Community > Posts By > crazymexhotbabe

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:47 PM

Well I do not recall how long you have been gone. And so much has happened. I do not know where to begin.
aww this is so true things seem to happen so faast around here the lastime i was around some poor fella had his finger chopped off from an evil ring. oh well the excitement of the baby is enough news for me for now.

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:39 PM

I am safe here from any kind of harm. And I have my friends here to protect me *winks*
yes you do have many friends let us know what we can do to help and may we help in spreading the news {smiling}

Spread all you want. It will be no secret for long.
this is true and with all the festivities going on it will give everyone one more thing to celebrate. so what else has been happening why i have been wandering in the woods anything exciting that i have missed.

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:34 PM

I am safe here from any kind of harm. And I have my friends here to protect me *winks*
yes you do have many friends let us know what we can do to help and may we help in spreading the news {smiling}

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:33 PM

Well Galadriel it seems that I am with child.

aww that is awesome news when are you expecting it to arrive. should you be out with all the excitement that is going on. you musnt overdo it you know

Caracatus opens one eye from where he has been dozing in his chair tilted against the hearth and peers at the group.
"Sounds like a giant mother hen clucking over her only chick." he mumbles. He scratches his beard places his staff across his thighs and goes back to sleep.
sounds like caracatus is feeling neglected over there sleeping instead of joining the excitement aww but he is a man so the excitement doesnt involve a sword or battle so he must feign sleeping {laughing out loud}

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:27 PM

It is good that you have seen the baby whole in your dream. Prehaps you can be his or her Godmother.
hi ladies could i be of assisstance to yall today

"Alatariel, tell her of your great news?" Calliope not wanted to spill the news, stands bobbing back and forth with excitement.
so alatariel what good news do you have to share with me today

Well Galadriel it seems that I am with child.
aww that is awesome news when are you expecting it to arrive. should you be out with all the excitement that is going on. you musnt overdo it you know

I am not that far along. Just found out last night myself.
okay well that is incredible news i am happy for you but you must be careful especially when the guys are swinging their swords and we know this happens from time to time.

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:23 PM

It is good that you have seen the baby whole in your dream. Prehaps you can be his or her Godmother.
hi ladies could i be of assisstance to yall today

"Alatariel, tell her of your great news?" Calliope not wanted to spill the news, stands bobbing back and forth with excitement.
so alatariel what good news do you have to share with me today

Well Galadriel it seems that I am with child.
aww that is awesome news when are you expecting it to arrive. should you be out with all the excitement that is going on. you musnt overdo it you know

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:20 PM

It is good that you have seen the baby whole in your dream. Prehaps you can be his or her Godmother.
hi ladies could i be of assisstance to yall today

"Alatariel, tell her of your great news?" Calliope not wanted to spill the news, stands bobbing back and forth with excitement.
so alatariel what good news do you have to share with me today
okay calliope you are ready to bust cannot you not share the good news with me or is it alatariel's to share with

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:17 PM

It is good that you have seen the baby whole in your dream. Prehaps you can be his or her Godmother.
hi ladies could i be of assisstance to yall today

"Alatariel, tell her of your great news?" Calliope not wanted to spill the news, stands bobbing back and forth with excitement.
so alatariel what good news do you have to share with me today

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:16 PM

"Hi Ya Galadriel, I am so busy. The Inn will be packed I think so Im cooking more food than usual. Would you like something to drink?"

"Alatariel, I would be honored, uh? Whats a godmother? she looks with a smile on her face as she draws a blank.
ahh i am fine so far but you look like you could use a cold drink have you been terribbly busy today

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:13 PM

It is good that you have seen the baby whole in your dream. Prehaps you can be his or her Godmother.
hi ladies could i be of assisstance to yall today

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/22/08 12:10 PM
as i walk in the inn i see everyone scurrying about. everthing is so busy i see calliope going toward the kitchen she must be extremly busy today with the festivities going on. i wonder if she could use some help

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Fri 05/16/08 10:46 AM
narrowly avoiding arrest i paid the fine of 10 gold pieces and vowed vever to pull another stunt a slick as this

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Fri 05/16/08 10:34 AM
returning to the building i approached the shop the shop owner i found this book outside i feel it is one of yours

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Fri 05/16/08 10:29 AM
yes kind sir we will return tomorrow.(as she turns to leave one of the books slips under her long red cloak unnoticed by anyone around}

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Fri 05/16/08 10:12 AM
im glad we decided to wait till tomorrow to fish it is much to beautiful a day to fish all day

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Fri 05/16/08 09:57 AM
so reanna do you feel up to fishing today in the sunshine

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Thu 05/15/08 06:18 AM

*In the alley of the Green Dragon's Inn, Nalelerl hides from all the commotion going on in town, he thinks to himself...*

"I need to stay low around here, I don't want to get blamed for all these robberies just because I'm the newcomer in this town. Hmmm, the authorites might use me as their escape goat."

*cautiously walks away...*
i think you will be okay but i would stay indoors for safety reasons

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Wed 05/14/08 05:53 AM
galadriel had been wandering through the woods for several days. lost and confused at the kaos away from the island. by chance she wandered near enough to overhear a plot to destroy the inn by an evil sorceress. she knew she must warn the kind people at the dragons inn. so she walked for miles to let someone know. maybe she could tell calliope or rathil. but when she arrived at the inn to her dismay it was closed. i must wait for i have to tell someone of the evil to come. ill just lay here by the door with my staff an await someones arrival for i must warn everyone of the evil. i will rest here till someone arrives.

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:26 PM
you are right about men such violence. and the disorder it causes

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:24 PM
suggestions in that manner only cause more commotion. you should be careful what you suggest