Community > Posts By > rocket2d4

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Sun 08/12/12 09:31 PM
Edited by rocket2d4 on Sun 08/12/12 10:04 PM
From my own experince. Like they said, if you hang around a barber
shop long enough, you're gonna get a hair cut.
I had almost 18 yrs clean and sober. I was in a stable relationship
until my ex-gf relasped. Then came all the insanities, drama and trauma. Stayed with her for 3 yrs after she relapsed. Our lives
got got worst and worst. Whatever her bottom was, If i was with her
I'll go down with her. Even though I didnt used..I felt like a nut job.

Then I got back with my HS sweet heart...She drinks and smokes. I relapsed. I started drinking and smoking again. The past 2 yrs have been chaos on overdrive. Obviously we broke up. That's why Im single
again. I cant even put 90days together anymore.

I'll go out, ect. It's like Im reliving my 20's again.
Most of the women I'll run into and party with are in thier 20's.
Same old stuff. Not all the women are crazy. Some are young, wild
and restless. They're young and pretty but They're not ready
to setttle down. The thing of it is..Im attracted to the bad nughty

At the sametime...just becuase you're clean and sober,it dosnt
garantee you happiness. The thing if it is...everytime I attend
a recovery meeting in my area...there's a bunch of stiff and miserable people in there. I rather go hang out or party.
Not everyone that parties are alki or druggies.

You can always try recovery meetings. It depends where you live.
Most of the women in there are single becuase most people
loose everything ...including relationships.
Women hitted up on me all the time.

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Sat 08/11/12 09:06 PM
Seriously...dude (OP)
You'll get lead on or used with the people pleasing mentality.
Not so much because they're leading you's becuase
you're leading yourself on.

Kind of like playing the victim or setting yourself up
to be hurted, instead of setting yourself up to be loved.

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Sat 08/11/12 08:40 PM
Edited by rocket2d4 on Sat 08/11/12 08:44 PM
Ive made mistakes in the past of trying to earn a woman's
love or acceptence. Ultimately it'll lead in co-dependency,
manipulations and controll issues. Or she'll have me until
something else better comes around.

The more I became awear that some women are going to find
me sexually attracted and accept me no matter what. It's been a breeze.
I dont have so try do hard. Sometimes it'll actaully makes
me coming off as being desperate.
I'm better off investing my time and energy going after
women that's gonna let me in. Build repore or relationship
with her instead of barking up the wrong skirt.

If i have patience or keep putting myself out there. Eventually women that I find attractive that is also attracted to me
will cross my path or we'll meet.

I've also been asked out by plenty of women.
It's easier for me to grasp this concept of not having
to try so hard.
I've been broke or down on my luck and women
will still ask me out. Not just any women. Beautiful women.
They see through all the surface stuff or temp life situations.
Cuase I'm an attractive person inside and out.

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Thu 08/09/12 04:24 PM
Edited by rocket2d4 on Thu 08/09/12 04:40 PM

It's all how you look at it or process it.

I've been asked out by women or women approch me most of my life.
It strokes my ego and gives me confident at the sametime.

At the sametime it say alot about those women.
They're secure, have good self esteem, know what they want and go
after what they want.

Having had those experince first hand. Those women have more confidence,guts and courage than some men.
Surely if I am a man, I must have more balls than women.
It makes it less intimating for me to approcah women or
get rejected by some women.

The rest is just building repore or getting to each other better.
If a woman is interested in me, i dont have to try so hard.

Just be myself.
Some guys just dont get it....

DUDE....are you sure you have a penis??

Does it matter?..This guy can just use his silver tongue....bigsmile

Hell naw. If more men folk talked and put forth the effort to practice what he says we'd all just be one less confused bunch. I do get excited when newbs think I'm playing a double standard when how I feel about the subject is obvious enough. Love it! bigsmile

I KNEW you would (get excited), hahaha:wink: But that cause I knows ya childlove Anyway, you know I agree with youhappy ...both these guys are sexy as h*ll...Hot I tells ya...Hot!!!bigsmile

I've got it and know how to use it quit well...thank you very much.
I aint afriad to go down town.
I'm also a shreader. I can tap the G string and than some like a mad man. Im also verstital in my guitar playing ablities.
Ive also found the Fountain of youth for women. It's not all about me. Not all women are the same.

See Mariah, I told you he was hot!!:tongue:



You know, I've witnessed many a thing in my life thus far, but that, was, AWEsome! flowerforyou Keep up the great work. And (((((Leigh))))) *pinky kiss* you know me too well. blushing bigsmile

Thank you Leigh.
You're a very sexy woman....

I guess, I am. After all, my daughter is a super model.

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 03:25 PM
Edited by rocket2d4 on Thu 08/09/12 04:18 PM

It's all how you look at it or process it.

I've been asked out by women or women approch me most of my life.
It strokes my ego and gives me confident at the sametime.

At the sametime it say alot about those women.
They're secure, have good self esteem, know what they want and go
after what they want.

Having had those experince first hand. Those women have more confidence,guts and courage than some men.
Surely if I am a man, I must have more balls than women.
It makes it less intimating for me to approcah women or
get rejected by some women.

The rest is just building repore or getting to each other better.
If a woman is interested in me, i dont have to try so hard.

Just be myself.
Some guys just dont get it....

DUDE....are you sure you have a penis??

Does it matter?..This guy can just use his silver tongue....bigsmile

Hell naw. If more men folk talked and put forth the effort to practice what he says we'd all just be one less confused bunch. I do get excited when newbs think I'm playing a double standard when how I feel about the subject is obvious enough. Love it! bigsmile

I KNEW you would (get excited), hahaha:wink: But that cause I knows ya childlove Anyway, you know I agree with youhappy ...both these guys are sexy as h*ll...Hot I tells ya...Hot!!!bigsmile

I've got it and know how to use it quit well...thank you very much.
I aint afriad to go down town.
I'm also a shreader. I can tap the G string and than some like a mad man. Im also verstital in my guitar playing ablities.
Ive also found the Fountain of youth for women. It's not all about me. Not all women are the same.

Of course i get my socks knock off. It's fun and exictment.
Love deeply and passionately. Im also a romantic.
Im in love with love.

Im also forbidden love. It's part of passion and romance.It's all part of why I attract women into myself. It's kind of like voodoo or not conforming to the cookie cutter. These women are beautiful
inside and out. They dont need society's approval to live and
breathe. EQUALITY never had to be earned. They retain that self awearness from the moment they where borned.

Having experinced with these women. We simply do what we want
to do. We dont care so much what other people say or do.
Too bussied living and loving...

why would it stroke my ego? These women can have any man they
want. Ive watched plenty of them reject other men then these
women would trun around and ask me out.

no photo
Thu 08/09/12 08:07 AM
It's all how you look at it or process it.

I've been asked out by women or women approch me most of my life.
It strokes my ego and gives me confident at the sametime.

At the sametime it say alot about those women.
They're secure, have good self esteem, know what they want and go
after what they want.

Having had those experince first hand. Those women have more confidence,guts and courage than some men.
Surely if I am a man, I must have more balls than women.
It makes it less intimating for me to approcah women or
get rejected by some women.

The rest is just building repore or getting to each other better.
If a woman is interested in me, i dont have to try so hard.
Just be myself.

Some guys just dont get it....

no photo
Tue 08/07/12 06:27 AM
Edited by rocket2d4 on Tue 08/07/12 07:21 AM
There'not one silver bullet.
I dont have a problem meeting women or dating them (in real life).

It's kind of like a mind set. If I get honest with myself,
I know Im not ready to settle down or make a long term committment
to any of the women Im dating or meeting at the moment.

It's kind of like a self fulfilling prophacy and law of attraction.
I creat my own reality more than I think i do.
Subconsiousely or consicously I draw these women(that's not ready
to settle down either)to me.

I dont mind meeting these women, at the moment. It's actaully what
I need to know at the core of my being and experince a lot of it.

Not all women are the same.
(After a LTR breake up, sometimes your mind gose into thinking
all women are just like your ex.)
More often than not, I'll meet women thats simular to my Ex.
I'll simply won't notice other women that's not the same as
my ex or not attracted to them. So for me it's still learning
or relearning process.

Sometimes I'll go through dating burnout and wish to just
be in a realtionship. The mental and emotional bonding...ect.
At the sametime, Ive been in LTR. I also know the pros and cons
of that too....
By default or by chioce, I'm Picky.
It's gonna take a lot of woman or a specail kind of woman for
me to be head Over Heels again.

At the sametime...Im not going to sit on the shore line and
miss the boat waiting for Mrs. Right to land on my lap either.

Going with the flow. Trying to be less resistance. Making it as
easy as I can myself. Being less judgemental of myself and others.
I enjoy These women's company. None of them are exactly the same.
I dont really have too much expectations from them for the most part.
Whatever my ideas of how things ought to be or should be...I've simply toss that out. They're all relaxed and easy going with me.
The fun factor varies from women to women and the situation.
It's all good.

It's easy If I believe it's easy.
It's easy for me to meet women. Women approach me or make themselves
avaliable to me all the time.

I really do need to change my mind set about realtionships being
hard or difficult. Lots of mental and emotional baggages I created
believing and living like that it the past.
I need to let go of old ideas and unworkable beliefs.

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Fri 08/03/12 02:12 PM
Edited by rocket2d4 on Fri 08/03/12 02:13 PM
If I have to spend most of my hours during the day earning money,
It gets retarded and ridiculous if i have to come home and earn
love from a woman that loves me as I am, too.
No rest for the wickage. It's imposible for a anyone to
keep anyone else feeling good or happy 24/7.

Of course we all need support every so often when we stumble
and fall. No need to walk on eggshells or be perfect.
We all want to love and be loved.
Emotional bonding is great. Emotional emeshing is another story.
Losing yourself in anything is not healthy.

When a person is self supporting on all level.
She's totally free and is clear minded.

When a person choose to love me not becuase she needs to,
it's a total turn on. She loves me for me becuase she loves
herself first and formost.

Love is not a prisoner of love.

no photo
Fri 08/03/12 02:36 AM
The magnetic poles on earth isnt the same as it is on planet Cling-on?

Co-dependency gets rather toxic no matter the gender.
Controll issues, emotional manipulations..ect, ect.

no photo
Thu 08/02/12 03:20 PM

There's less questions on a driver license test,FFS.

There's onething women should know about men.
We're simple creatures.

no photo
Tue 07/31/12 11:28 AM
It's just preference.

Just becuase you're a hot chick dosnt mean a guy will be sexaully
attracted to you. It dosnt neccessay mean he's gay.
Hotness or sexiness are percieved from the eye's of the beholder.
It also depends on where he's at in his life.
Plus if you're a guy that's been with hot chicks (his preference)
all you're life. You get a little bit more picky or not desperate.
Not unless he's just playing.

It's the samething why women won't sleep with certain men no matter
how nice, sweet, cute, rich ...ect he is. She's simply no sexaully
attracted to him. Shell puts him in the friendzone or will always reject him sexaully and have sex to someone's else, even if he dosnt have all the qualities as the nice, rich guy.

Shouldnt take it personally or enternalize it. Best to just move on.