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Wed 12/10/08 05:19 PM
I am not an anit social person at all. I have met people after a single email....

However, I have come to realize that many men feel much more comfortable aproaching me here, than in the grocery store.

So I beleive that if we were all in a room most would say nothing.

Futhermore, you may come to see that the person that one presents to the world online is quite different from the real person. They may be extroverted and funny online, when in reality, they have very little outside interest and are quite a bore.

Give yourself some time to judge what I am saying.

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Wed 12/10/08 03:56 PM
If it were, half of us would be too afraid to breath, nevermind actually speak to one another.

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Wed 12/10/08 02:27 PM

It means they think you are soooo adorable that a kiss just isnt enough...they want a bite too!
blushing there someone special that wants a bite of that apple?

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Wed 12/10/08 02:24 PM
I have always made myself clear that my daughter already HAS a father...I cannot imagine trying to replace him with another man in her life....

However, I HAVE experienced men who look at me to take care of their I think its a 2 way street.

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Wed 12/10/08 01:15 PM
It means they think you are soooo adorable that a kiss just isnt enough...they want a bite too!

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Mon 12/08/08 07:26 PM
ya know
"shacking up" not a roommate situation

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Mon 12/08/08 07:00 PM
That is truely WONDERFUL!!!!!:thumbsup:

Nice of you to share your sucess, I am sure there are many out there stuggling with the same or similar problem and you are proof that it can be done.

Keep up the great work, and enjoy your new found freedom!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:23 AM
Welcome and best of luck to you!

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Mon 12/08/08 10:12 AM
I truely try to respond to every single message that is sent. Even if I am not interested I will keep my reply brief and am grateful for the effort made on the part of the suitor.

HOWEVER, when I get "those" kinds of messages....I get rude, and IGNORE cannot teach someone to respect you. And obviously they dont if they are sending emails like that!

Look at it this way, be grateful you know they are a jerk before you even have to say hello.

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Mon 12/08/08 05:41 AM

but im not married but she is.........i just want one person to give me a blessing....cause its so gonna happen......

wow, what a terribly sad statement. You know its wrong, yet you have such little self esteem and self respect to say no.

Maybe you are as lonely as you as you say, but you will continue to be loney when she gets up and goes back to her husband...not YOU....and then you will be lonely AND rejected...or maybe she will leave her husband for you! (yeah right) and then cheat on your, or even share a STD with ya....YUCK

Look many of us are lonely. I am terribly lonely like 90% of my free time. However, I would rather be alone than settle or sell my soul for anything...Just my 2 cents.

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 04:02 PM

are you europeanbigsmile

No, I am Polish......hehehehehehehe

You did NOT say "No, I am Polish"laugh :laughing: rofl rofl rofl rofl

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Sun 12/07/08 08:38 AM
This simple fact that you are asking the question tells me you dont need anyone to tell you the answer.

If you care enough to ask, you are already listening. If a woman is telling you your not listening, maybe she isnt being clear. We woman can do that sometimes. Many of us think that the man should be able to "sense" our needs, or understand based on hint. We generally dont come out and just say..Hey I need some extra attention, or some alone time or whatever.

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Sat 12/06/08 07:10 PM
The love of my daughter. Her smiling face and innocent faith in everything I tell her about Santa.

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Sat 12/06/08 06:52 PM
Speaking of being broke, have any of you considered "shacking up" to help make ends meet?

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Sat 12/06/08 06:46 PM
T shirt, or night shirt, can't stand anything on my legs!

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Sat 12/06/08 06:34 PM
70 bucks is a BARGAIN....I have OIL...they raped me for $595 in October and now I am squeezing every last drop out of that tank before I even consider asking for more....

My pop lives in the Keys...just got back from the warm sub tropic paradise.tongue2

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Sat 12/06/08 06:25 PM
i dont know if your still checking this thread, but be careful. My nose is pierced and I had no problems. However, you can heal funny like that and have bump, and once it has grown like that it will be there forever.

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Sat 12/06/08 10:18 AM

you could actually go on anyone's profile and match with them over and over and over and over....

Kinda like "stalkin"......

I'm not sure thats a good thing.....

I get the mutual match over and over and over for the same guys all of the time, I always thought is was a glitch in the system, not stalking...

Either way I have LOADS of mutual matches that never contact me, so I guess its just based on pics and when they see the full profile they change their minds or something.

no photo
Sat 12/06/08 10:15 AM

....until the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert in Green Bay!!

WOOT!!!:banana: :banana: :banana:

"A Mad Russian's Christmas"

lucky lady who gets to go with you

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 12:15 PM
When a man first meets a woman he doesnt want a nice woman, he wants a b1tch, a challenge....then after a few years of it he wants someone a little more sweet, but still challenging...

So if you are are screwed...because I know i just dont have the B!tch gene in me.