Community > Posts By > symbelmyne
the question is, why get married?..there are no social taboos against living together, so aside from the government sanctioned benefits that you get..what other reason is there for marriage?
ok, so what is the first thing you would LIKE him to do in office? what is the first thing you think he will do? What is the first thing you would LIKE him to do? re-decorate? get rid of all the dust bunnies... |
what is the first thing you think he will do? What is the first thing you would LIKE him to do? re-decorate? |
I believe the error within the gay rights movement was the insistance on the term "marriage"...I think that working towards having civil unions recognized with the same benefits as opposite sex relationships would have brought about more support...
it was a bad political strategy and thus the backlash... |
The people have spoken!
The world is watching, ladies. The US has a chance to exhibit the innovation its so well know for. We can't afford to blow it. Thanks for your thoughts. this is very true... |
Hinkly to be released
MAN BOOBS!!!!!!! Eeeeeek, my virgin eyes!!! I'm tainted now!!! moobs are sexy..! |
can we get our emails?
I wish there was a way to keep the emails we like in a separate folder..
Lets play a fun game!!
Lets count how many times Quikstepper says Banana Republic!! (I wonder if shes upset because they ran out of her Khakis?) lol JK I can up the number by stalking her threads.... |
We already have a form of socialism. yep... The rich keep getting rich, and the poor foot the bill for their "losses"... |
Yeserie..the world can once again walk all over us... some legacy... considering that you still are in possesion of the greatest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, I wouldnt worry too much about the "world walking all over you" ...the only ones who did (and continue to do) that are the oil and energy corporations. They got what they wanted, with their puppet Bush opening the doors for their unlimited greed.. |
10 reasons Obama won
soo beyond bored
thats why I drink...
Congratulations America
congratulations on making the right choice...
maybe now America can get back on track and return to being the great nation and leader of the world the way it once was a long, long time ago... |
Democracy is the road to Socialism...
this just in....
trojan virus infects voting machines nation wide... Donald Duck declared President.. at 11:00 |
To all my mingle friends...
you know., now that people can put pictures on their posts, these threads are going to get awfully loooooong....
To all my mingle friends...
well, if youre going to put down my country you should at least get the insult right, we may be a banana republic, but we are not a 3rd world country...we're actually a developing nation... You shouldn't take moronic insults seriously. I dont take any insult seriously... |
Never tell your mother.
I'm not telling you that..... "mums" the word... |
To all my mingle friends...
well, if youre going to put down my country you should at least get the insult right, we may be a banana republic, but we are not a 3rd world country...we're actually a developing nation...
To all my mingle friends...
the world will mourn for the decline of Western civilization if McCain wins.... This! The comment compliments of a third world banana republic. When we hang the capitalists they will sell us the rope we use. Joseph Stalin |