Community > Posts By > Luftmensch

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Tue 02/05/08 11:06 PM
This was written about five years ago when I was drunk. It's simply one of my best examples of writing. I claim no responsibility if it makes people shifty and timorous, maybe they see some of themselves in the words.

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Tue 02/05/08 10:47 PM
Drunk off beer and cheap vodka. I desire, but am too furious with myself to accept touch. I could destroy everything with one fractured blink of my consciousness...Sounds are beginning to echo and my thoughts become dark and cool. My eyes are mercury. Beautiful, quick, and poisonous.

Vodka is a bad drink for me. I want to erupt and put my fist into the mirror. Smash my own image, watch the blood flow onto shattered images of my esteem. Why do I think such thoughts? It must be the unpredictable alcoholic stupor. Self loathing and an overwhelming burn of isolation, overpowering sense and reason.

I am soon blessed with nightmares after my body falls into uneasy slumber...
Rain, falling softly off my hair into the creek at night. Just a lonely boy, the liquid sky mixing with his tears as he tosses rose petals into the water. Watching them float downstream on some dark journey. Willow tree cradles him with rasping arms, lullaby of dead leaves and broken limbs.

I wake, screaming in thin membrane of sweat. Spidery dreams of fingers crawling through my hair. Hallways of skin held together by metal wire, infested with insects resembling blood oranges with eyes on stalks. They can't hurt me anymore.

Now we are halfway between dreams and a conversation...

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Tue 02/05/08 10:31 PM
Thats taking chutzpah to a whole new level. I hope your fist stopped right at his face for that bratty comment. All the charm and sophistication of a pubic louse. *shakes head* Some people's ****ing kids...

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Tue 02/05/08 10:06 PM
Actually, yes. And so it has been in Oakland underground presses...Just Zines, and some random collaborations printed and distributed by Anarchists and Punks. Nothing that would be sold in Borders.

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Tue 02/05/08 09:53 PM
Hey, at least she wasn't shooting dope. This one girl I was head over heals for used to treat me like a whore. At first I didn't know, but I'm not an idiot. After I found out, she would whisper words of succor and sucease, I would kiss her tears away. She would tell me I made here feel beautiful, like she didn't need Heroin. I, like a damn fool, believed her bull****...then she would schtupp me, shoot dope in the bathroom, and leave. Come back after drinking in a bar at 4am, rinse, repeat...Now, I resort to a website and hope there is something better then lies and a broken heart. Hiding behind a screen of anonymity, with my vague hope of finding someone to love. Forgive me if this seems a bit bitter or off topic, I've just never been a hooker before. It hurts, real life hurts...But then again, pain brings out such savage beauty in me, I suppose I should be thankful I learned a lesson and didn't contract a disease.

Ad astra per aspera...

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Tue 02/05/08 11:15 AM
I don't vote. This country was bought, sold, and paid for long before I was born...

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Sun 01/20/08 01:50 PM
Gettin' Hyphy In Oakland!

Ghost ride the whip mutha****a...

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Sun 01/20/08 01:20 PM
Not to mention it's a damn joke. Life's too short to be so serious.

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Sun 01/20/08 01:19 PM
I don't know what city and state you hail from, but officers in Oakland and Richmond don't warn you, they just shoot you or kick your ass and throw you in jail for looking at them wrong. I've seen it happen often enough to black, latino, and white punk rock kids. Not only that, but I have heard police say some very ugly racist things to my friends, and even my girlfriend at the time. I won't even get started on the police which patrol Downtown and South Central Los Angeles...They're just beastly.

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Sat 01/19/08 05:58 PM
I would have to say Buckaroo Banzai, break dancing(still do it), parachute pants, Mr. T, the introduction of crack cocaine, and Members Only Jackets(still rock one). Possibly the coolest jackets ever made as a result of the introduction of crack cocaine.

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Sat 01/19/08 02:51 PM
In a different post I said that g-d created the universe after her meth lab blew up. So in response to the question I have to say she was moving some heavy gear man. That and angel dust(pun intended).

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Sat 01/19/08 02:36 PM
Bourbon the first week, after that it's all just being patient and letting yourself heal.

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Sat 01/19/08 02:05 PM
Wait...She broke up with you because you didn't tell her you were going home after work? She's taken chutzpah to a new height. If this is not the case tell me. If it is true then you are better off without her. Anyone who cares about you wouldn't do something that spiteful because you had a bad day at work and went to your own house. You didn't do anything wrong, and she seems like she has some WAY bigger issues then being cold to you. Now you just have to deal with working with her. This is why you never **** where you eat brother...Feel better.

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Sat 01/19/08 11:05 AM
I think g-d is a 500 pound multi racial transsexual, and the universe was created during an explosion in her meth lab. I may be wrong, but it sure explains why this world is so interesting...Either way I don't think we can solve this without tangible evidence. I know faith plays a part as well, but I still want evidence.

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Sat 01/19/08 10:54 AM
Shalom Aleichem!
Many males are circumcised at birth now. People think that putting an infant through blinding pain and mutilating their genitals for life is a good idea. Why people are mutilating their children and ruining sex for them is beyond me, maybe they know something I don't.
I am Jewish, and am a member(no pun intended) of the Covenant of Abraham. For the gentiles that means I had a bris. I didn't want one, but no one asked me did they? At least I was getting shikker off Kosher wine sucked through a napkin, thats more then these unfortunate children in the hospitals get. To be Jewish one has to convert, or their mother has to have been Jewish. And I'll tell you something, EVERYONE seems to hate us and it sucks. It's not an easy life, but then again there is no such thing as an easy life for most people. Oh well I love being Jewish. Jews are sexy, and not half kinky! Wrapping your arm in Tefillin is a step down from bondage...Everone likes leather straps, yow!

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Sat 01/19/08 10:28 AM
This might not apply to you, but after my mother killed herself 4 years ago there was so much rage. The sadness was dealt with by having my friends support me, and my Rabbi. My family(mother excluded) hates me, so they were no help. The anger was and is worked out through physical activity and writing. My best advice is to write write write. For me it helped me figure out the reasons I hurt, and the best ways to make the healing process begin. Of course, my situation is very different, but many of the emotions are still the same. My heart goes out to you, few things are as painful as having your mother die.

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Sat 01/19/08 10:17 AM
It's all about drinking beer and killing Nazi's...Wolfenstein Baby!

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Sat 01/19/08 09:13 AM
Wow, someone who actually knows good television. Yes I love those shows. However, my personal favorite is Red Dwarf.

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Sat 01/19/08 09:10 AM
I think most shows are dreck, especially that dating one with the bubbles which pop up. Or the Extreme Makeover one. Whatever happened to The Gong Show? Now THAT was a show.

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Fri 01/18/08 03:41 PM
1)Harold and Maude
2)Benny and Joon
3)True Romance
4)Wedding Singer
6)Romancing the Stone
8)Top Gun
9)Out of Africa
10)Princess Bride

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