Edited by
Mon 07/19/10 03:10 PM
Not me, the only interventions i ever received were from family or friends. They have always been my pipeline to life. They make me happy and they are there when I am depressed. When I attempted suicide, my mother was there to help me back.
My mom, sisters and best friend have always been there for me. If God had something to do with it, so be it, but at this point in time I have no proof one way or the other. I was hit by a car when I was 7, my moms priest told her to pull the plug and let me go...I woke up from my 3 month coma, 3 days later. My sheer stubbornness pushed me to wake up. No way a dr was telling my mom i was gonna die. I know some may say that it was god's will that i lived, but I know it was me. I pushed me to wake up. |
Edited by
Mon 07/12/10 02:07 AM
this whole debate is not really a debate, neither side is willing to give an inch.
I have decided that I don't know if there is or isn't a god, I know that I am alive and like being alive, i really don't care how it happened. I also know that I am a good person and i do not need some deity or religion telling me how to have morals or how to live a good life, I have figured out how to do that all on my own. Since no one has any way to prove or disprove the existance of a deity, be it christian, greek, japanese, norse or whatever deity you worship, this is an arguement that can not be won. I believe in my planet and the fact that I am alive. That is enough for me. I did ask once "What if, after you die, you find out that God or whichever deity it could be, is not the god you worship?" For instance what if you die and find out that Zeus is the actual god in charge? With all the religions out there one of them might be right...but which one? They all started with a story... |
this is sad
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) approximately 3.5 million deaths each year are attributable to diarrhea. 80% of those deaths occur in children under the age of 5 years. Children are more susceptible to the complications of diarrhea because a smaller amount of fluid loss leads to dehydration, compared to adults. 80%=2.8 million. Lack of clean water and sanitation. ummm I might be off my rocker but... wth does that have to do with a kid shooting his brother? |
If God were standing right in front of people..theyd lock him up in a looney bin and say he wasn't God.
Are you religious? Why?
I am not a true atheist but i also am not religious.
There are reasons for why I am not religious, I just don't want to discuss them. I am like freeonthree, I don't do anything on faith alone. |
He doesn't need to, he just needs to understand that it calls for liberty and justice for all. I have never said the pledge of allegiance...ever. I don't agree with it and since it says under God and I do not believe in God, I felt that to say the pledge would make me a hypocrite.
I'm proud of him for being able to see something like that and take a stand. I'd have been proud of him for taking a stand on his religion if that had been the case. Any time a child tries to satnd up for something, people are right there to say "well they don't understand...". Maybe children understand more than adults give them credit for. |
I grew up with a very strong sense of self and I only had one parent. My mother never married nor does she intend to. She is religious and as far as she is concerned, her happiness comes first. She raised the 3 of us very well on her own.
My youngest sister had her real father and her step father and turned out worse than my other sister and i did growing up with only our mother. Sense of self comes from family and upbringing not from making sure there is a father/mother pairing. It is HOW you are raised, not WHO you are raised by. |
I always try to remain open minded to everyone. I believe everyone deserves a chance. I like to get to know a person for who they are not for what they are. Many of my heterosexual, some of them religious, have supported me every step of the way when I came out. I was absolutely miserable as a closeted homosexual.
I have gotten to know a great deal of beautiful people and I have had to deal with my fair share of jerks. Throughout it all I have tried to be open minded and fair. To me loving someone of the same gender as me feels natural and right. When I tried to pretend that I didn't I was disgusted with myself and felt guilty all the time. Probly do to the fact that i was dating a girl that I didn't love at all. Some people can live with those feelings and don't mind using someone to hide their sexuality but I am all about honesty and will NOT lie for anything. |
I am all for civil unions, as long as they give ALL the same benefits as marriage itself. From what I have read, civil unions do not grant all the same rights.
AIDS is not a special disease set aside just for gay people. It doesn't play favorites, anyone can get AIDS. I don't know about all gay people, but where I put my thingie is not on the top of my list when I look for a boyfriend. Sex is just a bonus, it's not a requirement. Besides there are all kinds of things gays can do sexually. |
This topic, as always, is silly. No one is going to win this debate.
I am gay, I am not ashamed of it. I dated women for several years to try and hide it but it always came back to being attracted to men. I will NOT lie, I will NOT decieve someone, just to be in a heterosexual relationship with someone I would never actually love. It's not fair to me or the woman who will eventually realize that I don't love her. You can say whatever you like about homosexuality as I really don't care what most people think of it. It's a debate that will never be won nor will it ever end. I know people that are "straight" and they have told me flat out that they are still attracted to someone of the same sex. You can be gay and in a heterosexual relationship. Doesn't change the fact that you are attracted to someone of the same sex. You can argue it all you want, but if you are not in the shoes of the gay person in a straight relationship, you can't possible know what they are feeling. |
what is life all about?
I have learned that our time is fleeting as far as the universe goes, so enjoy it while you can.
Life is very important so don't waste what you get. family and friends are also important as they will help you get through many ordeals in life. (Using you in a general sense not any specific person) |
I didn't know anything about it for almost a week. I don't watch tv and I had to work that night so i was in bed sleeping.
I loved the sword of truth series, I haven't quite finished it yet as i am in the middle of the the wheel of time series lol. I'm gonna get back to it asap though.
I rarely rent movies anyways, usually go see them in theaters or wait for it to show up on my 360 then rent it.
It is sad to see alot of these places going out of business though. |
Where there is good there will be evil.
Take down al-qaida and someone will take their place, there will always be people that resent or hate the usa. While I do agree that something needs to be done, war obviously isn't doing it. We have been at war for 20+ years for various reasons, and yet terrorism is becoming a bigger problem rather than smaller. There must be another solution to the problem. |
Absent Parent
My real father has never had anything to do with me, my mom and stepdad raised me. No phone calls, no visits, not even a question through someone else. My mom told me how she became pregnant wth me, and my father knew about me, but she never knew how to tell me he wasnt interested. She never bad-mouthed him, she let me decide for myself how I felt about him. I am 33 going on 34 and have never seen my father.
My Dad passed away recently and as far as I am concerned he was my father. "Any man can be a father, it takes a real man to be a dad" Wise words I heard from my meme many years ago and tehy have stuck with me to this day. I wish you the best of luck and hope it doesn't turn out the way my "father" did. |
Please Be Fruitful
Me thinks with 6 billion people on the planet already...we need to stop being so "fruitful"...
Good luck with your garden :) |
Bad Behavior
My problem with ADHD tests is that it seems that all kids have it...when a good portion of them have a disease called B.A.C., Being A Child. They have energy, they have attention spans of a flea, but that is what being a child is. I imagine if we had been tested for adhd as children we all would have been diagnosed and drugged for it.
I actually feel bad for parents with children that really do have adhd, but how many of the kids that are drugged for it actually have it? I know in my town there seems to be a large number of kids with'd figure if that many kids had adhd some medical association would investigate... |
Bad Behavior
Edited by
Thu 04/29/10 09:03 PM
yeah, alright in keeping with the theme here..just smack em, that's a great idea, always works. spanking me worked, i got the idea, and i was only spanked 4 times ever. As has been pointed out, be consistent that includes making sure the grandparents are following through with punishments. ok, that's nice..not going into the spanking debate with ya'll again. I don't care..hit your kids, their yours ..none of my business spanking should not be used as the only punishment, it should always be a last resort, but what do you use on a child that doesnt care? My mom did the groundation, she took things away, she tried time outs...when all that failed what was she supposed to do? call the cops and have me arrested? I do not condone hitting kids, if you use it for the only form of punishment, but every kid is different and responds differently to punishments. Mom never hit my youngest sister, she didn't want to use that as a punishment. Now my sister walks all over my mom, swears at her, hits her, throws things, and in general has a bad attitude, but I guess thats ok as long as she never got spanked...groundation didn't work, she would just walk out anyways, time-outs didnt work as mom spent more time trying to keep her in time out than the time out actually was, Usually about an hour for 5 minutes. Take things away didnt work as my sister would just take it back. Mom refused to spank her cuz dss told her she couldnt and then mom was done. She couldn't do anything to punish her and now we have the results of it. Do I feel spanking should be used? No Do I feel it can be a good punishment if used correctly? Yes BUT it should never be the only punishment and it shouldn't be used frequently. As I said I was only spanked 4 times in my entire life, I learned that as soon as Mom used my middle name I was in trouble if I didn't stop. How do you punish a child that doesn't care? P.S I agree you lady, I just try to see it from my own upbringing compared to my sisters and how we are vastly different people. |
Bad Behavior
yeah, alright in keeping with the theme here..just smack em, that's a great idea, always works. spanking me worked, i got the idea, and i was only spanked 4 times ever. As has been pointed out, be consistent that includes making sure the grandparents are following through with punishments. |