Community > Posts By > crazymexhotbabe

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:26 PM
galadriel smiles as she walks in the inn to see all her friends

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 06:09 PM
as galadriel heads for the door she tells everyone bye for now i am going for my evening walk around the lake. calliope ill be back later to help you if you need it bye for now

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 06:01 PM

*Walks back over to Cosmina* Why is the city on lockdown?
overhearing the question galadriel "ask have you not heard of the orcs destroying stuff and killing people

I must have bypassed them. About how many orcs are there?
there are tooo many to count i fear they are gonna do more damage than everyone can recover from they are so horrible

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:56 PM

*Walks back over to Cosmina* Why is the city on lockdown?
overhearing the question galadriel "ask have you not heard of the orcs destroying stuff and killing people

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:53 PM

"Thanks Galadriel...Aahh can you get Pan out of the kitchen for me...he hates to be alone in there and you know what happens when he was left last time."

She decides to be nosey...looks right at the two that are so engaged in their conversation...

Puts her hands in front of their faces..."Hello,,,Im asking a question"
galadriel reenters the inn with pan who is suspiciously licking his lips and looking very fat an satisfied."mmm calliope he was very very hungry i had to give him a little more than a snack lol

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:49 PM

"Thanks Galadriel...Aahh can you get Pan out of the kitchen for me...he hates to be alone in there and you know what happens when he was left last time."

She decides to be nosey...looks right at the two that are so engaged in their conversation...

Puts her hands in front of their faces..."Hello,,,Im asking a question"
sure calliope will be happy to go and get pan i may even slip him a snack but we wont tell galadriel laughs as she renters the kitchen to lure pan to the bar

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:44 PM

Calliope climbs up the stool and jumps on the bar..."Hello everyone...I know Im so darn short you pay little attention to me when Im around...but let me remind you again...Im the cook, so if you plan to eat here then you had better be nice to me and Pan." She looks at the newcomer who has still not addressed her properly and introduce himself....She walks back in forth across the bar in her barefeet dragging one big toe at a time...

"Anyone hungry? I suppose it should be a role call..." she starts to giggle at the thought...
lol you noticed no one is talking much either. well i have you dishes caught up and they are stacked by your stove so you can serve everyone when they get ready to eat

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:34 PM

Calliope sees that she is being ignored...shrugs her shoulders and stomps past the two talking and proceeds to the kitchen..."Hi Rathil, I see we have a real interesting group tonight." She pushes the door open and retreats.
galadriel sticks her head in the kitchen hi calliope how are you do you need any help today

"Hi Galadriel, Thank you for the offer..Im trying to finish the menu...Lets see we had fish yesterday..i was thinking chicken..What do you think....?" She wipes her forehead and some black soot remains behind like a perfectly drawn line.
wow calliope that sounds awesome especially with some rolls that would be great how about i get you caught up on the dishes why you prepare it

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:24 PM

Calliope sees that she is being ignored...shrugs her shoulders and stomps past the two talking and proceeds to the kitchen..."Hi Rathil, I see we have a real interesting group tonight." She pushes the door open and retreats.
galadriel sticks her head in the kitchen hi calliope how are you do you need any help today

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:22 PM
galadriel walks in the inn sees it is bustling as usual "how is everyone this evening" she looks around and sees new faces

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 11:30 AM

Yes... Yes, I would imagine so...
well i must leave to go to my job fishing so i will return soon to see how everyone is. as calliope is still sleeping galadriel whipes the bar down pours rathil another drink return the dishes to the kitchen bids everyone a farewell{i will see you soon} waves and exits the inn

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 11:08 AM

Hmm? *He says as he kind of comes too again and looks at the food in front of him*

Oh, I am sorry. I didn't even see you bring this to me.

*He picks up the spoon and takes a sip of the soup before putting the spoon back down to the bowl.*

Yes, very delicious, *He says with a smile* Thank you for that.
aww thats cool all i did was bring it to you calliope is the cook and we all know how good she cooks stuff. i just hope it helps build your stregnth back up to heal your wounds. i was walking around the lake and the commotion is getting stronger i feel the trouble is coming soon and you will need your strength when it does she smiles a troubled smile back at him

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:58 AM

*It doesn't even seem like Rathil notices when Galadriel comes back out. He leans back in his chair and winces a bit. It seems that not all of his wounds have fully healed as of yet.*
rathil you need to eat

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:36 AM

hi rathil how are you today

*Rathil kind of looks up and smiles and he realizes she is talking to him*

Never been better, he replies. His voice doesn't have his same usual inflection however.
are you alright can i get you some of calliope stew you look like you need to build up some strength
galadriel looks around for calliope knowing she would know what to do for rathil. ah she must be in the back with pan i must go find her for rathil does not look well she will know what we need to do{rathil ill be right back}she goes toward the back of the inn quickly looking for calliope

*Rathil smiles and nods as he lets himself drift off into thought again. Replaying in his head the events of the last few days.*
galadriel finds calliope asleep curled up with pan not wanting to awaken her she fills the biggest bowl she can find with some of the stew and grabs some bread she quickly returns to the bar and sets it in front of rathil who is losy in thought.hoping it brings his strength back she goes to a table and sits quitely knowing something is gonna happen soon

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:25 AM

hi rathil how are you today

*Rathil kind of looks up and smiles and he realizes she is talking to him*

Never been better, he replies. His voice doesn't have his same usual inflection however.
are you alright can i get you some of calliope stew you look like you need to build up some strength
galadriel looks around for calliope knowing she would know what to do for rathil. ah she must be in the back with pan i must go find her for rathil does not look well she will know what we need to do{rathil ill be right back}she goes toward the back of the inn quickly looking for calliope

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:18 AM

hi rathil how are you today

*Rathil kind of looks up and smiles and he realizes she is talking to him*

Never been better, he replies. His voice doesn't have his same usual inflection however.
are you alright can i get you some of calliope stew you look like you need to build up some strength

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 10:13 AM
hi rathil how are you today

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Tue 06/03/08 09:59 AM
galadriel slips into the inn quietly. there is so much commotion going on outside. she feels something bad is going to happen soon but she does not know what. she heard the baby's cry from the lake. she came to see with her own eyes if it truely was alatariels baby returned. she sees her sitting with the baby on the floor singing to the babe. she also sees rathil sitting at the bar drinking and sighs with happiness knowing he has succeded again with his great strenght to bring the babe home to his mother. she greets her friends{good day everyone}

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:24 PM

Thank you

*waddles down the stairs. goes behind the bar and gets a glass of water*
after that scare i think i will go take a walk by the lake my nerves need resting. you be careful and i will be back soon incase you need me i will see everyone soon. galdriel waves goodnight as she exits the inn

crazymexhotbabe's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:21 PM

*Alatariel regains conciousness. looks at Calliope*

What the hell do you think you are doing?

*Rathil laughs a bit as Alatariel sits up*

I was starting to think you were going to sleep through all of this.

You passed out and Calliope was about to cut you open since you wouldn't be able to push when the baby was coming. Luckily it seems we won't have to resort to that anymore.

What is going on? What happened?

Well thank God. A girl can't just fall asleep? Let me up I'm going back downstairs.
you gave us such a fright are you sure you feel better