Community > Posts By > songbird83

songbird83's photo
Fri 08/14/09 07:27 PM
Why thank you. I really appreciate it. Yeah if we didn't have this type of technology, then God my life would be boring. The internet has become such a way of meeting people, and it's cool because people can get to know you for who you are, unless you're really good at playing games. So thanks, I really appreciate it.

songbird83's photo
Fri 08/14/09 07:21 PM
I think that's well said. I think the same about someone. If I get along well with them and if they're a wonderful and great person to get along with and love, then it's all said and done for me. So I really like what you said.

songbird83's photo
Fri 08/14/09 06:44 PM
Arg, ok maybe I take that back. We're losing in the game so far 9 to nothing, so I'm now pretty pissed off. lol. I say Justin Masterson should go back to Boston. lol, oh well. Can't do nothing about that now. Oh well, we'll just get our ***** beat. lol.

songbird83's photo
Fri 08/14/09 06:35 PM
Oh wow that's interesting. Well then, good luck to you. I do think to, if I wasn't born blind, I probably would think differently than I do now, but there's nothing i can do about that, so I'm glad to be what I am. I'm glad people are expressing they're oppinion. It's interesting to read. lol.

songbird83's photo
Fri 08/14/09 06:30 PM
Lol I just had to laugh at that reply about people being crazy. Depends on what kind of crazy you mean? lol. But just the way it was said made me laugh. It's laugh always nice to make friends then at least.

songbird83's photo
Fri 08/14/09 06:19 PM
Well, my computer reads to me what's on the screen. I can type just fine, very fast in fact lol. You can adjust the rate of the speech, so people who are sighted laugh when they hear it because it sounds like jibberish, lol. I guess they're making lots of audio electronics for us blindies now, like talking clocks and timers to for cooking and scales in the bathroom. So I've got lots of things in my apartment that talks lol. I do have to listen to what someone might sound like and get to know them, but it's hard to do that when you have a computer reading a profile, but I don't mind. I've dated from the net before, so that's nothing new I guess. But I do read braille. I had a little bit of vision when I was younger, but not enough to read print, but I could see it if it was really big. So I hope that answers your question.

songbird83's photo
Fri 08/14/09 05:57 PM
Hey guys,
I just wondered since it seems that I'm the only blind person on here, which is ok. But I was wondering when you look for a partner online like this, are you looking for what they look like, or are you trying to get to know them? Of course since I can't see very well I go by personality since I would like to date someone who is a great person, not just by looks. If they're good looking, that's great, but looks aren't everything. I'd rather date someone who's not very good looking, but who is a nice and wonderful person. So I was just wondering what you guys think of this or what your views are?

songbird83's photo
Fri 08/14/09 05:50 PM
Well, I'm listening to the Twins and Indians game right now, and I honestly don't know how they'll do. We lost the last 2 games and that was a disappointment, so I hope we win tonight. It's interesting to see the statistics of the players we've gotten from trades. I honestly don't know what to think of all of this, but it'll be fun to see the young guys in September at least and I hope they're good so I'm not disappointed again. lol.

songbird83's photo
Sat 08/01/09 02:09 AM
Ok, this might seem a little sappy, but I came up with this poem last year. so I figured I'd share it with anyone who wants to read it. So here goes.

When I look into the eyes
of some people that I know.
I see eyes staring back at me
From the one who loves me so.

From a face of an angel
Only I can see
That these eyes are so beautiful
That are staring back at me.

They sparkle and shimmer
And show emotion inside
I can see the whole world in them
When they are opened wide.

I might not know much
But I know that this is true
That God made these beautiful eyes
And gave them to only you.

When I’m lost in your eyes
That seem to glisten and dance
I can hardly concentrate
Because they put me in a trance.

I get weak
And I cannot think
Because you leave me breathless
With just one little wink.

They light up when you’re happy
And tear when they are sad
They close when you sleep
And even flare when you are mad.

But no matter weather you’re happy
Or even if you’re blue
Your eyes will always shine with love
Just like mine do for you.

songbird83's photo
Sat 08/01/09 02:03 AM
Lol I forgot about Seinfeld. And I forgot about family matters, and 8 simple rules to. Oh wait, and Perfect Strangers. lol. I've got a bunch of episodes on dvd's here that were on my computer. If I ever get enough money I'll probably buy the shows on dvd someday to.

songbird83's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:48 AM
lol I inspire you because I'm blind? I've never gotten that before. Well ok I lied, I have. Some people just see me walk around with my dog and they're afraid I'll fall off a step or something and my dog stops, then I stop, and then I praise my dog, and we go on our way. Or some people say I have a positive outlook on life, which isn't always the case, but I try to enjoy my life day to day. now I just need someone to enjoy it with lol. But thanks for the kind words. And I'm glad that I inspire you. Just wish more people could look on the inside and not the outside.laugh

songbird83's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:40 AM
Wow do I love movies. I do have to say the best movie that I've seen that stared Eddie Murphy was Coming to America though. God that movie cracked me up. I've got a lot of dvd's, but here's a few of my favorites.

Field of Dreams, Mrs. Doubtfire, Ghost, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, Hotel for Dogs, Homeward Bound, Kindergarten Cop, The Chase, Speed, Die Hard, Scent of a Woman, and the list goes on.

I do like some romance movies to and some drama, but I love to laugh. I'm a big fan of Disney since I grew up with it when I was young and some of Jim Henson's stuff to. But enough about what I like, what movies do you like?

songbird83's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:28 AM
Well, I guess since I was born in the 80's, I'd have to say my favorite shows had to be from the 80's and 90's mostly. There's still some good stuff out now to.

But I'm wondering what your favorite sitcoms are? I really like Full house, blossom, fresh prince, saved by the bell, becker, cheers, married with children, and so many more.

I guess it's a way for me to get to know some people on here, so write in and let me know.

songbird83's photo
Sat 08/01/09 01:21 AM
Well, I guess I do have to say I'm glad I'm blind because then I don't have to judge people for what they look like. I can only judge them for how they treat me and how they treat others. I don't believe in judging by looks, just by personality. I asked myself when I was younger, if I were sighted, would I judge by looks, and it's hard to say. I did grow up having some sight, but never enough to judge someone, so I just don't agree in judging by looks, but since we live in a sighted world that's just how it's going to be which is sad in my oppinion. Anyway, it's just hard to find nice people to talk with and someone who would respect you in the first place anyway. Either people are afraid to approach you and talk and get to know you, or their just jerks and don't give you the time of day. I'm not talking men, women to sometimes. Not in a dating sense either, since I'm not dating women lol. But anyway, I just wanted to get my point out there. I'm willing to talk to anyone, as long as their nice to me and as long as we can share things and have a nice conversation and see if we have anything in common and go from there. So I guess that's what I have to say on the topic.

songbird83's photo
Sat 08/01/09 12:58 AM
Ok I'll do that, thanks. If I can get another picture, or to get someone to take another picture of me, then I'll do that to. Thanks for letting me know.

songbird83's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:57 PM
Well I did listen to the game tonight and I was very surprised we won. yes it was without Fransisco and Victor and Doerosa, sorry about the spelling. But the key is we did it! I'm going to go to an indians game I hope sometime next week or the week after if they're still in Cleveland and not on the road. But I'm coming to see my family from Minnesota, and guess the twins are gonna follow me to Ohio but I don't root for them lol. But yeah, I was mad about all the trading to, but after seeing them win, I wonder if they've still got some guts left in them after all? Guess we'll have to wait and see.

songbird83's photo
Fri 07/31/09 11:50 PM
Hey all,
I was just wondering what people thought of my profile? I don't get many responses from people, so I was just wondering if I did something wrong or wrote something that I probably shouldn't have. I just try to be honest in it, and I guess if people don't appreciate that, then I don't know what to say. But I'm just curious is to if I can get a good honest answer on my profile. I'd appreciate any advice or comments. Thanks much.

songbird83's photo
Thu 12/04/08 10:48 PM
Hello there. i know what it's like to not be able to sleep. For the last week or so I've only been getting like 2 or 3 hours or sleep, 4 at the most, then I wake up and stay awake for a while, then I go back to sleep again. I wonder if it's because I have this huge queen bed to myself, and htis apartment I live in is freezing? lol. So I dunno, hopefully I'll get on a more regular sleeping schedule sooner or later. But there's really nothing like going to sleep next to someone you really love or care about and saying goodnight to each other and seeing them when you first wake up in the morning. I really miss those kinds of things. But anyway, I guess I should "Try" and get some sleep now since I've gotta be up early in the morning. So talk to everyone later.

songbird83's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:15 PM
Oh wow that was beautiful. Keep up the excelent work! I'm sure whoever you're with loves that as much as some of us did.

songbird83's photo
Fri 01/11/08 11:12 PM
Hello there,
I have a quick question. I had another account on here that I use to use. But someone must've hacked into it and changed some of my information, and I can't get my password back to delete the account because it said it didn't recognize the e-mail. I don't know how this happened because I didn't give my password or user name to anyone, but now that I've created this new account, I want to get the other one gone. Or I could get the other account back, I jjust don't remember the password, or are accounts not deleted? Will someone let me know what to do?