I had just lost a job I had had for 17 years; I had no education; no resources. I moved in with my sister and we lived in her basement while I went to get my degree. I wanted to give my child a better life.

Im sure there are alot of stories like yours out there .Its good to see you have gotten yourself and family togeather. It would be hard to defend any man who doesnt take care of his childern. It takes two to make one they should be there to rasie them too.

moman65672's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:27 AM
Friend Nardo

moman65672's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:10 AM
People who judge you only on your picture arent worth worrying about.Just be your self. Your young be ready for alot of rejection its just part of being a man.You will find the right one dont stop looking. In the mean time enjoy life.drinker

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:26 PM

and who said I had problems, anyway? I just said I couldn't afford to retire. I don't consider that a problem at 50.

you didnt say you had a problem it was me thinking life would be better if you didnt have to work all the time. now if you like working then its not a problem but for me it sure would be. One mans problem isnt another womans problem. hey Im on your side here dont take everything I say as a attack. I retired at 43 thats what lead to divorce try living 24/7 with your mate.

you are probably right about that. Why did you retire so young? I didn't even graduate from college until I was 40. So I am still building my career.

Life would be better if I didn't have to work all the time, though. Because the company I worked for was acquired in 2005, I worked for over 2 years at a much reduced salary. I am a single mom; my daughter needed things; had medical problems, surgery; a hospital stay; all kinds of stuff happened. I finally have a job that pays what I need but I also have more debt than I would like because of those two bad years. So I work the second job to try to pay it down. And graduate school - well, I got a job with a company that will pay for it, so it is stupid not to take advantage of it. The classes are $2,300 each, and I need 10. So that is why I am in school.

retired young for medical problem but that doesnt mean Im dead laugh the fed goverment has good retirement plans much better than SS. I could still have worked but what was the point I had enough money to live on. your starting your career when I was ending mine.

I dont want to bring up any bad issues here but what happened to the dad? I stayed married when I should have got divorced just to make sure my kids where taken care of.

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:15 PM

I can't afford to retire. I am a single mom. My daughter isn't even out of high school yet. Retirement would kill me in the sense that we would no longer be able to live in a house, or eat food, etc. I have to get this child through college before I can even start to think about myself.

whats wrong with doing it the old fashion way working yourself through college. with my own personal experince people value things better if they pay for themselfs. heres the answer to your problems find a rich man and marry him then you can have more time for ing the things you like.Are there any rich men on here?My xwife is worried about working so you know where my money is

she is already working two jobs. All I am providing is a place to live. I am not paying for her school because I can't. She is going to have student loans to pay back when she gets out. Should I throw her on the street so that I don't have to work?

no dont do that... your a good mom and deserve some praise which Im sure your daughter will repay you with someday. My daughters had no interest in college but they all turned out to be good mothers.

mine does not want to marry - or have kids. She doesn't even seem interested in dating. She has a lot of friends - she is popular but she says most boys piss her off. Wonder where she got that from???

anyway she says she will take care of me like I have taken care of her. She knows I sacrificed everything to give her a good life and she appreciates it.

I have a very good idea where she got that from as we both know. doesnt it bother you she doesnt want to have kids ar get married. that would crush me.I want my kids to experince what I had to go though its called payback for making all my hair go gray.laugh

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:11 PM

and moman - I have no desire to marry a rich man. Nothing in this world is free, for one thing; and for another, I have no desire to take something away from someone who worked for it when I didn't contribute. It's not my style.
I told my daughters its just as easy to marry a rich man as a poor one. they keep marrying poor men and wonder why they are still working. it wont be free you will be earning it they call it a stay home mom.

Maybe if my husband could have earned enough for me to stay at home with my daughter it would have been different. But now,there is no issue of raising a family together now. So why should some guy pay for me to sit at home? I have an interesting career. Why would I give that up to do laundry and dust?
stay at home moms do more than laundry and dust. becareful you might hurt their feeling if they read this. laugh

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:58 PM

and who said I had problems, anyway? I just said I couldn't afford to retire. I don't consider that a problem at 50.

you didnt say you had a problem it was me thinking life would be better if you didnt have to work all the time. now if you like working then its not a problem but for me it sure would be. One mans problem isnt another womans problem. hey Im on your side here dont take everything I say as a attack. I retired at 43 thats what lead to divorce try living 24/7 with your mate.

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:52 PM

and moman - I have no desire to marry a rich man. Nothing in this world is free, for one thing; and for another, I have no desire to take something away from someone who worked for it when I didn't contribute. It's not my style.
I told my daughters its just as easy to marry a rich man as a poor one. they keep marrying poor men and wonder why they are still working. it wont be free you will be earning it they call it a stay home mom.

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:47 PM

I can't afford to retire. I am a single mom. My daughter isn't even out of high school yet. Retirement would kill me in the sense that we would no longer be able to live in a house, or eat food, etc. I have to get this child through college before I can even start to think about myself.

whats wrong with doing it the old fashion way working yourself through college. with my own personal experince people value things better if they pay for themselfs. heres the answer to your problems find a rich man and marry him then you can have more time for ing the things you like.Are there any rich men on here?My xwife is worried about working so you know where my money is

she is already working two jobs. All I am providing is a place to live. I am not paying for her school because I can't. She is going to have student loans to pay back when she gets out. Should I throw her on the street so that I don't have to work?

no dont do that... your a good mom and deserve some praise which Im sure your daughter will repay you with someday. My daughters had no interest in college but they all turned out to be good mothers.

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:40 PM
Edited by moman65672 on Tue 03/25/08 10:42 PM

I can't afford to retire. I am a single mom. My daughter isn't even out of high school yet. Retirement would kill me in the sense that we would no longer be able to live in a house, or eat food, etc. I have to get this child through college before I can even start to think about myself.

whats wrong with doing it the old fashion way working yourself through college. with my own personal experince people value things better if they pay for themselfs. heres the answer to your problems find a rich man and marry him then you can have more time for doing the things you like.Are there any rich men on here?My xwife isnt worried about working so you know where my money is

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:34 PM
I have heard goats are good for keeping the grass under control. do you milk the goats?

moman65672's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:31 PM
I need at least 7 hours sleep but Im retired so I could sleep all day if wanted . Have you ever heard the term burning the candle from both ends sounds like your life. you afraid to retire? It wont kill you Im proof of that.:wink: